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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I don't have this issue in quite this form. My bank blocks all attempts by me to clip pages although I can login - I guess that is intended by the bank. I would raise this as an issue with your Bank IT support. I suspect that their security settings are recognising the web clipper as being present and active and therefore you should be denied access out of an abundance of caution. I'm not sure that Evernote support could work out what is going on for the vast array of online banking services around the world.
  2. Thanks for this. If never seen this before. Probably because I didn't log in to this area. I can see that all my tickets are marked 'solved' whereas closed or abandoned might be appropriate for some
  3. I understand. I was wanting to check that this reporting and data gathering wasn't being done by an external service. I think your only way out of the service provider not capturing your use data would be to cancel the service. Chances are that any alternative cloud based notes app will do the same thing. The Evernote privacy policy clearly says that they capture the types of data reported to me today. https://evernote.com/privacy/policy I signed up to this so I know my options.
  4. Yes, I just received this as well. Looks like a new 'feature'. The data is all stuff that I'd expect to be available routinely.
  5. Ooh, that could be exciting. I've never seen anything like this.
  6. I've never seen such Emails. This is very curious. Of course the sort of data you describe are eminently collectable. What is the Email address that is sending you the report? Is there an unsubscribe option?
  7. Because it is broken and the issue is acknowledged but a solution hasn't been found... It did work once but then failed again. The only answer will be to keep raising it directly with Evernote support until a solution is found. It remains a Windows issue...
  8. You can't check. You either get told or you have to ask for the status...
  9. Well I'm sorry that I was incorrect but glad that the process provided an answer. I don't think that this particular directory uses significant amounts of space but it is good to know what needs to stay and what can go.
  10. Have you checked that the notes are actually missing or could they just be absent from the search results? In Evernote 10 choose to display all notes then sort in updated date order. Browse down to October and December 2021 and see if the 'missing' notes are present but just not being found in the search. Resolving a search problem will be different to recovering notes that have been deleted. You posted in the Android App area of the forums but your screen shots look like Mac desktop. Is that correct?
  11. What you don't know is where the issue arose... I regularly get times when SMS messages, in general, take tens of minutes to arrive. The issue isn't with the sender but with the SMS routing. It may well have been at Evernote but it could have been in several places along the way. As for being trusted with your critical data... I'd say that the system worked well. The 2FA process failed for you and Evernote's system decided to protect your data just in case something dodgy was going on. I would have said early on that the backup codes would be the way to go. Clearly too many attempts were made before you recalled that option. As @PinkElephant said, you may get better results with an authenticator app. They work regardless of having a phone signal or hiccups in the SMS system wherever they may be.
  12. As previously suggested, completely uninstall. Remove all directories that you want gone. Then reinstall and allow the data to be recreated from the Evernote servers. That's where the master copy is. A backup may not hold everything (it should but may not). If the folder is recreated then you know it is part of the v10 installation. Otherwise it is safely gone.
  13. The good news is that CCleaner is owned by Avast which has a pretty good track record and the problems apparently arose from external hacks of the program which were identified and dealt with. I'm still happy with CCleaner. https://techjury.net/reviews/is-ccleaner-safe/
  14. The problem with inferring from iOS what might exist on Android is that there is a problem when that very option doesn't exist in Android. The integrated reader on Android does not offer a search option. It probably should, but doesn't which is why the download workaround is all that is left
  15. I think your question is not actually y about the ability to search inside the PDF since that is a function of the PDF reader. I use FoxIt and can search inside a PDF without trouble. The challenge is, as I think you are saying, getting the PDF open in the viewer app in the first place. The only way I can do that is to use the download option rather than attempting to share. Once the PDF is downloaded it can be opened. This feels like a similar issue to what is being reported in a couple of other threads about difficulty opening Word and Excel attachments in their native apps. Again downloading send to be the way. It seems that the app opening process is not functioning.
  16. I'm not sure I've seen this reported by others. Is it a system generated error message or a message from Evernote itself? Share a screen grab if you aren't sure. Are you using the Legacy application or the new Evernote 10? This is a Legacy build thread. If you have Evernote 10 then you could try a data rebuild and see if it helps but that is a grab at straws.This could possibly be a corruption in the data. In the desktop app File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data from this device The sign back in and your data is rebuilt.
  17. I am 95% certain that this folder in My Documents is a hangover from the older version of Evernote. Some data could be left over from the Evernote 10 installation which disabled the Legacy version If I am correct you can safely delete it. The safest option would be to completely uninstall Evernote 10 using a program such as Revo Uninstaller. Reboot your PC for complete safety. If the Evernote folder in My Documents is still present then you can delete it and all its contents. You can also check that the legacy 'Evernote Data' folder has been cleaned out too. I can't tell you where that will be as it is configurable in Legacy so it could be almost anywhere. You'll have to search for 'Evernote Data' and see what appears. When you've completed the housekeeping you can reinstall Evernote 10.34 - get the installer from www.evernote.com if you don't already have it to hand. Once loaded login and the data will reload from the Evernote servers.
  18. You say you are using the latest version of the program. However, the data directory for Evernote 10 is not in My Documents. The folder you describe is typically linked to the older version of Evernote - now usually called 'Legacy'. Can you please confirm the version number of the program that you are using and we may be able to advise more definitely.
  19. Did Evernote support say anything when reported? There are others reporting a similar issue although, so far, I've never experienced this myself. If you haven't reported this then open a support ticket from the help menu in the Android app.
  20. Me neither. In my contribution I said that I agreed that this is an issue that needed to be resolved but that in the meantime here was my way of managing.
  21. I use KeepassXC. I store the master password file in Google Drive which makes it available on my Android devices and on my PC. All synchronised as I go along.
  22. You don't say how you are attempting this. I happily open spreadsheets stored in Google Drive and linked into Evernote. There was a thread a few days ago which described challenges opening attachments in Microsoft word. The issue described was connected to opening Word docs. I'd imagine you might expect there same with Excel. It seemed, for me to be an issue moving from the stored Evernote attachment and the M'soft app. The all would open but then the file not be found.
  23. My guess... The old computer was running the old version of Evernote and the now missing note was stored as a Local Note. This would account for no sync to a mobile device. Now the new computer has had Evernote 10 installed and as a result the old Local Note had disappeared. If I'm correct the missing note is on the old computer.
  24. I use the Thunderbird Email program. If I use the Evernote add-on for Thunderbird to forward Emails then the note has the same Title as the original Email subject. If, instead, I select Forward and enter the Evernote Email by hand then the message arrives containing the From/To/Reply-To/Subject in the body of the note. The note title is FWD: Original_Subject unless I remember to remove FWD prior to hitting send. If I am forwarding an Email sent to my Gmail account and use the Evernote-Gmail plugin inside Gmail then the resulting note has the tidiest resulting note laid out as you might require. My conclusion is that it depends entirely upon the Email program and the information it sends when you forward. Evernote just accepts what it receives.
  25. Yes it was. If you want it then keep on pressing the Evernote devs. Sadly, asking here is unlikely to have much effect since the devs are not very conspicuous. As others have said send direct feedback to Evernote from within the application.
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