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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Amen to that. On the original query - I had an 'odd' PM a while ago and reported it. Didn't think at the time, but don't we have the ability to flag a user as a spammer (as well as a single post)? If I'm correct. I'd imagine that takes that account off the board entirely. Obviously not something you can test easily... Just remember chaps <in a very British accent> "With great Power...."
  2. Yeah - have an active ticket, so we'll see what the Oracles say; I'm reluctant to reload the database because I have a big chunk of local notebooking which requires export / rebuild / re-import. Too lazy. Anyhoo by some miracle* when I logged back in this morning the blue banner has gone! So lessee whether that fixes my freezing issues. More (as they say) on this later.... * I hate it when things fix themselves... now waiting for something else bad to happen... 😳 ** also: what is this 'bed' of which you speak?.... <sorry: lockdown is messing with my sleep.....>
  3. Well.. the forums are read by staff, but there are over 75,000 threads, many being added or updated each minute. I'd imagine ALL of Evernote's current employed staff would be required concentrate exclusively on Forums posts (instead if, say, coding...) to stay up to date with the traffic. Plus more input from staff leads to more questions and objections from users... So Evernote will not (usually) comment in the Forums on any individual issues. Developers read the forums to see what ideas we come up with for possible future features, and we have a few floating admins to keep the crowd in line - but most of the responses here (including mine) are from volunteer users who've been around for a while.
  4. Just submitted a support request, but I thought the assembled brains here might have some experience to share - I'm seeing a 'tidying up the notes in your account' banner in Evernote for Windows 6.24.2 ever since I used the extended help menu a few days ago. Quick background - I went through the 50K notes barrier a month or so ago (actually now 50,607 total) since when the app tends to freeze for 30 seconds or longer at random times... usually just after I start to use it for something. I've got the complete fix-list of recreating databases / fiddling with settings / increasing available memory / SSD's / firewalling the server etc (though it's disk activity that goes wild, not internet traffic), but I also have a few things I need to get done, so I wanted to try the optimise options in Help first. Scarily I can't remember whether I used Optimize Database or Recreate Full Text Search Index option, but ever since I have this blue banner on screen which starts at 0% and winds up to around 50% during the day. I shut down my laptop each night to make sure that everything is closed, because I never know whether I'll be working on this laptop the next day - I need some apps (including Evernote) to be synced and available to unlock from elsewhere if necessary. When I open up again, we're back at 0%. I don't know if that means we're starting again from scratch, or that this is a measure of the notes left to process - which means that in a few days the banner should get to 100% quite quickly and disappear. If need be I can leave the laptop running and close everything else down. So if anyone has any clues as to how this works I'd be grateful for pointers... Thanks in advance for any help! 🙂 (If it's relevant the OS is Windows 10 1709 - this laptop is steam-powered!)
  5. Hi. Welcome to the wonderful world of emojii - this may explain more... How to use auto-formatting
  6. Two things: 1) It's just a try-out, grass is greener type thing, and 2) It's actually working quite well. The notebooks are my contacts / clients / major projects, each with notes stored in created date order. So if Project X comes along and say "We spoke yesterday..." I find that name in my list of notebooks (it's a -relatively- short list, so eyeballing usually works), and find the top 10 notes usually contain the one I want. Two clicks (ish) and I'm there... There are exceptions - I'm collecting notes for possible trips / holidays forinstance in a 'RoadTrips' notebook - with locations identified by tags. (And yes, I know - leaving the house! Ah... the Good Old Days...)
  7. I'm sure we've had this discussion multiple times - I went from being a kind've tag-centric person primarily using Titles (with dates & Keywords) rather than Evernote's tag system. I've recently changed to a more notebook intensive model which replaces one element of my keyword/ tag process with a notebook name. My view - try both (all??} options and see which works best for you.
  8. Hi. Exactly how and where are you logging into Evernote? Can you still use your old email address to log in?
  9. There are feature requests with 300+ and 400+ votes that have not yet been actioned - this thread so far has 31
  10. Hi. You show as a Basic user here, which may be part of the problem. This is an English version of the help on templates... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929468
  11. Hi. How did you access the Windows 10 STT feature? If you have access to a personal assistant like Cortana, it should help you create a note from verbal input as here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004717
  12. Hi. Did you try the Beta forums? Who suggested you post here...?
  13. Hi. Have you tried using your 'speech' account address and whatever password keepass recorded to sign into Evernote.com? If you can successfully open an account there - which Evernote seems to think you can - you could then change the email address on that account to something random to 'free up' that address which you can then apply to the current account.
  14. Hi. I probably have several thousand notes that I might want to insert into a Gmail - how would I find a specific one? And 'pulling' the note would involved copying / exporting / attaching content from Evernote, so why not just open the Evernote app, search for the note and then send by Gmail if necessary?
  15. Meant to be this year, but there have been a few distraction recently - as you may have noticed...
  16. Hi. Sounds like this depends on the default app settings on your phone. Evernote is offering (I'd guess) the apps which it can access to play the content. When you download the file, your phone then can use the default app for that file type. As you're a subscriber, try reporting the issue to Support with details of the device and Android version - maybe they can help...
  17. Hi. Where is this community discussions profile? In the forums here? There's no option to alter some details...
  18. That's entirely their privilege and choice. I've avoided apps because the UI is unattractive. The problem with providing flexibility is: it has to work and (theoretically) look the same in multiple operating systems on a wide variety of screen sizes. The cost of implementing this would not be inconsiderable - and there's no obvious return for Evernote; would it drive new customers? Or just annoy existing users who see the app getting bloated with more and more option choices...
  19. Hi. Not exactly. You could find or create a topic in the Feature Request forums to see whether it attracts supporting votes from other users.
  20. Not about this specific issue. Evernote are working on an 'improved' version of the app for all operating systems and clients.
  21. Hi. If you read the thread, there's some background information from the software engineer responsible for this part of the app to get you up to date.
  22. Evernote invites ideas and discussions here - it doesn't say they're accepted as a commitment. I'd imagine that they're mainly driven by the economies of activating this feature given that more than one OS and any number of device OEM tweaks might need to be considered...
  23. Hi. I'm sorry but I don't understand your issue exactly. Are you saying that the colour of individual notes is preventing your access, or that you don't like the shades of green colours in the app itself? If it's a notes issue you could save a 1x1 table with the background set to your preferred shade as a template (you'd need to do that on a desktop). Select the template when creating a new note. If you're unhappy with the app and want to cancel your purchase, you'd need to contact Evernote support directly.
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