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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Thanks for the added background, but the two forum links you mention were from a user who had the feature working on one tablet and not on another, and my suggestion was a workaround for his problem, not for an Evernote general issue. He mentions having rooted the tablet and using Evernote from an SD card too, which aren't usual (or advisable) situations... As to a definitive 'yes the feature works' answer - I've mentioned that it do so for me (though not for saving the new document back to the note direct) on the current Android GA release... so you've already taken the best next step, which is to talk to Support. I hope you get a fix soon!
  2. Hi @Kizan - We're a (mainly) user-supported forum, not a direct feedback to the company. Although developers will read these pages for feedback at some time it's not necessarily a quick process and it's fairly rare for them to comment, highly unusual for them to predict when a fix will be available, and pretty much unknown for Evernote to explain or justify decisions. Venting and (potentially) unhelpful advice and comment is mainly what you get here. If you're a paying customer you can contact Support and comment or vent directly and anyone can tweet them.. https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - are the contact addresses. You will get a personal response, though it may be of the 'we are aware of this issue and are working on it' variety... Good luck...
  3. No plans for or against that anyone's aware of AFAIK - my thought would be to do a bit of indirect redirecting (sorry) - you could set up IFTTT or some similar service to pick up on another keyword in the email body or title (like a client's email address or a project name) and redirect those specific emails, or you could BCC your mails to an email address you control and set up a rule at that end to forward all incoming emails from your address (or containing keywords...) to the @BusinessInbox notebook.
  4. Hi. I don't think anyone has said it's a positive feature, but there are several suggestion in this thread for fixes, revolving mainly around (it looks like) Admin access. Would none of them work for you? I have admin access to my Win 10 machine, and the icon goes where I put it every time...
  5. You can also take pictures of diagrams and displays, or use a paper note-taking solution and the scan the written and drawn pages with the app...
  6. Any special reason why? There's only so much you can do with a mobile device - everything is much easier on a bigger screen and keyboard with local permanent storage...
  7. Hi. 'Folders' are actually notebooks, and they don't get a picture at all, they just have names. If you're including a picture in a note, and using the 'snippet' list view for the note titles, you'll certainly see a thumbnail of whatever size picture you attached. If you're adding a lot of information though it may take some while for the picture thumbnails to catch up, so I'd give it a day or so before you start to poke settings around. If you can use smaller picture file sizes that would probably speed things up - you'd need to have a way outside of Evernote of reducing the size though. Most picture editing tools can do this. Evernote can't. It will store whatever you give it... and create its own thumbnail. Use Google's image search if you can - that will allow you to look for small images of any object and copyright concerns aren't an issue if this is for your own use only. I clipped part of a search page for 'widget' (which interestingly includes pictures of beer...) - there's no 'small' but the 'icon' option might be good, or 'medium'...
  8. What can I say - never has the problem, never seen it reported before ("many, if not most users????") and if you report things to Support -which we ain't- you get a more or less immediate ticket number even if a human response usually takes a little longer. No ticket number means you didn't do it right. Saving back to the device works OK for me - saving back to the note (AFAICR) has never worked because mobile devices don't have the note itself in permanent storage. You need to re-attach the file to the note by syncing it back to the server copy, not the temporary local version. (Details, details...) Answers, rather than being scarce are pretty easy to get - try a support query (if you're a subscriber) or tweet @EvernoteHelps if not - quote your ticket number here if you like - we can ask a forum Admin to check that someone follows up...
  9. Oops. The link was to the Scansnap help pages though, which might be a better place to pursue this... what you seem to need (i get from a further 10 seconds in the same place) appears to be ScanSnap Cloud... they seem to be some sort of partner with Evernote...
  10. Hi. There's a conspiracy? No-one told me about it... So anyway. I opened an old note which had an XLS file attached and then opened the attachment. Had to go through an online upgrade for the attachment content for Excel to read it, then got told that I'd have to save a copy of the file as XLSX to save any changes. This worked, though I then had to attach the copy to the note - again - to update the note. All of which is mainly a sign that I have an old database, not (as far as I can see) any major conspiracies. Same thing happened with an old DOC file (except I used another viewer, so no translation this time) - edited file saved back to device, not the note, which I seem to recall is normal for mobile devices. As ever - standard 'fix' for all things mobile - sync / uninstall app / restart device / try again...
  11. Hi. You're taking me up on a four-year-old quote which I notice currently has a whole 6 votes in favor of the suggestion! I didn't understand some of your comments... You can already publish a note publicly or to a specific audience or to Social Media or a comms app like Slack. 'Multiple Accounts' aren't relevant or necessary All accounts are linked to the owner's email address, and have one inbound address to which new note material can be sent. Any new notes count against the owner's upload allowance for the month - and can be assigned to any notebook with any tag requested by the sender. Sharing the login means Evernote's server can't tell who is editing a note - everyone is 'you'. Sharing the inbound address means managing a slew of data added to your database by a bunch of colleagues. Evernote do have a business product which allows multiple access and multiple users with different levels of access and security. If you're concerned to add incoming emails from several sources to your account, the best way is to forward them from your conventional email address and set your own organisational rules. There are also add-ins like IFTTT which will assign specific emails to Evernote by title or content. Evernote already have 200M users and a heavily used free product. I'd really like them to stay in business for a while longer. More freebies is not a good idea!
  12. Hi. Looks like an ix500 should do the job you want - a quick Google got me to http://scansnapcommunity.com/tips-tricks/11020-configure-scansnap-ix500-for-wireless-scanning/ (and 25,000+ other similar links) -which will set up the scanner to talk direct to your local network access point and (presumably) your Evernote account. All that should be necessary after that is to feed the paper to the scanner. Scansnaps can add automatic date/ time details as file headers, and you'll need to sort out choices like one file per page, or one file per document and JPG vs PDF, but all of those are options you can set. Once documents are scanned into you account you'll also need to think about tags and notebooks so you can prioritise and find things again... so there's a bit of work to do yet; but the best way to get it fixed up is to do as much as you can and ask more questions when you need to... Good luck...
  13. Hi. The creation date is not (yet) available for edit in the web version*. You may like to do what a lot of experienced members do and add the date to the title - I have a text expander (Phrase Express) set up to give me today's date in yyyymmdd format (I have some old stuff on file) with one keypress - as 20170328 forinstance. Put that at the start of your note title and sort by title for the 'correct' date order. I also discovered, when importing some emails, that having an excel spreadsheet set up so I could copy and paste the 28 March 2017 'sent' date into one field, and copy/ paste the corrected yyyymmdd format out of another was useful. I think PhraseExpress could probably do something similar but have been too lazy to find out so far... *new web version alleged to be coming soon(ish)
  14. As long as you are still Premium, you could raise the message thing with Evernote Support and maybe get some idea if and when they plan to fix it - don't know that anyone has received a specific response as yet, and they might have something in the pipeline for an update soon. I imagine this is one of those 'if it were easy they would have done it already' things, hence the delay. Support are via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (premium subscribers can chat from the same link) - or anyone can message them on Twitter via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  15. If you have any doubts about maintaining your subscription or want to change the account you have, go to your account page online. Look for Manage Your Subscription and make whatever changes you require. If you downgrade to basic (forinstance) that will happen at the expiry of your current subscription. You can change that at any time. (If you happen to be paying via iTunes, you'd need to talk to them about stopping or reducing further payments.) Ironically I've been annoyed by similar messages generated in other software - most recently Excel - where clicking an Evernote link to my local database also gets an 'are you sure' warning. Annoying.
  16. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347 @Notebook: Notes will go into your default notebook unless you specify one using the at (@) symbol and notebook name, such as @travel. You do not need quotes if you have a space in the notebook title. For example, you would write @International Travel or @My Notebook. #Tag: Add tags using the pound or hashtag (#) symbol, such as #manchester #england !Reminder: Use the exclamation point (!) to set a reminder. To add an alarm to the reminder, add the word tomorrow, or a date with numeric year, month, day separated by slashes. For example: !, !tomorrow, !2013/06/24
  17. Sorry but Evernote don't (usually) do responses in this forum. You contact Support for some feedback if you're a paying customer or tweet them if not.. https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  18. Hi. And congratulations - you made it past the Mod. As to the issue - Evernote has very.. basic.. table properties. (I believe the technical term -in the UK at least- is 'pants'.) It's easy though to copy and paste tables to and from software that does much better, like Word or Excel. Set your table properties, row heights and colours in another app, and copy the result back to Evernote. You can even attach the file you copied from into the note so editing and sorting in future is easy wherever you access the note.
  19. Don't know about a Google contact, but the help page describes how to add cards to contacts.. How to use your phone to scan business cards into Evernote
  20. I believe this is a known issue - meantime the work around is to assemble (or edit) your document in something that does accept pastes, then copy and paste the whole into a note, and/ or just attach the document you were working on as a file.
  21. If you have apps on any or all of these devices that can read PDF files, what happens when you try to open one? And for tech support (we're a -mainly- user supported forum) you should contact Support if you're a paying customer or tweet them if not.. https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  22. Ctr-Z works for me - sometimes requires 2 goes, but if it didn't work the second time you need to be looking at other options. Are you using the installed app or the web version?
  23. Hmmn. My subconscious just kicked up Workflowy too - depends on what sort of layout you're looking for, but you can hide hundreds (or thousands) of years of dates in the collapsed outline - 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 - and add events with tags; 1789 George Washington #Presidents So the next time to tap on the #Presidents tag you get a list of all of the presidents up to date, plus as many (or as few) notes as you might want to make on each one. Any irrelevant dates would stay closed down, so it's a fairly compact listing Before: After clicking #president Interesting, anyway...
  24. You would have thought that users stats would factor into their decisions, but they must have a lot of priorities...
  25. No, sorry - see all the other RTL topics in the Forums... Evernote don't (usually) announce whether or when they're developing features, so it's anyone's guess.
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