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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I'm not aware of any method to open a note in its own window other than double clicking the note in the note snippet column or via the Note menu. So the only route to your desired end is to create the shortcut as you have described and then double click the snippet to open the separate window. If this is a function you need then I would suggest it via the usual channels although you'll need to work around for sometime I would imagine.
  2. Thanks for this clarification. Your initial post was more general in its description but this description is really helpful. Thanks.
  3. No. These forums are largely user-to-user. We know that staff do come around but we don't know how often and how much attention is given. Better to use the feedback option in the apps or submit a support ticket. One for each suggestion.
  4. The problem is due to new rules imposed by the Indian Reserve Bank.
  5. Contact Evernote support via support ticket on the web. You should confirm which version of the app you installed.
  6. What about trying this... It's a suggestion rather than a known solution. In the note click the Share button and turn on the sharing link. Copy and paste that link into a browser window. Now you're using your browser rather than Evernote. Test copy and paste and see if it works.
  7. Perhaps it could be that difficult. Few of us could say. I'm not sure that responding to a three year old post adds much. @gazumped has hit the nail on the head. If you need collapsible sections then Evernote isn't, currently, the tool that you need. Perhaps the Workflowy integration he suggests would work.
  8. My personal view is that offline notebooks don't work in Android. This is a function that still needs attention.
  9. As you surmise, this appears to be a bigger issue than just getting into Evernote. Because of this I am reluctant to delve into advising much more. If I lived near to you then I'd offer my professional services to resolve all this. But I'm probably not anywhere near to you so my advice would be to get a competent advisor to work alongside you or get someone to handle the PC rebuild for you if you aren't being successful. As for setting up a second Evernote account, you would be surprised at how easy it is to do that without realising. There are MANY cases reported in the forums where just that has been the cause of the type of issues you are reporting. I wish you well in your search for a peaceful online life EDIT: Here's another thought... You mentioned that your more general woes included not having internet options. Your problems might be caused by continued challenges. No Internet would mean no log-in to Evernote for example. Working with a friend recently I found that his Internet provider had a firewall running to protect customers from suspicious software. It wasn't very sophisticated and blocked quite a lot of stuff without his knowledge. We turned off the protection and suddenly everything came to life. You could have something like this in Windows, in an anti-virus package, in your router or at your ISP. Might be worth exploring.
  10. This all points to you having opened a second Evernote account at a Free level. That would prevent you raising a ticket. Check inside the account settings and see what subscription level you are working at.
  11. Thanks for the info. That removes the issue of you having been locked out because you're a Free user. It is remarkably easy to create a new account. If you're certain that you are using the correct credentials then you have two options. FFirs completely uninstall Evernote and reinstall. Be absolutely certain to remove all data and program directories. On Windows I recommend an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstall to clean out the rubbish. Then reinstall and try to login again. If that fails you should open a support ticket.
  12. The forum avatars subscription status are only visible to the user themselves. We can only see your contribution level in the forums.
  13. @BEHA This isn't possible in the mobile device applications. It is a desktop app feature. Sorry!
  14. Since v10 is a new piece of software with new code there isn't a bug to fix in relation to the issue you describe. There are other issues different users report but I've not experienced anything like this in v10. You may want to capture the apk for v8 and keep it to one side and then try out v10. If it works for you then nothing lost. Otherwise, with the v8 apk you can revert to the older version if v10 isn't to your liking.
  15. I use Windows so cannot, with authority, comment on the MacOS operation. I can offer some observations since the desktop apps work in the same software framework. 2. The insert date function for me, on Windows using Alt+Shift+D, inserts the date as dd MMM yyyy so for today I get 6 May 2022. I understand that Evernote picks up this format from the device system settings. I anticipate that one of our Mac users will be able to point you to the setting for this. In general, though, I have an external hot key programmer running so that I can tweak the format to something even more useful for me. You may find that a useful way forward. For Windows the program I use is Auto HotKey. Alt+Shift+; inserts 06/05/2022 12:03 3. Tabs are a sometimes requested feature. There's no sign of it arriving anytime soon. You could find a thread suggesting this and add your vote there. If you want Evernote to hear your suggestion then either a support ticket or suggest via the Feedback option in the application. Meanwhile I find that opening the notes in their own window works well enough. Double click a note and it opens in its own window so you can open multiple notesand move between them with tab key or the mouse.
  16. I'm not clear whether you are attempting to open the spreadsheet from the Home screen (which you cannot do) or from the now which should work. That said, I prefer to save spreadsheets in Google Drive and link then into a note through the Google Drive integration. That might work for you which you get this resolved.
  17. You're pretty clear that you only want help from Evernote support. These forums are user-to-user. To contact support staff you'll need to open a support ticket.
  18. The limitations for Free accounts has existed for sometime. If you don't wish to upgrade your account then you can wait until your month of restricted unsync devices. Assuming that you want to resolve the issue sooner, the cost of one month is a little more than buying a coffee at your local emporium. Be sure to cancel the new subscription level before it renews.
  19. You can tweak your advanced syntax searches. The information you need is at: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-Use-advanced-search-syntax
  20. I've had a similar issue since upgrading to Win 11. It is only very occasional but affects all applications - not just Evernote. Rebooting the PC is a fix as is patience until whatever is happening catches up. Until I can point a finger at the process that is causing the issue I wouldn't say it was Evernote related any more than another application or, indeed, Windows 11 itself. I will though, try stopping Evernote from running and see if that resolves things for other apps. Problem is that for me it is so infrequent that it will take a while
  21. Because Evernote v10 is a completely new product, the What's New flag was considered an important piece in the communication with users moving from the old version of the software to ensure a smooth transition. Clearly that isn't an issue for a new user but in general possibly a wise process. I don't see the new stuff flash much any more.
  22. Can you describe the steps to reproduce this. I'm not sure I understand how to do what you describe. Thanks.
  23. Sounds like a browser and website issue. For example I get a warning like this when I try to clip a page from my online banking. The back blocks web clipping as a security measure.
  24. I'm not sure you can easily achieve what you want unless those completing the form are also Evernote users. In that case you could share a note and, I think, your colleagues could then open and fill the PDF saving it back into the note. Of course you have to create the form in a manner that enables form filling and saving as a PDF. That said, I think it would be easier to complete the the form outside Evernote then have your colleague Email or to your Evernote address or just back to you an you forward it to your notebook or staff it into a note.
  25. No reason for it not to work. I'm running Evernote 10.36 on Win 11. The only Win 11 issue I'm aware of is with the Evernote screen clipper. The Windows clipper traps the Evernote clipper. An issue created by Microsoft.
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