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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Does everything work as normal if you use only one monitor? What about if you set your monitors to mirror one another?
  2. The Evernote API had not changed (yet) so there is no reason that SwiftScan should not work unless they have changed things at their end. Evernote support is correct that the v10 app is different. So if SwiftScan relied on the Evernote app to do something then it might no longer work. But sending content to Evernote should not have changed. There was another cloud service that had a problem recently but it proved to a problem with that service rather than Evernote. I think that is the case here too.
  3. You may well be correct but, as things stand, Evernote does not publish a roadmap. As fellow users we can only help you to manage your expectations Of course, the new owners may take a different approach to announcing plans. We'll see if anything changes in the weeks/months ahead.
  4. Yes, what @gazumpedsays. Deleted tasks are removed and cannot be recovered other than by restoring note history or similar.
  5. En primer lugar, haz una copia del contenido de la nota en un archivo de tu ordenador. Deberías intentar reconstruir tus datos. Archivo / Cerrar sesión / Eliminar mis datos de este dispositivo Inicie sesión de nuevo y vea lo que sucede después de que los datos han sido reconstruidos desde el servidor. Vuelve a copiar el contenido original de tu nota en Evernote. Si tienes una cuenta gratuita, asegúrate de que no has superado los límites mensuales de carga. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005827-FAQ-for-upload-limits Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
  6. I am sure that this request has been heard many times. But since we are almost all other users around here we cannot tell you what the plan is. I can say that plans are almost never announced until shortly before they become available.
  7. All you need is in the Evernote help areas: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313998
  8. You'll be relieved to know that Evernote does not monetise your personal data. This is one of its major privacy commitments. The web clipper may need some access in order to perform the clip. If you don't accept the requested permission then uninstall the clipper. You don't say which browser you're using nor which OS. In general I'd say that the Web Clipper usually installs and works seamlessly. If that isn't your experience uninstall the Clipper and reinstall. Since you subscribe you can open a support ticket. Link above.
  9. It it's easy to export a notebook containing all it's notes from inside the desktop applications. Select export from the three for menu in the notebook. Repeat for multiple notebooks or use a third party export program. There are several that you'll find if you seek the forums. I use a Github project called evernote-backup.
  10. I'd recommend you uninstall the application using Revo Uninstaller to get a clean start. Then reinstall.
  11. I don't suspect this to be so. I'm more of the opinion that it is just badly phrased and irrelevant posts. I'm much more inclined to go for incompetence over conspiracy.
  12. I've never seen the function you describe but I may not have been looking What I'd do is create an import folder linked to my receipts notebook. When the PDF is open I'd save it into that import folder and Evernote will import it into the chosen notebook.
  13. My guess is that this is an issue with the particular hardware and version of Android. You've tried everything I might suggest. You could open a support ticket assuming you pray a subscription.
  14. Clipping on Android uses the OS share function. This is available to all applications. Can you share to other applications? I don't know your device. Does it use a version of Android that had been adjusted for Onyx devices or is it a vanilla version?
  15. The Tasks pop out from the sidebar shows all the tasks in your account. There is no means to hide some tasks and show others. If you create a single note called Work Tasks you can create all your work tasks in that single note. You can then share that note with your boss and she will be able to see it although I don't know how it is displayed when shared. You'd have to try it and see.
  16. Just create all your work tasks directly in a work note. If they only exist in a single note they will only appear once inside Evernote tasks list.
  17. Thanks for sharing the steps ScanSnap Cloud is the route that you would be taken down. If you prefer the older ScanSnap Manager software the most recent version can be downloaded and installed at step six. A new release arrived at the start of this month so it is still maintained.
  18. Indeed, but you could edit the task inside Evernote and set its date and reminder. Just not from the web clipper
  19. You are correct that the Legacy version is a desktop only application. However, for Android, there is access to the APK for the older version. You can search in these forums to locate a link or grab it from a service such as APK Mirror. There is no option for iOS devices.
  20. I doubt that you could support that claim with evidence. There have been a number of new developments since 2020. Unless you are still using the older version of the application. In that case download and use version 10. Of course the new features/functions may not be what you need which I fully accept is the case for some.
  21. First option is to uninstall and reinstall the app. Have you tried that?
  22. Since you are discussing a Teams issue your team manager will have access to technical support for teams. I'd suggest you connect there. We rarely see Teams users around here so unlikely to have the experience you'll need.
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