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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. - Sounds like you're using the new web client which is still under development. If a different version works, why not stick with that? The new one might reset if you log out and back in again - if it's newly changed names that cause problems it might be a syncing issue... ??
  2. Hi. Instagram and Facebook are kind've territorial about their content. If you can find a way to download the video you could attach the file to a note, but I don't think a direct clip will work. AFAIK a screenshot is the only other option.
  3. Hmmn. They look familiar, but I don't have those. What's your OS and what happens when you click them?
  4. Hi. You could create a saved search for the tag and another for the to-do and tag the results of both searches (where necessary) with 'temp', then search for tag:temp. Or you could have a look at Filterize which can automatically create and maintain a Table of Contents 'dashboard' which could list the results of both searches.
  5. Hi. Not in the current web browser. but we should be getting an upgrade in a few months...
  6. Hi. Yes it is possible = see https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enscript.php
  7. Hi. Are you getting the message 'gathering information about your system' at this stage? It sounds like your app is being repeatedly installed rather than just restarting. See below for more on this - (we'll merge the threads if this sounds like your situation) https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/122784-bug-please-wait-while-windows-configures-evernote-every-time-its-restarted/
  8. Hi. Separate notebooks sounds fine to me - you could group your rubber stamp notebooks in a stack called Stamps and have other stacks for personal details and socks... How to organize notebooks into stacks
  9. Hi. This is mainly a user-to-user forum do 'we' don't have anything to convince you one way or the other. The problem with 'fixing' this is that 99% of it - dropped connections / bad signals / browser errors - is out of Evernote's control. Being moderately careful to sync notes at every opportunity, using only one app at a time (ie not editing on both phone and desktop) and having something like the textarea cache add-in on a desktop browser to save the last entry should ensure that you never have a data loss. Subscribing also gives Evernote more funds to pay staff to think of other ways to save our data... NB various browser extensions are available to safeguard posts like mine here - which suggests that data loss is an Internet problem that is not related to one application!
  10. Hi again - see https://evernote.com/blog/2020-update-progress-road-ahead/
  11. The Note History option, or the note revisions? @Dave-in-Decatur was offering the possibility that the changes might have been recorded - if they weren't, I doubt there's any way to recover the details. 😞
  12. Hi. Any scanner can save to Evernote - this thread is talking about using the Evernote mobile app and the device camera to capture details into a specific format. That won't work with any external scanner, just the main Evernote app or Evernote's Scannable stand-alone.
  13. The web app is being rewritten (again) with likely releases at least a month or two down the line. See Evernote's blog for more on developments. We're all (mainly) users here, so no inside knowledge. Evernote don't normally share their plans until a release is ready.
  14. OK, but no-one has said they've raised this with Support yet, so Evernote aren't necessarily even looking at it. You're right that a clean install will kill any logs that might point to the error, but we don't have that access here and the Forum is mainly user-to-user support - not a direct line to Evernote. Staffers will read this post at some stage, but meantime...
  15. Easy fix - right click and Unpin from Start / scroll down list of apps to Evernote, right click and Pin to Start In an ideal world losing / changing shortcuts shouldn't happen, but this is Windows... 👐
  16. Just to repeat - having Evernote reinstall instead of just starting is not expected (or normal) behaviour. New shortcuts in your OS-of-choice are easy to set up with the installed app - worst case (per @CalS) totally uninstall and do a clean reinstall.
  17. Possibly because no-one reported that as an issue thus far. The web client is 'in development' so new and better versions should be out soon. Meantime easy workarounds exist like using the installed desktop version, or copy/ pasting to a new app as you already found.
  18. Hmmn. I'm on a Windows machine today, so I hopped into a basic account to try this out - and I can confirm that clicking the blue link, or using the 3-dots menu starts a blank white window that expands to fill two monitors (!). I seem to remember there being a 'logging in with Google' bug flying around a little while ago and this seems related. I'll report it* (using my Premium account) and see what the Support team say.. Before I clicked (tried both the blue link and the 3-dots menu) - this is one corner of a big screen. Excuse the moire patterns. Afterward... Clicking the green elephant - you can just see it in the second picture at top left - allows me to close the window. * Rather than confuse everyone about the two accounts I'll just flag this post for the admins and ask them to report the bug - the details are all here anyway.
  19. Agreed - I do occasionally find it useful to add tags or edit titles if I forgot to do that in the original clipper window, but I can also do that in the app. Not sure there is a use for the new window except to show that the full email was clipped... anyway; moved to feature request thread, voted.
  20. I use forwarding daily and it's working fine for me from Gmail and from MS Outlook. I have filters in Gmail that automatically forward some standard mails, and shortcuts in Outlook that forward the mails I choose with one click. How are you sending your emails? Is there a business firewall involved? -and Support are really the only people who can help you with this: we're just users like you...
  21. Hi. AFAIK there's no way to absolutely guarantee that data will never be lost when dealing with online services. Dropped connections, browser and software glitches and good old fashioned fat-fingering can happen at any time, and if that's also the moment when something is being synced there's a good chance of loss or corruption. The three big protections I use are: a premium subscription which gives me access to Note History. If a note has been saved to Evernote, I have access to all the previous versions of that data. No loss can ever be total. a browser add-in called TextArea Cache (other add-ins are available) which remembers the last input in case of browser crashes regular backups - just in case Evernote ever has a total meltdown, my internet connection fails, my hard drive self-destructs, or a cat walks over my keyboard* I have a local daily total backup of my notes. I use Backupery which automatically saves my databases to ENEX files. (*extreme case - we don't have a cat)
  22. Hi. According to Evernote's subscription level comparison chart, Basic accounts don't get the Link Google Files option. Not sure where the 'connect to see more' option comes in, unless it's an offer to upgrade the account... 🙁
  23. Hmmn. Don't ever recall being required to check my inbox for a mail verification - IIRC the prompt just asks me to confirm the address then goes away.... I can only suggest that you try contacting Evernote via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - and maybe consider a sync / uninstall / restart / reinstall
  24. I'd forgotten (if I ever knew) that there was an option here. Thanks for the tip! On my W10 system both options open a new note on top of any other windows, one in the default notebook, the other in the current notebook. I did have a period some time ago when the new window opened behind everything else, and another when there was no new window, just a prompt in the main window - but I've no idea now when or how those quirks were cleared...
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