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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported forum, so any tweets to Evernote will be outside our reach - though I see you referenced this post in the tweet, so they'll get that we have responded. You may have been a little premature in attempting to uninstall Evernote - 'not responding' means your system temporarily ran out of resources rather than anything app related, so waiting for a while might have seen the problem solve itself. Now you've uninstalled and reinstalled... and reinstalled... I'd suggest you uninstall Evernote again and restart your computer, then install whichever version you prefer and see what happens...
  2. I'm not an Evernote employee. This is a Forum mainly supported by user volunteers, including me. My comments, relevant or otherwise, are strictly my own.
  3. gazumped

    Fix need

    Hi. If you're now a subscriber, you have access to Evernote's Support team - and they're in a far better position than we are to see why you're unable to connect except on VPN. It does suggest you're trying to connect from somewhere that has blocked the Evernote web address for some reason. Are you connecting from behind a business firewall maybe?
  4. Hi. In most OS's it's already possible to copy some or all of a page to the clipboard and then into an existing note; although if you do that with two HTML clips, the formatting will usually react badly - which is possibly why Evernote don;t, and maybe can't, paste one clip into another. Worst case - you can use screen shots rather than clips, or clip the content into separate notes and merge them later, or link them with titles, tags or Table of Contents notes into one narrative. Some ingenuity may be required, but it is possible to capture pretty much anything you require - just not wholly with Clipper.
  5. Hi. If you're clipping from the web browser, there are also options in clipper that choose which notebook should be used and whether or not to employ 'smart filing' to automatically assign notebooks and tags...
  6. Hi. There are dozens of comments on this in the forums, but no action from Evernote yet. Themes is a nice idea, but let's get the thing working perfectly before we talk about decorating the outside...
  7. Hi. Sounds like you've accidentally activated Windows' magnifier. Try a web search for more on that - https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/11542/windows-use-magnifier-to-make-things-easier-to-see forinstance. If all else fails closing all apps and restarting the computer your restore things to normal...
  8. Hi. Copy the note into one of your own notebooks. Whatever you then do to your copy of the shared note will not affect the original.
  9. Hi. Where did you get the impression that notes were indexed in Google? If you search in the Evernote app, you'll find your notes. However because users' notes may include personal information, they are otherwise kept firmly encrypted and behind a firewall. It is possible to make a note public if you wish, but that won't automatically mean that Google will find it unless you specifically submit information to that company. Both Basic and Premium notes are treated identically in this regard. If yu can explain what you're trying to achieve, maybe we can suggest some options...
  10. Seriously? Please read the previous 3 pages of debate about this...
  11. ? From the comments above yours it seems like there have been some changes... but in general this isn't a forum to submit orders for bespoke systems; feature requests are just that: requests - to be implemented when the company agrees they are appropriate and feels they can add the feature in a cost-effective manner.
  12. Hi. Always best to start a new thread for your own queries, rather than grab onto a 2-year old topic. However in this case: as a premium user you should find that both notes and attachments (of certain types) are searched for your terms automatically. The 'types' includes Office - DOCX etc, and PDF files, as well as JPG and PNG pictures. If your PDF attachments weren't saved as 'searchable' files, it can take Evernote some hours, or a day or so to index them fully - and large documents will not be processed by the system at all.
  13. Hi. Reads as slightly over the top criticism to me, hence 'meltdown' which was meant in an ironic and friendly manner, regardless of how it came across to you. As I carefully explained earlier, editing and highlighting within a PDF requires an (expensive) editor, which Evernote is not. The help link you quoted shows clearly that all additions and annotations are overlays on the existing text, and not amendments to it. There are already explanations in this thread of how to draw a straight line and how others deal with highlighting. Sorry you're frustrated by Evernote's features in that regard, but I don't see there being any major changes. I will allow that I have frequently been wrong, and add the caveat that Evernote are working on new features as we speak. Maybe in the next iteration...
  14. For a non-subscriber: there's an Evernote Community on Facebook, and @EvernoteHelps via Twitter.
  15. Hi. It has been reported previously that some notes don't show up in the new client. It's still being worked on, and you found the work-around - just check back in a while and it may be corrected.
  16. Hi. You had a small meltdown over highlighting text... It's quite possible, and has been for some time, to annotate and highlight text in PDF files, and to highlight in a text note. The How-To Geek site describes PDFs as "typically used to distribute read-only documents that preserve the layout of a page. They’re commonly used for documents like user manuals, eBooks, application forms, and scanned documents, to name just a few." The operative words there being 'read only'. If you want to edit the content you'd normally pay a substantial fee for PDF Editor software to open and re-save the format. Sadly, Evernote can't do that for you, even as a subscriber.
  17. My bad - I looked up the thing I found. If you go to the user's profile and scan down the left side of the page, there's a leetle green box which includes the word 'spammer'... It's a bit like the Big Red Button (only greener) - there's this terrible temptation to see what would happen.... <evil mastermind laugh>
  18. Hi. Click the 'View' option to switch toolbars (menus) on and off, and right click the toolbar for options to customize the appearance, including about 30 icons for different services.
  19. Hi. You can clip a web page, and you can clip a screenshot, which should (depending on which OS you're using) give you the option to add comments - to 'annotate' the screenshot. That, currently is it. If you can describe a different preferred option, you could start a Feature Request to see how popular that might be...
  20. ...Wouldn't count on it. Got over 50.000 notes now, and Evernote goes off to look at the flowers for a minute or more every so often... 🤥
  21. Hi. Tools > Options > Printing - choose "print each note on a separate page". if printing several notes, Use an editor like NAPS2 to split into discrete files.
  22. Hi. How can I quickly reduce the image? See that big square box at the bottom right of your image? Click to select and move that box to see the size change. Are there hotkeys for quickly reducing images? See above. Otherwise - no.
  23. Hi. I think that's a browser issue. If it gets you to the correct page, I wouldn't worry....
  24. Hi. Sorry for the slow reaction - you're through to a (mainly) user-supported Forum. For anything account-related, contact Support.
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