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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Some progress on fixing the payments issue in India has been announced in the last few days. However, I don't expect that any effort will be made to enable Russian subscribers to renew when the time comes. Government sanctions mean that it is not, currently, to the advantage of companies to trade in or with Russia. Banking sanctions also apply. Sorry. That's just the way it is. Once sanctions are eased it may be possible to renew. About the only option I can think of is for a friend outside Russia to handle the renewal for you.
  2. Can you scan successfully via WiFi to, say, the desktop?
  3. For me, Firefox just downloads the pdf to my PC. Chrome opens its internal PDF viewer. I'm not able to clip the PDF in either situation. Neither would I expect to. I think that there are settings inside the browser which adjust how the PDF is displayed. Perhaps that is the clue...
  4. OK. As a temporary experiment, switch to an English keyboard and see how the shortcuts work then. I'd change keyboard and reboot the PC. Check how the shortcuts work in Evernote. I suspect all will be well. Then reverse the process so you go back to your German layout. You may need to change the keystrokes allocated to the shortcuts so that they don't conflict with the default Ger mean keys.
  5. You are welcome to post feedback here. What @PinkElephant is suggesting is that you feedback directly to the developers rather than leave an idea in the forums where it may not be seen other than by fellow users.
  6. @mczin What is your keyboard language for Windows? This feels like a language conflict which has been reported for some languages in the past. I think Polish had some issues, for example.
  7. Just noting that from your description here you have four devices connected to your account or at least have attempted to connect on four devices. It isn't always understood that a device is not a physical item but each browser counts as one device. So if I access Evernote via Fiorefox, Chrome and Edge as well as the Evernote desktop application on my PC that counts as four devices.
  8. Perhaps share the version numbers for Firefox and the Web Clipper. Also the URL of a web page where you experience this issue.
  9. Please describe the steps needed to reproduce this issue. Also describe what you are trying to achieve.
  10. v10.34 just released has a fix for search in Trash. Speedy response for this I think you stil have to open Trash first.
  11. I presume that works on a Mac. The Windows desktop not so. I searched for a word that I could see in a note in Trash having pre-seoected the Trash folder. It returned one note from an entirely different notebook ie nothing from Trash.
  12. The fact that this request was acknowledged by Evernote in post 19 of this thread but the option hasn't arrived indicates that it isn't a high priority. For now, at least, there are many more fundamental issues to resolve. It might assist, in the future, should markdown get some attention to identify which version of markdown is most wanted. I doubt multiple syntaxes will be supported. I'm looking forward to hear how @Trebor68 has got on trying the elementary markdown that already exists in Evernote v10.
  13. In Windows at least placing a back tick character before and after some text and pressing space or enter will convert that into a code block as inline code. But it doesn't work across a paragraph break and quite possibly there are other limitations. But at least a single block of text could be converted after the event with the single back ticks. Likewise three back ticks typed before any text starts a code block.
  14. As noted, the Android app for Amazon is hopelessly out of date. The web browser version will run if the browser is in desktop mode. Web browser isn't designed for mobile. Maybe it should be but it isn't
  15. KFMAWI is the Amazon code for your device - pasted in the logs you supplied Forum security is very ;imited. The whole world can see your details. They just can't post in the forums without logging in. I'd definitely recommend editing the post.
  16. Is it the Windows PC that hasn't synchronised? If so that's the one to rebuild the data on.
  17. These sync issues are often related to a corruption in the local data. Normally the usual way of resolving is to rebuild the data. File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data from this device However, that is not likely to be the way forward immediately. That would, most likely lose all the notes you've created. So I think I would attempt to export the notes created since January. If you have more than 50 such notes then move them all into a new notebook and export the notebook. Then rebuild the data as described. If the new notes are still present then great otherwise reimport the exported notebook and then move the notes backs to their intended locations. You should be able to check that the sync has worked after a few minutes. You could also use the Troubleshooting option of Ctrl+Shift+R to force a data reload. Even so, I'd try to make an export of the data that might otherwise be lost.
  18. Hi @Scott Widmann Thanks for your log stuff. Remember that these forums aren't secure so you should probably go back and edit your post and remove all references to your Email address, usernames and phone numbers - unless you are happy to have that scraped off by scammers et al. Now to your question, I don't share your experience. The Amazon Silk browser opens evernote.com just fine. But it can, I think, depend on the screen size. Certainly I cannot open the web browser version of Evernote on my phone - at least not by default. There is a setting I can tweak in a bookmark to force it to open the desktop version and that works just fine on my phone. I have a Kindle Fire 10 HD (9th edition) which I think is what you are using KFMAWI. I use the Amazon Silk browser and access the web version of Evernote just fine. Click the menu button in the browser and choose Desktop site and see what happens although that wasn't necessary for me.
  19. You don't say which version of Evernote you are trying to install nor from where. The Evernote for Kindle Fire is unique to the Amazon app store. The Amazon store version installs on my Fire device and runs well enough but it is an old version of Evernote since the Fire devices are generally Android 9 or earlier. I did install the Google Play Store on Fire and still I can only install the old versions of Evernote. I found that it was best to run Evernote in the browser.
  20. On my Android device, I can click on a Word document and the Word app for Android opens. However, the document doesn't display inside the Word app. I have to download the document and then open from the device storage.
  21. WE're not really the place to come for advice on which laptop to purchase. The previous contributions are very helpful in knowing how Evernote will run but casino games is outwith our experience
  22. Here's a solution that might work. DuckDuckGo provides a mail forwarding process that removes Email trackers. You could sign up for an an address that points to your Evernote Email address. Then instead of forwarding to Evernote send it to DDG and it will automagically forward to Evernote having stripped the mail trackers. The Email that arrives will confirm if and how many trackers have been removed. https://duckduckgo.com/email/
  23. @Chris Darby Thank you for your careful and thoughtful exploration of offline note access. I, too, have, in the past, found that older note content was not available when I was offline. However, that was experience based on the very earliest Evernote v10 releases. As I recall, I found the issue was resolved when I tagged notes for a business trip to identify those needed eg: egypt_apr_2022 Viewing the notes before the trip started seemed to ensure that they were subsequently viewable when offline. Certainly adding the tag achieved that. But that only fixed things for that collection of notes. I just followed your example but with less diligence and only on my live Evernote data. Having disconnected from the Internet after closing Evernote I then reopened v10.33.5 (running on Windows 11). I sorted the notes so that I could immedialtely go the oldest in my collection. Every single note was available to me offline. No content was missing. This included notes that had not been subject to my tagging scheme. So, from my perspective, something has changed and improved over the last 18 months. I appreciate that your experience is different but I think that also points to something that relates to your data, hardware, network or whatever. You could be correct that holding 30,000 notes may be something to do with it but I really couldn't say. It is just one of a number of potential areas to explore. I'm an inveterate tidier so once notes have no useful purpose they tend to go so my collection of notes is smaller than yours. I also shed a significant number of company related pieces of work when I retired and closed my consulting business last year. I'd probably persist in trying to work out what is happening for data if I was you. You might just find a less troublesome software solution. That said, moving 30,000 notes elsewhere might just create as a big a challenge - just different.
  24. You're correct that this is a feature that could be useful. Thanks for suggesting it although I think it has been mentioned a few times before.
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