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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I used to be a TickTick subscriber - gave it up when I found out how to do much of it in Evernote + Filterize. The only feature I couldn't replace was an actual calendar - where I now use Google Calendar (which ties in with my Gmail addresses). Filterize keeps my to-do and project lists up to date in Evernote, and Google Calendar events link into more detailed Evernote notes wherever necessary.
  2. Best I got, sorry; maybe someone else can help...
  3. Hi. I'd imagine Android has mainly been used as a mobile OS on - usually small screens and even smaller keyboards where touch controls were more appropriate. It looks like it's making the move to mainstream, but shortcuts are still an afterthought. New apps due out - sometime this year - may include improvements for the usability of both the mobile and the web interfaces. Exactly what form(s) that may take we won't know until they get released. Meantime what you see is what you got. There are automation apps around that can use gesture and other inputs, and voice control might offer an option: but I've not looked into either of those from this perspective so that could also be a red herring. Sorry if that's the case!
  4. Hi. Will any of this help? How to use Siri with Evernote
  5. Suggested interim work-around: use a simple word processor appropriate to your device OS to draft and proofread long comments, then copy and paste into the remarks box.
  6. Hi. Sorry to hear this - as @DTLow pointed out, the account would have been accessed with your ID, so there's no way to know exactly what might have been viewed by others -vs- what you were looking at yourself. I agree there's no method to check that we're aware of.
  7. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest you raise this with Support as a bug. Although Evernote staff do read the Forums, it'll get attention much faster that way. I verified that you're correct: type one letter and all the notebook names containing that letter are found. Don't know if that's new - I hadn't noticed because my notebook names are prefixed by a special character (or two) like the vertical bar '|', and when I search, '|B' turns up the four or five notebooks with that first letter combination. (For some weird reason typing the first two letters of a notebook name without a special character prefix still shows all the titles with that two-letter combination)
  8. Possibly a co-incidence, but my issues started around the same time... maybe it was a Windows change - as @CalS says nothing happened with the Evernote Windows app (that I know of), though they were mentioning lots of back-end server changeover work that has been completed. Ah well. I'll work along with Support to see if they come up with anything else - they had a copy log from me. Maybe once we've eliminated all the possible explanations, whatever remains, no matter how improbable... (sorry; went all Conan Doyle for a moment there..) There are some shiny new versions of the app coming 'soon*' so maybe the team are busy kicking the tyres on the new model and don't have the time to go back and beat dents out of the old one.. * for widely variable definitions of the word...
  9. Hi. I can confirm that it's not some backdoor way to get you to upgrade - this can happen between mobile and desktop devices, and sometimes because of OS updates/ upgrades. Best option is to report it either in Evernote's Facebook community, or on Twitter @EvernoteHelps. And use the workaround for the time being...
  10. If you check Evernote's blogs, they're currently in the process of revising and updating ALL the clients in all OS's although at the moment it's taking them rather longer than they initially thought. I'd imagine their apparent lack of action on this issue is a basic reluctance to spend money fixing a problem in an app that's about to be replaced, thereby delaying their new launch by even more...
  11. Hi. This link will give you access to the help sheets on sharing - bear in mind there are other methods of sharing note content, including sending a URL by IM or text. Share notebooks
  12. Best raise this in a votable Feature Request Forum to see whether enough users have the same problem for Evernote to consider investigating further. Meantime there should be no problem in saving links to GDrive files from any account into a note, and as long as you're signed into the account or gave the link a view-and-edit level access, you can process changes.
  13. As mentioned, this (only) applies to mobile apps, and might have more to do with the OS than Evernote being dismissive of tags. There are ways around the issue - instead of nesting, various naming formats give the ability to find and apply the correct tag quickly. Instead of different sub-tags for agents under the 'accounts' heading, naming the tags 'accounts_james', 'accounts_bob' etc means that searching for 'acc' will (probably) get you a menu of all the options - depending on what other tag names you have. Saving search queries to a shortcut can also find you notes in whatever date or department groupings you may need.
  14. Hi. Welcome to the club. Something like this issue is affecting my account as well as others. With Support, I'm just going through variations on settings and <groan> re-creating the database on my laptop to try to improve. I'm running a 25GB, 50,000 note data file (and my account just went off to smell the flowers as I opened Tools > Options to look that up). My 'freezes' seem to average around 6-8 minutes. As a matter of interest what's your OS and database size? If you search the Forums for other threads on this, several tweaks have been suggested that might help - including the obvious: make more, and shorter notes!! (And we're back: only about 3 minutes out that time!)
  15. So as well as wanting Evernote to reinvent Google Maps you want global weather reports? With integration apps like IFTTT, Zapier and CloudHQ (and many others) around you should already be able to build whatever blend of data summary you need to add to Evernote.
  16. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002061928-How-to-enable-dark-mode-in-Evernote
  17. Hi. This is not feasible using Evernote. Keeping the style AND the original content is easy; but when the HTML content is copied into the note, the codes controlling styles like bold and underline and font type and size are not viewable or editable - so any content changes often have... unexpected... results. It's possible to annotate a screenshot OR edit the text; but editing or revising a page is a job for an HTML editor, which Evernote is not.
  18. Hi. I can only suggest you raise a support request for this - AFAIK there's no history information available other than your current month usage. Since there are only two current account levels you could simply downgrade for a while to see how the lower limits suit you - or don't; your existing notes will still be available to view, though any which exceed the note size limit for Basic will not be editable. You could take a punt at the average usage by checking your database size and dividing by your membership age in months - but obviously that will exclude occasional peaks, and any editing when the note is (effectively) re-uploaded. Evernote may have some information that's not otherwise available.
  19. Hi. I appreciate some issues are urgent to the person involved, but this is a (mainly) user supported group and whilst some colleagues here do use Mac (I don't) they may or may not have the ability - or the time - to assist. If you'd like to get some help from the company, there's an Evernote community on Facebook and they have a Twitter account @EvernoteHelps. Meantime please don't bump enquiries...
  20. Users seem to be divided into two main groups - those using notebooks, and those who use tags for organisation. I think most folks have a pretty good grip on how to use tags, but maybe random combinations of keywords is not the way they roll. I tend to use saved searches accessed from my Shortcuts bar for a variety of tasks, and a Filterize account which 'pre-searches' some routine daily activities like to-do lists and reminders and presents me with a Table of Contents note containing my day/ week/ month's assignments.
  21. Hi. What OS, browser and Evernote client are you using? As far as I recall, selecting an email and saving it to Evernote via the Gmail clipper does include any attachments, but if for any reason that fails, I assume that you could drag and drop the attached file(s) into the clipped email note without any major issues. What's been your experience?
  22. Hi. Are you using the latest web client? That's currently a beta that is still being worked on. Try changing back to the previous version - check in Settings.
  23. The issue in this thread is getting paid for referrals And you're a Basic user earning money from referrals to your colleagues or friends? Evernote is not a charity. If you want to use their bandwidth and server space for your own projects it's probably a good idea to become a subscriber.
  24. Yeah. Thanks for the suggestion, but sadly I have a sizeable chunk of local notebooks which require exporting and re-importing if I kill my current database file. Not a huge job, but it adds some extra nitpicking I'd rather avoid if I can. If all else fails however...
  25. Hi. Just noticed this - as you're a subscriber I suggest you raise the issue with Evernote Support. We're a -mainly- user-supported forum, and though Evernote staffers do read the comments you're unlikely to get any action being taken on the issue this year. Support can at least look into why this is happening...
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