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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I should have addressed this at the beginning You may have an incorrect idea about this utility Evernote Helper is used to - type a quick note - clip the full screen - clip a section of the screen - record audio
  2. I wrote about Applescript basics at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112316-scripting-on-a-mac-applescript/ The basic command is tell application "Evernote" to set reminder time of theNote to missing value but we have to go through some hoops to identify theNote Here's the basic script Evernote_Reminders.scpt Download to your Mac and open 1. This is all Evernote API We use the Applescript utility to pass commands to Evernote tell application "Evernote" 2 Get all the selected notes set selectedNotes to get selection 3. Pass through each note repeat with theNote in selectedNotes 4. Remove the reminder date set reminder time of theNote to missing value end repeat end tell
  3. Remove the space after intitle:
  4. The search syntax is week tag:Data tag:Personal Search syntax is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  5. You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the too left corner of the discussion In the meantime, use an editor that supports equations The document can be stored in Evernote as a note attachment
  6. Yes, that's the way it works btw The software is the same for all accounts It's when uou login that your account level is identified
  7. The master version of our notes is stored on the Evernote server (except for Local Notebooks and unsync'd notes) The data is not impacted by removing/installing on devices
  8. On a Mac, Evernote stores note content and attachments (images, pdfs, ...), snippets, thumbnails in native format; a folder for each note These folders are located within your user home space, so not "readily accessible" For added security you can turn on filevault
  9. You might try deleting the Evernote app and reinstalling (not migrating) >>I cant determine how to file an online support "ticket" with Evernote. Can't find any place of the "Submit a request" page to actually send them something! Twitter @evernotehelps
  10. These requests are better addressed when posted individually In fact, there are existing requests which you can search for and indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  11. The discussion has been moved to the beta forum
  12. To clarify Offline notebooks: The master version of notes is maintained on the Evernote servers A copy of the notes is loaded to the the device for offline access An option on mobile clients. No option on the desktop clients - all notebooks are offline Local notebooks: Also offline but notes are not uploaded to the Evernote servers - the notes exist only on the specified device An option on desktop clients
  13. Merged with an ongoing discussion To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  14. Yes, create your free account and import the exported notes. On my Mac the default is a non-sync'd notebook (local) >>for use on a small SSD Is this significant? The notes are still stored on your SSD
  15. No "progress" There's a feature request linked below. To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. Currently 67 votes
  16. I use scripting on a Mac (Applescript) Copy/Paste also works >>what do you mean by processing Budget/expense reports - summarize by budget category - graphs/charts Task reports - Tasks listed in a gantt timeline view >>how do you get any of the changes/notes made to the spreadsheet back into Evernote? It's a one way transfer, although the spreadsheets can be stored as note attachments
  17. As I mentioned above, Evernote dropped the folder methodology There's no filing cabinet, drawers, folders; just a flat collection of notes Evernote's organizational structure is based on the notebook/tag fields Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees >>I don't find it to be a limitation that a note can only go into one notebook I find it to be a serious limitation, which is why I use minimal notebooks and focus on tags We can restrict ourselves to a single tag per note >>Therefore, I use other services for tables (Google Sheets), editing documents (Google Docs) and ink (GoodNotes), then link or import those files into Evernote for storage/reference. In addition, I find Evernote's note list limiting; we can only filter and sort I export the note list to a spreadsheet for better processing options; for example budget/expense and task reports
  18. The Evernote password and device security provide a level of security, and is sufficient for most of my documents I have a few documents that I believe require encryption >>How does search work with encrypted notes? I use sufficient keywords in the title to ensure the search feature functions >>Have you ever forgotten or mistyped an encryption key? I use an automated process with scripting on a Mac
  19. Personally, I encrypt my "private notes" An Evernote feature would be nice, but I'm not going to let that stop me
  20. Using the html export feature; I maintain daily incremental backups (my personal Note History) as well as a weekly full backup Also TimeMachine backups (Mac); incremental backups of the database folders
  21. You should know that you're posting in a forum set up and paid for by "EN's management team" to solicit user feedback The request has been noted and prioritized
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