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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. When you say 'edit' attachments, are you annotating them, using the option from Evernote's menu, or opening the file in a third-party app like the ones you name and adding extra content? I don't have the possibility to step back for a month and compare the activity of the apps (anyone else with similar experience is more than welcome to chime in...) and I could be wrong - if you're a paying subscriber it's probably a good idea to contact support directly at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (premium subscribers can chat from the same link) - or anyone can message them on Twitter via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  2. The odd thing about Evernote is that although it has millions of very happy users, a significant proportion of them have just that one thing that's such an 'obvious' feature it's inconceivable that it should have been ignored. Unfortunately those thousands of 'obvious' features are mostly completely different - some impossible to implement on all the devices on which Evernote works. The test is going to be how many votes this feature gets (remembering that there are several ways around the issue from dates to titles...) Good luck!
  3. Hi. I think the general import of the thread so far is: we don't know how Evernote choose their limits, or how they're coded - some may be harder to change than others. Also: Evernote don't give advance notice of changes to their product, but they do listen to customers and prioritise popular requests. Up to now forinstance its only been possible to capture one side of a business card, but because so many users complained, the feature has been extended in Evernote for iOS 8.2 to capture both sides and this will presumably ripple through the rest of the OS's with each new update. That had, and other requests have tens of votes in their favour to indicate how popular each potential new feature is. Evernote is presumably working through the list of high-voted new or improved features to make sure their efforts being most good to most users. And there are thousands of feature requests. There's no telling how soon this one would be actioned even if Evernote agree that raising the note size limit is a good idea. (I can imagine some problems on mobile connections forinstance.) But the killer at the moment is that this feature has exactly 7 votes (top left of the page). With such a low level of customer engagement will Evernote think it worthwhile to invest time and money in providing the extra bandwidth to allow customers to connect for longer and upload/ download more data? There must be peaks and troughs in traffic now, but changing the note size limit would make the peaks higher...
  4. If you've had an account for a while, and have the option to go back to the 'classic' (ie old) version in your web account settings, multi-select and move are still available there. The 'new' web version hasn't had any features removed - AFAIK nothing is being done there (except maybe essential maintenance) until the 2017 new new version arrives. And no, we have no information about what is, or is not included in that.
  5. Hi. We're not Evernote as such here, just a (mostly) user-supported forum; if you're a paying subscriber it's a good idea to contact support directly at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (premium subscribers can chat from the same link) - or anyone can message them on Twitter via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  6. Fujitsu Support are the people to be having this conversation with - they at least should know what level of scanner will save direct to the internet, and if you know the model you can at least look for deals and competitors...
  7. There's been no change in the feature that I'm aware of - and Evernote brings out new updates in one OS or another on a more or less monthly basis. It doesn't seem to be losing any focus.
  8. Hi. See the post above yours. Check into Connected Services and disconnect one Google account to connect with another. More options may be coming...
  9. @JohnLongney gave some excellent background to how this (should) work.. as to OCR on the server, that depends on your account level, and there are some qualifications of what type of PDFs are eligible - that's why I do my own OCR, I don't need to worry about how big a file is, or how many pages. OCR of picture files is something I do rely on - JPGs and PNGs are searchable for me, and I used to use the server-side OCR without problem a while ago, so it does work...
  10. Hi. I believe that's the screencap default shortcut from Tools > Options > Shortcuts - I changed my key combination because of conflicts. It only works when Evernote is running.
  11. Still not clear on what 'stopped' working. I have no trouble editing files in external apps on my Android, though getting them back into the note is not completely straightforward. I can 'annotate' some types of attached file - specifically PDF and JPG - where the changes are optionally saved back into the original note. All your screenshot confirms is that documents can be created and saved as attached files, but it doesn't mention editing and re-saving on an Android...
  12. The release candidate beta came out 30 March. Barring a crisis, 'soon' should really mean soon...
  13. Hi. As has been said, there are lots of work-arounds, and there are improvements in the pipeline. Meantime this website is an unconnected commercial third party forum with different features.
  14. Hi. It's not comment, but it can happen. You may have been too quick to check for changes on your phone, and syncing its older version of the note actually got to the server before the PC content got there. (The fact you pressed Sync doesn't mean that the operation was completed instantly - there may have been more data to send, or the operation was delayed by internet traffic.) The 'fix' is to check via the browser version by signing in at Evernote.com before you try syncing any other devices - or just give it a little more time. The other possibility is that opening the note on the iPhone you inadvertently added a space or otherwise amended the original note enough to make it the 'most recent' version which was then saved over the previous changes. In that event check the Note History to see if your changes were saved. The chances are not good however.. A belt and braces workaround is to use a word-processor for any detailed changes so that you have a local backup copy of any lengthy edits.
  15. See recent posts in this thread - I've not seen anything mentioned elsewhere...
  16. In Windows I can either merge the original note with my new screen shot note, or I can take a screen shot to the desktop and treat the file like any other image and drag it to the original note anywhere I choose.
  17. Any feeling for possible external differences - different browser / device / web page for the unfound clips with that term? Is the search made on a different device? Plus - if you're a paying subscriber it's a good idea to contact support directly at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (premium subscribers can chat from the same link) - or anyone can message them on Twitter via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  18. Don't know about anyone else here, but I'd certainly appreciate it if Evernote leaned in to tell us whether this was a 'design choice' possibly inspired by new web guidelines or old-fashioned lawyers that they "can't" (i.e. ain't gonna) change a bug or another issue that is under investigation / being worked on. (I then look forward to the flood of 'work faster' retorts from the floor...) a feature request they're looking at given the (current) 39 votes in favour something that can be worked around by changing settings (although I don't think anyone else has managed this yet) I don't know which applies here. Neither does anyone else. Moving your account is always your privilege, but it won't make Evernote plan differently or work faster. And no one is 'defending' Evernote because we don't actually know if this was their choice yet... Of course anyone who gets in touch with Support through the usual channels should get some sort of a direct response - and more traffic there might have some influence...
  19. If you're scanning to Evernote (and you're a premium subscriber) you realise your PDF files will get OCR'd by the server? And my old steam-powered Fujitsu S1500 has the ability to scan and create 'searchable PDF files' which takes a little longer, but means the contents have been OCR'd by the scanner. Tips for searching scanned PDFs
  20. Evernote really don't seem inclined to add this extra feature, although I'm sure they have the technical skills to do so. They have to look at the costs involved though, and the chances of their getting more business off the back of the new feature and/ or stopping paying folks leaving because they really want that option. For the moment the sums just don't - apparently - add up...
  21. If only Evernote had a dollar for everyone who would pay to join 'if only'... they could probably afford to pay the software guys to add some more features...
  22. Er, was just noting that both apps changed from their previous practice (plus another I noticed recently) at about the same time which might or might not be significant. That's why this is called a 'forum'.. for discussion.. ?
  23. Yeah - still an ongoing issue. Don't think anyone has found a way around it yet. Google themselves talk about SD cards as 'media storage' so you can take as many books and music tracks as you like. If you really want to stick with Evernote I'd say your best bet is to convert all your notes to PDF (if they're not already) and store them on the SD card. You can't link to a file from an Evernote note (AFAIK) but you will be able to use a standard folder and sub-folder setup to help you find the necessary information, and a PDF or standard book-reader app to see it. There was an app that would export notes to PDF called - surprisingly - Exportnote; but sadly their website isn't talking to me at the moment... Good luck! Please let us know how you solve this.
  24. It might be preferred practice that not everyone has gotten around to yet. Facebook has....
  25. IME in multiple companies, one of the fastest ways to render a reference database totally unusable is to have too many independent 'owners'. The best compromise I ever ran was to have a small group of a dozen 'mentors' with whom we agreed a set of data control goals Over a period they trained around 300 users how to submit new entries, which went to an offline 'holding' area until vetted and passed by a mentor. Their job was to make sure the entry complied with the various standards we had set up and went in the correct 'notebook'. Even so I'd find myself beating up around one mentor each week for allowing something through. (Ah the good old days...) IMHO it would be incredibly dumb to have someone else - especially several someone elses - able to mess with your data, but it's your account... you're paynig.. (although if the extra bodies manage to blow your upload allowance you won't necessarily be able to use it sometimes...) Most of your concerns would be addressed by Evernote Business which has central libraries available to all and multiple users - though even EB users I've spoken to moan about the problems of controlling tag use....
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