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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Hadn't realised it before but Firefox's Add-on pages are immune to clipping I get the same result. There's even another add-on called Firefox Screenshots which normally does exactly what it says on the can, but that gives a similar message - 'This isn't a normal web page.. unable to screenshot' You'll be able to copy sections of the page and paste into a new note, or take a Windows screenshot of the visible area, but that's about it...
  2. I appreciate work-arounds aren't a cure, but they do allow you to avoid some negative effects and maybe work more efficiently than otherwise. You may be able to get something more contructive from Evernote - I'm just another user making a suggestion. I find the Browser version much less useful than the installed desktop option (if you have one). However from time to time posters here have commented that they didn't realise that was available. So for completeness and other readers, I included it. I have used the 'work in a text editor and save the file' method which - beyond the need to remember to do that - is pretty transparent as an 'extra' step. A refinement is that the file content can be copy pasted into the note body to be search indexed. There are other ways to achieve the same ends.
  3. Hi. Are we talking web page bookmarks? If so, there is no reason why the links should not be clickable from the note. I have a number of collections of bookmarks (1 collection = 1 note) from which I can click direct to pages as necessary. The collections get tags as appropriate.
  4. One of those things that's probably not too hard to accomplish - once the 1001 other requests from users have (as far as possible) been evaluated and delivered. So not currently in the near future! I'll move this to a feedback thread so others can vote on the idea and maybe move it up the queue for consideration at least... the feature request here is (I gather) "please make title field content fully visible in all views on the desktop clients (ie wrap the text in those views)" You should be able to edit the title of this page - if I got your intent correct, you might want to add something to that effect to attract more votes...
  5. So for the recent posters in September and October... Is there any possibility of your using the installed desktop client? A complete absence of duplicates is guaranteed! Failing that, can you use a local word processor or notepad app to create / edit your documents? Save the work in progress locally, but attach the original finished document to a note. Reopen and edit from there if necessary. Again, no duplicates. The problem, as @Jchristopher1987 suggests, seems to be that whenever the web application 'loses' the connection, it assumes your edit is complete and saves the note version to that point. When the connection resumes and breaks again, the save repeats - and so on... Unfortunately I don't see a way that Evernote's servers can know that your session should be kept open when they're connecting through third party software like a browser, which -for its own security reasons- seriously restricts what web-based apps can get up to on your local device. By all means raise a support request* if you think the situation could or should be resolved, but I don't see any fixes being available anytime soon. * https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a paying customer, tweet https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not.
  6. Hi. What version of Evernote did you install; also what OS and browser do you have?
  7. Try restarting Evernote, and restarting your device; sometimes changes don't take effect until caches and temporary memory get cleared out. You might want to check out FAQ for Work Chat too...
  8. Do you have any possibility to use the installed desktop client?
  9. Vote at the top left if you'd like to request its return, but Evernote must've had a reason to remove it... mustn't they...
  10. Still no news. I moved this to the Android feedback section (from iOS help????) so folks can vote in support. I added my vote...
  11. Possibly not 'hard' - no way to tell; there might be a question of why work on this feature now rather than the other thousand or so requests they already have from other users...
  12. Hi. Any software company will schedule maintenance and feature releases for months ahead, so the few months since the last post here are just a drop in the IT ocean - there have been no new features and no breakout ideas (AFAIK) that would allow multiple emails. Don't see that it is a particular issue with your workflow though - if you log in with an email address/ user name and password (and two-factor auth if you have it), there's nothing to stop you attaching content from any email account to which you happen to have access.
  13. Hmmn. Not sure what I was doing when I wrote that post, but now I come back to look at it again my current Beta 7.14 does not have the pen option in the note body, just the title line as previously. Either something in the beta changed, or I was a little confused, but I could have sworn... Anyhoo. Getting on the Android Beta program involves getting to grips with Google+ (remember them?) instructions here if you'd like to have a look. I find that it's still possible to use the pen with Evernote - just investigate the S-Note app and add an option (in Settings) to save notes to Evernote. But unless I was having a very vivid and specific dream recently I have looked at an app that allowed me to handwrite some text, switch to a keyboard input for a while, then go back to a handwritten section to add a picture. Excuse me for a while so I can go wrap my head in a cold towel and try to work out what that was!!!
  14. ? There's a quote from an Evernote Employee in there: "Thank you for reporting this, our development team is aware of this and are investigating the issue. If you click on the options tab in one of the table cells and select "Match note width" does that help you print the full table?" If there's more information it will be posted in that thread.
  15. Hi. With yourself plus 2 supporters in favor of this feature it's unlikely to be in the next release. See my longer answer above. And please don't use all caps in the forum.
  16. Hi. When having poblems with an update, the usual fix is to uninstall, restart and reinstall with the new version. Google says your error translates as 'hang on' - does the system look like it's busy doing something?
  17. Hi. Sorry for the delay in commenting, but we're a (mainly) user-supported forum and I just found this. If you still have an issue, follow the link to your original support ticket and look at the page instructions. You should have access to the chat service from there.
  18. This is a (mainly) user-supported forum for general tech and usage queries. Evernote developers do read the posts, but not with any urgency - they're working on global fixes for ongoing issues and signs of possible major bugs, not individual tech support. This isn't an alternate way to report a fault and get individual assistance.
  19. Possibly because only 13 users (currently) out of 200M or so seem to find it an issue. We can request a feature, but Evernote are not obliged to deliver...
  20. Hi. have you verified that the address you're using is correct? Can you send a standard email without problems?
  21. Hi. It is possible (kinda) to set up recurring reminders using Evernote initially - create an Evernote task and get Cronofy to convert it to a Google Calendar entry... then set the GCal entry up for recurring reminders... you can link back to the original note for details.
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