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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. There will be a range of different opinions here, but it depends a lot on how you operate the underlying prioritisation and progress streams. I have a 'control panel' note for projects that have several tasks, and single notes for quick reminders. I add a COMPLETED 'stamp' to task titles as they're finished. There will also be check boxes that have been ticked off at various stages. Searches for keywords / checkboxes plus date ranges will show me a history if I need one.
  2. Yup - reason I asked, you're still showing as a Basic user, not a subscriber. A reboot should have updated your status to subscriber. Payments through third party systems can take a little longer to get to Evernote's system - it's always better to pay direct - but more than 24 hours is a definite issue. Apple are being unhelpful - if they could at least confirm that iTunes processed the payment, Evernote will be able to follow it up from there.... I'll flag this post for an Admin to tale a look, though @PinkElephant already started that off - hopefully we can get you some attention.
  3. Hi. From your comments it looks like you didn't actually reboot the system - have you tried powering everything off and back on again?
  4. Hi. You're kinda restating the obvious about what Evernote does not do. Is there a specific use case you want to address, or can we offer some suggestions on how to use what is currently available?
  5. Hi. If you unshare the note first, you should not see the warning. In any other case it seems like Evernote is doing a good job warning you that moving a shared note is a bad idea unless you mean to take it offline...
  6. Hi. So if you type a title first and then go into typing the note????
  7. <Sigh> There has been - endless - discussion of this topic. It's not currently available, and is unlikely to become available in the short term...
  8. Doh! I'm a long long time Samsung user and that never even occurred to me... that, and I mainly use the mobile for capturing images and audio. I'm a keyboard man, me... 😎 Thanks for the clarification though!!
  9. Sometimes you switch your system off, or log out of an app, and then switch it back on / log back in - and miraculously some random fault has gone! The Cyber world moves in mysterious ways...
  10. My secret process for getting links into Android notes is to set them up via Ctrl+K on the desktop. You guys seem to find it easy to move cursors around in Android.. I don't. I tried for an hour or so to create links as above, but got nowhere (though I did visit Evernote's blog repeatedly!...)
  11. Hi. Given all of the above, how would you access a 'portable' app anyway? Any sensibly paranoid IT team will block thumb drive access and any internet use you have is probably through a firewall that blocks selected external services that might include Evernote. Best I can suggest would be to run Evernote mobile on a tablet - the iOS / Android apps offer a reasonable level of service, and you can use the device cameras to 'scan' (rather than clip) internal documents and screens - although you might want to check very carefully what your employment obligations are with respect to corporate security. Some security is mainly to avoid general malicious actors, other companies are not only concerned about general purpose bad guys, but have serious intellectual property to protect. If you're in the latter category the company tends to have a really really dim view of any infringement for any reason. (I have in the past worked for government contactors who tend to be ... sensitive ... about their system security - but a lot of the guys I worked with kept their working files in Dropbox accounts!)
  12. Hi. So dead computer A had Evernote installed and you have access to the drive; current computer B has a 'different' account installed (with its own user account name and password?) but can read A's hard drive. Use the Evernote from computer A login on computer B's account, you'll download a copy of the synced account A material from Evernote's servers. Log out of Evernote and copy the old A account database from the old drive to replace the newly-downloaded file Log back into Evernote (as 'A' account again) and the old database should upload any new unsynced material to the server. (But be aware if you changed an existing note to add new lines, the original version of that note will now have an up-to-the-minute date stamp. Any recent changes to the content would be overwritten, binned as superseded.) Don't forget to backup the Evernote folder on device B before you start, and -if you don't want your data on that machine - delete the updated database when you finish the process.
  13. Hi. Your sample note doesn't seem to be available. Your margins experience may depend on your browser and PDF processor of choice. My note and scanned receipt, printed via "Microsoft print to PDF" looks like this - I added my Evernote print Tools > Options > Printing choice as a further image in case it matters. My margins set at 5mm.
  14. This sort of thing is why I keep a daily full backup of my notes - a moment's lapse on my part (or on Evernote's) might conceivably cause some or all of my data to disappear. Local backups could be a life saver.
  15. You are incorrect. Evernote has not said that this will 'never' be implemented, nor has anyone else in this thread suggested that. Evernote staff have said that through an accident of design this feature is not available at this time. Future changes may correct that. Meantime I have an account of around 50,000 notes and an active 'getting things done' system which works very effectively for me based entirely on tags and a database of standard single-level notebooks. If you are wedded to a system that requires a notebook hierarchy, then you do need to look for another provider. If you are prepared to compromise your principles slightly in order to get Evernote's ease of use, highly effective search system and multi-platform access, then a little experimentation may convince you that this is still a better solution. Don't just take my word for it... Steve Dotto likes Evernote too...
  16. And - just when I was getting used to Evernote not crashing on me every so often... it went and crashed (this now yesterday). I had just processed a search that turned up a list of a dozen or so possible notes, read the first item on the list, clicked on the second... and the window closed. Might have had some history there because there were 5 services running in the system tray - clipper,tray, and EvernoteNW.exe x3. Killed those items and restarted Evernote. Submitted the usual forms and we seem to be back to stable again now...
  17. Nope, sorry - I'm still not finding it a problem to delete notes as and when I need to, and only a few users have commented on this thread since it started 3 years ago.
  18. Hi. Images in tables don't spread out across the available display...
  19. I'd hope it's been mentioned before in this thread, but just to confirm - Evernote is based on a database layout which was originally designed in a specific way that does not - we've been told by people who work there - allow for a hierarchy of stacks or notebooks. It would require a redesign of some underlying systems to allow that to be added. The problem is that Evernote now hosts 250 million (or so) databases in that original format, and making fundamental changes to the structure is not something that can be done lightly, or overnight. Regardless of the number of users who require that style of organisation, it may simply not be worth it to Evernote to invest heavily in re-engineering the database and running risk of affecting their whole client-base. Priorities are not involved here - it's like wanting to J-turn a cruise liner - a ship is not set up to make sudden turns and the passengers wouldn't like it if it did. As to the archiving stacks question - as a subscriber, you'll be able to switch between accounts on a desktop. Why not set up your archive(s) in a separate Basic account to get them out of the way?
  20. Work around #1 - create empty note with several tags and save as template. Duplicate note and add content to new copy as many times as required for multiple notes with the same tag structure. Work around #2 - create empty note with several tags and save as template. Duplicate note and merge with existing note to add template tags to whatever tags the original had. I don't think anything is 'easy' when it has to work in several different versions of various different operating systems on different sized displays...
  21. Sorting within notes, checkboxes or otherwise, is not yet a feature - click the uparrow at the top left of this thread to add support. There are all sorts of workarounds depending on your use case.
  22. Hi. Some experimentation might be in order, depending on your operating systems and devices. Users have reported previously that different apps -mobile vs web vs desktop forinstance- sort 'special' characters in different orders. Best perhaps to stick to 2 or 3 options.
  23. Yup - thought of that, but wasn't sure whether a major revision of notebook content (ie adding what sounds like several new offline notebooks) would be a good thing to dump on the existing search indexes. I thought that importing the notes from ENEX (which I kinda missed out of the earlier explanation) is more in line with how Evernote expects to see new content. @zessm - you're a subscriber, so if you're in any doubt how to proceed, just ask the nice folks in Support!! PS Whatever you do - take another backup of your current database folder before you go any further!
  24. Doh. Sorry - was skimming through and got fixated on making row height bigger: totally forgot that we get Duplo tables now... I'd agree - at the least it would be nice to have Default / Comfortable / Compact like Gmail.. 🙂
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