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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. My Email program is Thunderbird. There is a dedicated add-on for Evernote which I use frequently. (It can also be configured to send Emails to One Note). It works without issue but if it did stop working I wouldn't discuss it in the forums since it is a third-party application.
  2. There is no method of achieving this officially. There has been an unofficial method. Search the forums for symlink or 'symbolic link'
  3. Probably not. Other than to observe that it would be almost impossible to know which text needed to be located where in the template. Imagine you had some text and wanted to apply, say, the calendar template. Which information goes into 1 January slot as opposed to the 14 March or whatever?
  4. I don't believe this is possible. Unlike the Android app which does support shortcuts and a few widgets. My guess is that there are some iOS limitations which make this more difficult to implement. Otherwise I can't imagine why iOS would not have these features.
  5. No. You need separate folders for each application. Using the same one will likely cause duplication of notes and/or conflicts. Either use v10 or Legacy. Whichever you use, the imported notes will appear in both applications within a short time.
  6. As you've discovered, the check list option strikes out when checked. Your most likely route is to use check boxes which are found in the + button menu or by typing [] Be sure to put a space before the box or when creating a list of will be converted to a check list which you don't want.
  7. Try the press in the title bar for the PDF. That should pop up a menu button which includes the option to Open the PDF.
  8. You don't say which version of Evernote you are using. Does this help article assist? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005837-How-to-use-the-Microsoft-Outlook-Clipper-add-in-to-save-emails-to-Evernote From the Evernote help resources: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997
  9. This is the same on the Android app for a pinned now in the Home widget. I think it is an artefact of no significance. It is a little annoying but once the sheet is open in Google Drive Evernote is irrelevant to editing etc. Report it in a ticket if you feel it needs attention but continue with confidence that the sheets are going to work just fine.
  10. Legacy is going. Not necessarily immediately, but it is not even receiving palliative care. One day it will just stop working and then it will be gone. If it breaks because of an OS update then you are likely to lose the local notes as well. The online notes will still be accessible in V10 but local could go overnight, without warning and not as a direct result of a decision by Evernote to stop the Legacy app.
  11. My experience is that if I attach a Word document using the Google Drive link (blue plus button) this will open inside Word when I tap to open from inside the Android app. Presumably this is because the attachment is not stored inside Evernote and tapping the file opens directly from Drive. But it would be a workable solution until the attachment issue is fixed.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion. If you want to be sure your idea reaches the folk at Evernote then use the Feedback option in the application. These forums are mostly users to user.
  13. In a separate thread there is a report that Evernote support had acknowledged the wider issue with opening attached files from inside the Android app and that it is under investigation.
  14. That will be the answer. Local notes aren't an option in v10. You should find an option to move local notes in v10 but the easiest option is to avoid the Legacy app and move the local notes to an online notebook. They will then sync into V10
  15. But the Evernote screen clipper is not working reliably on Windows 11. It is an OS issue introduced with the upgrade.
  16. Working fine here... 09/04/2022 16:03BST Are you on a paid subscription or free account? This error is common when Free level users find they have managed to connect more than two devices. A device = a browser. a desktop app or a mobile device. Open Evernote on, say, two different browsers and then try and connect a mobile device and you will exceed the two-device limit.
  17. To be honest a keyboard shortcut is the easiest way to go. But wait until you get Windows 11. The new OS breaks the screen clipper. At the moment the Evernote clipper fails in Win11. The Windows OS clipper intercepts the Evernote clipper.
  18. All the laws that came to us from the EU were automatically made part of UK law - actually of English & Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish laws So parliament has to specifically repeal this regulation. I don't see that happening for quite sometime. The protection is too well liked.
  19. A number of things can be changed in the sidebar already. If send feedback to Evernote through the application making a good case for additional options to be added. For me the v10 sidebar is pretty much identical to Legacy.
  20. And this is one of the challenges. One of the major strengths of Evernote is its search functions. If notebooks were locked and unsearchable then when you ask to locate a particular note it would not be available. If, instead, you want search to be accessible only when a particular notebook is unlocked then that would be a significant piece of work to implement. Feel free to suggest it. I can see the reason why you might want it. But don't expect an early answer
  21. Have you reported this to Evernote support? What did they say? If not submit a report from within the app.
  22. You haven't told us which websites you find are being affected. So far I haven't found any problems for me using the latest version of Firefox and the up to date version of the web clipper with any site other than my bank which prevents clipping (but allows log in). We'll have to agree to disagree on who is responsible. I'd say the organisations that change their security settings. You say Evernote. Since you feel it is Evernote, have you tried to alert the Web Clipper devs at Evernote so that they can be aware and take action? I find the web clipper development to be fairly good in terms of response. If this is a recent and growing issue it will take a few weeks to tweak and then roll out the updated add-ons for the various browsers but we can't expect anything if we don't report to the developers. Remember, these forums are user-to-user so we aren't Evernote.
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