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  1. The view of tasks cannot be filtered by notebook stacks using the "located in" function. This works in the Android version, so I assume that this should work in principle and is missing in the Windows version.
  2. Each time content is shared to the Evernote app, it can only be shared on the second attempt. the Evernote app starts on the first try, but nothing happens after that. You have to switch back to the other app first and the content has to be shared again to the Evernote app. only then will an empty note open with the content inside.
  3. Do you know the file path? I only found the database path of the legacy version. A request to support also referred me to backing up the individual notebooks.
  4. I have been storing a lot of my information and documents in Evernote for over 10 years and I regularly back up this data via the legacy version. Relying solely on an online solution for backing up data is not a good idea from the point of view of data security. what if the access data is lost. What if Evernote bans me from one day to the next due to unexplained circumstances. I live in Germany, what if the legal requirements for using Evernote change. What I'm getting at is Evernote is a single system and for important data I wouldn't rely solely on one system for backup. It would be like backing up a backup of one hard drive partition to another hard drive partition on the same hard drive. System-separate data backup is a matter of course and essential for me. For me, a manual export function for all notes would be enough. I could then save this via a recurring task. Backing up each notebook individually is a mammoth task with over 150 notebooks.
  5. Whats about the Local Backup funktion. Come on it is essential to me. And Evernote Legacy as an emergency solution, it won't work for much longer due to the lack of support.
  6. I like to save my data in 2 independent systems. This gives me the security of being able to access my data in exceptional cases. If, for example, access to Evernote is no longer possible due to some external influence, I can still access my files. I like a local backup of my data. At the moment, Evernote can only back up 50 notes or one notebook at a time. And I have to repeat this process several times until all data is backed up. Such a backup of all data takes hours. Please introduce a function to backup all data in one operation.
  7. Thanks for your Advice but doing it later on Desktop is no option for me. If i have to do everything later on Desktop why i need Evernote on Android. The Workaround should only be Workarounds. I hope for a Solution from Evernote. If you have s similar Problem why don´t you put the Vote Counter 1 up ?
  8. If you want to save one file to evernote on Android it is very simple. Share it to Evernote, a new note pops up and you are done. But what if you want to save several files to one note or save a file in a existing note. This can be very grueling. Workaround 1: Share the files to new notes / Copy the files and put them in the note you want Workaround 2: Save the files on your phone / search the Path where the files are stored / use the Paper Clip icon in the existing note My Idea : if you share a file to Evernote you can choose if you want to save the file to an existing note or a new one.
  9. On the Legacy Version for ANdroid you could mark several Notes at one time. You could not merge them but move or deleted them at once.
  10. When you klick on a pdf it is opend in Evernote. for a quick view it ist ok but when you want to search for a Word or something else you must open the PDF in a seperate PDF app. The way to get there is ist very laborious. 1. You have to save the pdf to the memory on the Tablet/Phone. 2. You have to start the PDF app seperatly 3. You have to search the location on the Phone where you saved the pdf (On android this can be very difficult alone) In the leagcy Version you could open the pdf in seperate app with only one click. I thing this is big break in the workflow and is very laborious. There ist a Contextmenu for pdf but it ist very difficult to reach. First you have to klick in the note, (Not on the pdf), then you must klick in the same line of the pdf, but not on the pdf. In the bottom line pops up a menu where you can click on the 3 dotes to get the Context-Menu. for the pdf But in there is no feature to open the pdf in a seperate PDF APP. It works only with the Workaround above. there is a Point to share, Export and more but when you klick on that you can only export it to google drive or somthing similar.
  11. SAME functions for tables than in the Windows version. like Insert and erase Column or Line.
  12. Yeah but legacy will no longer be supported, so it's an dead end.
  13. In the Old Version the folder for the database was shown in Evernote. Now It is hide. I backup allthings that are important. Only cloud backup is a NO GO
  14. In the Legacy Version you could mark several Notes to move them all in another Folder.
  15. Brauchbare Handschriftliche Notizen in Evernote zu erstellen ist nachezu unmöglich. Jedoch finde ich die Überschrift falsch gedacht. Es sollte einen Übergreifende Unterstützung für Handschriftliche Notizen für alle Betriebssysteme geben, auf denen Evernote läuft (Android, Windows, IOS, Macos). Keine Einzellösung für bestimmte Betriebssysteme. Im Moment experementiere ich viel mit One Note herum (Läuft auf allen Systemen). Meine Überlegungen: Wenn Evernote nicht die nötige Kompetenz im eigenen Haus hat, sollte eine enstrechende Software hinzugekauft und implementiert werden (Z.B. Incredible, bietet funktionierende Lösung für IOS und Android).
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