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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. That could save time; currently we create the note title separately >>And here we are now 6 years since the first post This request hasn't received much interest To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The request currently has 15 votes
  2. I also like a local copy of my data - Evernote/Mac stores a full Data copy locally The notes are "transportable" to html format; readable by any web browser app - I execute a weekly full export as part of my backups >>markdown or hypertext software tool I'm not a markdown fan; I prefer html disclaimer - I use wysiwyg editors and rarely work with the raw formats
  3. On my Mac - Evernote's format for notes is enml; basically html Attachments are stored in native format - Metadata is maintained in an SQLite database As backup, I maintain an export in html format - readable by any web browser app
  4. Did you reinstall from the App Store?
  5. Not seeing any interest by Evernote for their note editors aside from heading styles I use third party Evertool to implement format styles I merged your post with an ongoing discussion for this feature
  6. I view my notes in descending modification date sequence Recently edited notes are easily identified at the top of the list fwiw We've been told a view/edit switch will be available with the new editors (no date)
  7. Tags are Evernote's primary organization tool Text search is supplemental but more focussed with intitle: searches Various platforms support a tag filter list Simply check the tags to be included
  8. Thanks for sharing the script I also use Mac scripts for recurring reminders I'm not sure about the impact of running every minute on my antique Mac Mini Instead, I run my script when required to mark reminders as complete - handles simple reminders and recurring reminders - includes a "repeat ?" tag for recurrences that can't be computed - appends a "Completed - date/time" line to the note contents A benefit of running on-demand, is it allows for a dialog on completion date/time, and new reminder date/time I realize this restricts the use to a Mac computer >>When it detects a note with a repeat tag and a completed reminder, it automatically resets the reminder time to the date specified. I see you're using search tag:repeat* reminderDoneTime:* I use a similar search to ensure recurring reminders are reset >>run via cron I use the periodic trigger feature in Keyboard Maestro
  9. All users have access to Evernote Support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  10. Should be do-able for the web platform With the other platforms, each use is editing their own copy of a note
  11. Evernote has support for encryption of specific text within a note I also make use of encrypted attachments; pdfs, office/iWork documents
  12. We can certainly share our notes with non-evernote users (public browser urls) however an Evernote account is required for anyone posting "notes, voice recordings, links, etc" afaik The only work-around is for these users to mail to your Evernote address
  13. We have the "all notes" option in IOS, as well as specific notebooks As per @gazumped, I have an "offline notebook" for specific notes
  14. About that "replace the original note" Importing a .enex file does not replace the original note - it creates a new note; losing Note-Id and Notebook
  15. This is a script to export to .enex format There is no .html option, and no conversion to "Docs"
  16. No All notes have a url address, however they're not accessible for crawling
  17. No There are three types of links - Classic (in-app) - Private Browser - Public Browser (Share) Currently, Browser links can not function as in-app links Previously, there was a browser cookie that would alter Private Browser links to in-app, but we lost that with recent web upgrades There's a request posted at To indicate your support, use the voting button at the top left corner of the discussion
  18. "as is - in perpetuity" There is no update It's actually an Evernote feature The web page html is downloaded, along with any images
  19. created:day -created:day+1 Use negation to exclude items from the search Search is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  20. As I showed above, the note metadata is not lost when exporting notes I was hoping someone had ideas for converting the metadata to useable information I can tell you the utility I plan to use for this is Keyboard Maestro I haven't followed up on this (I'm waiting for the Evernote Apocalypse) My idea is to use the KM utility to - monitor the folder for new files - extract the note metadata - update the file information; date created, tags, ...
  21. That would be my opinion; the forum is designed to discuss the Evernote product/service We should stay on topic
  22. Like this (screenshot from my Mac) Evernote/Mac also supports Tabbed Note Lists - we can have multiple note lists open edit; Discussion moved to the Windows forum
  23. What's your criteria for notes being processed? My idea was to select the notes (one or multiple) and use the code set theNotes to get selection repeat with theNote in theNotes >>And when I exported the note I had had selected into .html, Finder still reads it as a file that was birthed a few minutes ago I have no solution to that issue My scripting is used to append metadata to the note contents
  24. We added a repeat loop, but I forgot the end repeat Add "end repeat" before the "end tell" >>«script» doesn’t understand the “FormatDate” message. I didn't like the default date formatting so I created my own handler on FormatDate(testDate) if testDate is not missing value then set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min, seconds:sec} to testDate set d to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text)) set m to m as integer set m to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text)) set y to y as text set h to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & h as text)) set min to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & min as text)) set sec to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & sec as text)) set returnDate to y & "-" & m & "-" & d & "-" & h & ":" & min else set returnDate to testDate end if return returnDate end FormatDate
  25. You're doing quite well to get things running I missed a few details; I updated the above script #1 Identify the notes being processed set theNotes to get selection repeat with theNote in theNotes #2 Identify elements from the note set theTitleHTML to title of theNote as string set thedate to modification date of theNote set theLink to note link of theNote set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/" set parsedList to text items of theLink set noteUID to item 7 of parsedList
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