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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @jon.r.roseThanks for your note. The problem with focusing on a relatively small matter to discuss is that you generate very focused answers. I think your bigger point is very helpful. It is difficult to know how much attention is being given to these detailed matters. Neither do we know if it is proving to be more intractable than we might imagine. Because we know nothing. All we can say is that things do seem to take time before they arrive. Would we like a running commentary on the status of fixes? Probably. Are we going to get it? Almost certainly not and I've concluded that it will achieve nothing for me to vent so I try, as best as I can, to be helpful and gentle. (And, yes, I fail...)
  2. Note History is a feature of all paid subscriptions but the necessary history is also captured in the Free version. The standard advice is to upgrade for a month and get access to the note history. It costs little more than a cup of coffee from your favourite shop.
  3. The drag and drop process remains broken on Windows. This is known and acknowledged. It has, I believe, been fixed for MacOS. We await a fix. Until then the easiest option is to drag to the desktop and then drag from there into Email.
  4. I think you are wrong in this assertion although I agree that there is no dedicated area labelled 'Preferences' or 'Options'. Even so, I can see lots of options to adjust how features can be changed to suit my personal preference. I infer, therefore, that what you are saying is that there are no preferences for the things that you require. This may well be the case but as has already been suggested, please speak for your own experience and, perhaps, point out what you need. To be clear I don't run Evernote on a tablet device but on an ANdroid phone and Windows desktop.
  5. Who are you asking? Which issue?
  6. Sorry, on this occasion EN meant Evernote. Which version of Evernote are you using?
  7. Yes, but you will discover that Evernote v10 doesn't start minimised - even with the option selected. @ppmartin You are correct. However you should still be able to drag and drop a shortcut for the Evernote app from the start menu into the startup folder. Described in the second part of this article. Works with Win 11 too. https://www.howtogeek.com/364263/how-to-open-windows-store-apps-on-startup-in-windows-10/
  8. Except that this isn't a universal experience. EN v10 works absolutely fine for me on my OnePlus 8 with Android 11. It does everything I could ask for and is far more reliable than the old version. I know that this isn't the experience for everyone but it is OK for many.
  9. I don't think that's possible. Calendar is a one way link from Google to Evernote and tasks aren't connected to calendar.
  10. The reason to undertake the process notebook by notebook is because it is the only way to retain the individual notebook structures. If you are content to simply import ALL the notes into a single notebook then you could use the Legacy application and export all your notes to a single enex file and then import that into the merged account but you would lose the individual notebooks. I'm assuming you have two standard accounts - one you call 'personal' and the other you call 'business'. I would go notebook by notebook and do it as I needed each one. If you are currently paying for both accounts you could allow the account you intend to close to move to the free service level when the subscription expires. You would not need to retain the paid account. No data would be lost but new notes would be restricted to the free level limits. Just take it steadily rather than attempt everything all at once. You could, perhaps, do each set of notebooks in a stack at a time but still give yourself plenty of time to move everything as you need them.
  11. As long as you don't hold your breath while you wait...😉
  12. I think that is spot on. There is not evidence that this has ever been on the agenda. I think it could be useful but there are still a good number of existing issues to be resolved. I'm not expecting Outlining in my lifetime.
  13. Google was an easy win to start with. The next on the list seems to be Outlook from what I hear. I would imagine that Apple calendar will get a highish priority too. I don't see CalDav getting attention but it is possible I suppose. I think the more likely route would be to share a CalDav calendar with a Google/Outlook/Apple account and connect that to Evernote. Given that the calendar connection to Evernote is one way, read-only, that's probably good enough at the moment.
  14. I typically have Evernote running four different instances. One on my Android phone, one an Android tablet but using the web browser, two on my desktop - v10 and Legacy. So far I haven't had any note duplication ever. But I never have the same note open on more than one device. I tend to go to the Home screen on the mobile devices when I'm not working on them. v10 on my desktop is my default working environment and Legacy is sitting for one of a couple things which still work better for me in that application.
  15. Be sure to request a refund on the plan that you no longer require. If you only need Plus at the lower price then be sure to request the refund on Personal. Once the Plus plan has gone there is no way back and that lower price plan cannot be recovered.
  16. And I suspect that the absence in Windows is one of the reasons it is missing in v10. The parity of features is one of the key aims of v10. Import folders were originally going to be deprecated since they were a Windows only feature. So generate enough support and perhaps tabs will arrive/return.
  17. %LocalData%\Programs\Evernote contains program files so not very useful for backup. The %AppData% directory may not hold a copy of everything. Evernote 10 relies on the cloud for is complete database.
  18. If you want Evernote staff to hear your ideas then you need to use a story ticket or the feedback option in the applications. We are just fellow users so no influence or response. It is true, though, that EN v10 did demand changed workflows. I decided If make it work for me and within a week or two I became settled with the changes. Note I don't remember the workflows I used with the old Evernote. If you need specific things and Legacy still provides them then you've got time to make a plan for the future. If that demands tabbed working then unless you can wait and see if it comes, you need to be making a plan for an alternative.
  19. Thanks @TB_Piano++ The Open option simply opens the image or whatever in a new application. A quicker route is probably to drag the the item to the desktop and then from there into Word etc. I have a ticket open but with no result.
  20. I use AxCrypt to handle this. The note content is entirely encrypted outside Evernote and then it doesn't matter if the note is encrypted or note.
  21. Apart from a brief issue with v10.24 for Android, I've not experienced any problems sharing a web page from a browser to Evernote on Android. I'm currently on v10.27 So, although not doubting the experience of others, it is also clear that this isn't a bug in the sense of an issue which can be demonstrated on all devices. So finding a fix looks likely to take some time since the combination of factors contributing will be difficult to identify.
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