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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This isn't an issue that is being reported widely - in fact not at all really. This feels like a networking issue. You could try not using the Google SSO. You'd have to recover your default username and regular password. https://www.evernote.com/secure/SecuritySettings.action I'm sure that you have tried emptying the Evernote stuff from your Firefox browser cache. Do you have an alternative browser to try?
  2. I think we've drifted from your question earlier. My answer to that was copy the data folder to that offline machine and try what you have described. In Legacy the directory to retain is C:\Users\YourWindowsUserName\Evernote\
  3. OK The principle is the same with the Legacy version of Evernote although the backup content is different. You should still experiment and see what happens. However what you describe is a slightly different scenario. Try using your account and then unplug from the Internet. Can you still access the data? Can you still export it as an ENEX file? If you can then you are good to go without any of the copying of data that I inferred from your initial question.
  4. I think you will find that you have to have a live Internet connection the first time you open the Evernote account on the disconnected machine. Try it and see. On Windows you would need to copy the %AppData%\Evernote directory on your live active Evernote account to the same place on the disconnected PC. If you try, please let us know how you get on.
  5. Thank you. Your English is much better than my Italian. But it is possible that the language differences may contribute to your challenges with support. I regret that I have no ability in Italian so cannot respond to your Italian questions. I tried to offer ways you can resolve the issues for yourself. However you feel that as you didn't create the problems that Support should handle the problem. That is not unreasonable but it means you will have to work with Support rather than fellow users.
  6. If you have an Android 9 device then you do not have the new version of Evernote which only works with Android 10 and above. Checklists with strikethrough isn't available on the older version of the Evernote Android app.
  7. I think you understand that the folk around here are almost all other users. So all we can do is empathise and share the insights that we have. I think you are going to have to persist with the support team - especially in relation to the new Personal account that has been opened for you when you followed the link supplied. You haven't supplied all the information that might assist but let me have a go... If you don't pay for an account it will expire and the account will switch to Free. You say you abandoned the account started in 2009. Did you continue to pay for the subscription? If not then this is already a Free plan subject to all the limitations of a Free plan in terms of monthly upload limits (60Mb) and note size (max 25Mb). Any notes that were created in the past will remain but the limits will be enforced on new notes AND edits you make to old notes. So, if you have an old note which is larger than 25Mb you will not be able to edit it. Once on Free you can view your old notes forever. To change the status of your plan this page might assist - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314118 You can change your personal name in the account at https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action You can change the Email address associated with an account yourself - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313338 You can swap Email addresses beetween accounts yourself - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004757 Closing a recently opened account which you do not require will require you to contact Evernote Support if you paid with a credit card direct to Evernote. If you paid via iTunes or Google Pay then you will need to work with these payment processors. I don't know a lot about Ital;ian banking but I would imagine that your rules are similar to the UK. If you cannot get your money back from Evernote (and I think this will be unusual) you do have the option to ask your credit card company for a refund. However, my experience is that Evernote support is generally helpful. If you give us your ticket number then one of our moderators can pass this back up for more attention
  8. You're correct, I don't have any significant performance issues with the EN 10 Android app. I don't think of my phone as being particularly 'flag ship'. FWIW it is a OnePlus 8 with 8gB RAM and around 60gB spare storage. It is running Android 12. The device has a Snapdragon 865 Octa-core processor. My guess is that each of these specs could contribute to speedy working. I've probably said before, but it remains worthwhile repeating, in following these performance challenges I see far more Samsung devices with the problem than anything else. But also worth noting that since Samsung has the biggest share of the Android phone market that isn't an entirely surprising result. I wish we could find a means to capture the data necessary to work out what is affecting some and not others.
  9. The Evernote API doesn't support Tasks (yet). Until it does I think it is unlikely that there will be an automated conversion to Tasks.
  10. Or conversely, why does it work for you? 🤔 I'm using Windows with Firefox. To be honest I wouldn't expect it to work and I'm not troubled that it doesn't. My guess is that I haven't got the Evernote site in a cache and, perhaps, you have. Whatever, In delighted that it works for you. Don't care that it doesn't for me. At least not until it is an advertised feature
  11. My colleague may have been a little short with you. However, it can become frustrating when folk jump on the back of other discussions and ask questions which go off on a tangent to the one proposed. Suffice to say that these forums are only other users helping one another. Occasionally Evernote staff do pop by but it is infrequent that they join in the conversation. By all means open a thread which discusses how bugs and feature requests are heard - perhaps in the General Feature Requests area. You are unlikely to get a response from Evernote but staff may notice it as they pass by. In that area other users will be able to add their vote to your idea if they want to support it.
  12. Just had a thought about @kirkinalamo's request... Enex files are just XML files with some Evernote specific XML tags I think it would be easy to create an ENEX using some form of mail merge process with the data plugged in. Since the ENEX file is a text document save each record as a unique ENEX and each could be imported... It might be possible to remove some of the XML to slightly simplify. Probably best to create a note which lis laid out as desired, export it as a ENEX and use that as a mail merge template. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE en-export SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/evernote-export4.dtd"> <en-export export-date="20220920T163453Z" application="Evernote" version="10.43.7"> <note> <title>INSERT PREFERRED TITLE</title> <created>20220529T105657Z</created> <updated>20220819T110332Z</updated> <tag>ADD A TAG BETWEEN - ONE FOR EACH TAGE TO BE USED</tag> <note-attributes> <author>AUTHOR'S NAME</author> </note-attributes> <content> <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"><en-note><div><br /></div><table width="376px" style="border-collapse:collapse;width:376px;"><colgroup><col style="width: 188px;" /><col style="width: 188px;" /> </colgroup> HTML CONTENT FROM HERE<div>Hi Tom,</div><div><br /></div><div>This a paragraph of text. Copy your template from Evernote ENEX</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div> </en-note> ]]> </content> </note> </en-export>
  13. Off-line note creation in web fails for me I enter Flight Mode and unplug the LAN cable from my computer having already opened the web browser version of EN. Click the New Note button and immediately get: Which is what I expected. No ability to create a new note if offline. Even so, I do like the positive options that do work when connected to the Internet.
  14. The apps aren't affected by the plan that you are on. You get the same app Free to Professional. The only issue would be if you were on an older version of Android in which case you would not be able to upgrade to version 10. What is different are the features that are available. If you only need the Plus things that you already have then there's is no need to upgrade.
  15. I always get polite replies that all intelligent questions although I always expect to be asked to go through the basics even if I have already done those things.
  16. The same in Android. I suspect the description on the App Store is incorrect.
  17. I presume though that you cannot open a new note if you are already offline.
  18. Must be different on a Mac to Windows. I just get a red underline but no options... EDIT: I take that back. I was right-clicking clumsily. Actually I think I probably expected that I could just point to the underlined word and the options would pop up. ------ Retiro lo dicho. Estaba haciendo clic con el botón derecho del ratón de forma torpe. En realidad, creo que probablemente esperaba poder señalar la palabra subrayada y que aparecieran las opciones.
  19. The spell check in Evernote is only basic. It will highlight words that appear to be incorrect but it does not give you suggestions. This is the way things work - not just MacOS but with Windows too. ----- El corrector ortográfico de Evernote es sólo básico. Resaltará las palabras que parezcan incorrectas, pero no le dará sugerencias. Así es como funcionan las cosas, no sólo en MacOS sino también en Windows. DeepL Translate - https://www.deepl.com
  20. Thanks @PinkElephant I just attempted similar and concur. Right-clicking highlighted text inside a table cell deselects the highlight. I'd never noticed because I'm an inveterate keyboard user so prefer keyboard shortcuts. The OP's workaround would be to highlight the text in the table cell and then type Ctrl+Shift+X (or whetever the encryption shortcut is if the OP has personalised the setting)
  21. If this is as you say then you are not facing the common reason for note duplication. I've never come across anyone getting duplicates when they only work with one device and application. I think I would be pressing the tech support people to try again. I suppose that there could be some local account corruption. It might be worthwhile trying a complete uninstall of the app then reinstall and try again. It certainly won't do any harm other than taking a few minutes. I would certainly try this as an early attempt to resolve a mysterious issue. I might also explore whether the note in question is part of a notebook that has been set to store locally. I could conceive of a situation where you edit an online version of a note which is then out of sync with the offline version. I've never heard of this happening but I suppose it might just be possible. Note duplications are invariably hiccups between the online and offline version.
  22. No Free subscribers are not able to open a support ticket. I think you may be limited to using Twitter @evernotehelps when you uninstalled did you use the default Windows Uninstaller? A standard uninstall leaves old data behind. We typically recommend you use Revo Uninstaller which clears everything out. Alternatively you can manually delete %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote after using the Windows Uninstaller.
  23. Actually, the OP has raised this question when v10 was first launched. @carlsoncreative has just reaffirmed that it is still missing. In desktop Legacy apps, a web clips appears in the note and the content just edits. It appears as text and images like any other note. As we all know, v10 works differently with the concept of containers for various content types. These containers are locked to preserve the content and layout from the original source and to ensure it is rendered reliably across all platforms. As a result the option is provided to unlock and simplify the content. This ensures that the simplified and now editable content is also rendered reliably across platforms. It is one of the many things that changed and I've had to learn how to work in a different manner. We can debate the differences but at this point things are where they are. I quite like @carlsoncreative's suggestion although I'm not expecting a sudden response. I'm aware of a couple of returning functions that we might well see in the next month or two that have will taken two years to appear. I hope @carlsoncreative will make his suggestion to the developers via a support ticket but the response, if it comes, will not be sudden.
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