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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You can set that up for yourself. Create your 'chapter' notes and find them in a search. From that list of chapters select all and create a Table of Contents index. You'll be able to do that to as many levels as you like. It's possible to number the notes and sort by title, but otherwise notes are generally considered stand-alone items that are found by searching (as above). It's possible to copy equations from elsewhere (usually as images) but Evernote is not an HTML editor. I'm sure there are equation-capable word-processors you could use. Evernote is not a Markdown editor either, though there is a project at the moment to upgrade all the various clients this year. See the blog for details. It is possible to use a word-processor with these options and attach that file to a note No, they're not. I don't know how many thousand dollars in development time these features would cost, but there's an economic consideration: would spending those funds retain / attract enough paying users to cover the cost? Thanks for the suggestions though - all feedback is welcome!
  2. Hi. Whchever version of the web client you are using, there will be another option in Settings (click your account icon on the web page) to switch to another version - the 'classic' UI, or the latest beta version. You could try that for a while... Technical issues / web client seems good to me. Although as a subscriber you could also use the Support link to submit a bug report.
  3. Hi. Yes - bold your highlight, then un-bold the following text. Highlighting is a switch: it's on until you switch it off again.
  4. This was fixed a year ago. What, exactly, is your issue?
  5. Hi. You've posted this in the Penultimate forum - the app hasn't been updated in some time. I know others have gravitated to third party apps which seem to perform better - have you looked around for alternatives? In this case - does the white image background obscure something you wish to see?
  6. Hi. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax You don't have to intervene on each clip - you could do a tidy-up at the end of a day; locate all the mobile clips/ notes and move them elsewhere. Third party app Filterize would do this for you automatically - plus a lot more. source: Searches for notes by the application or other source used to create them (e.g., 'mail.smtp' for notes added via email, 'web.clip' for notes added using Web Clipper, etc.). source:mobile.* will return all notes created on a mobile application of some type. source:web.clip will return all notes added using Web Clipper.
  7. Just for the record I'm not an employee, I have no connection with the company other than being a user, and I do not get paid by Evernote for anything. I do use Evernote for its intended purpose - been doing that (and paying) for 11+ years, and while I have also suggested various improvements from time to time, I've not made Evernote's compliance with my suggestions a condition of renewing my subscription. That is, by my definition, an attempt to 'dictate' the way in which the application is developed. You seem to have missed the last part of my post which was suggesting that it is possible Evernote are already doing something about your issue while rebuilding their app - I hope that gets released before your deadline expires. Good luck either way...
  8. Hi again... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027 https://evernote.com/ How to install Evernote
  9. Hi. Two things - when you buy into a software app you pay for the features that you see, not for the right to dictate what the next developments will be. And with 30 votes (so far) this is not the most pressing request that Evernote have in these forums. There are thousands of others, several with many more votes. Evernote's issue is priorities, not customer service. Oh and - Evernote are already (they say) in process of completely re-coding all of their apps for all operating systems (See the Evernote Blog), so they may have already included some upgrades. But they don't preview details, so we'll probably have to wait until the new versions hit the streets to see what new features exist. (Strikes me that few users seem to be aware of this, so I'll boiler-plate this paragraph for inclusion with more answers...)
  10. Hi. Your issue isn't related to your account type. If you're seeing this menu, try dragging the icon over the top of an existing one - like 'share' in my case. The target area to drop a new symbol is quite small.
  11. Hi. Are you using the installed Outlook 2013 or the cloud-based 365? I have the older version which still works fine for me. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling Clipper if there's an issue, or forward the email to your Evernote email address. Either way I'd suggest you submit a support ticket so Evernote can look into this further. How to save email into Evernote
  12. Hi. You could use a different browser and Clipoper. Or a screenshot. Or to email the page (if it supports this and you're a premium subscriber) to your Evernote email address. Or to use one of the many online website copy services that will render the page as a PDF (basically another screenshot). Or copy and paste....
  13. Hi. If you remove the code snippet from the end so this is your link - https://blog.ipswitch.com/use-powershell-copy-item-cmdlet-transfer-files-winrm it's easily clickable. I don't know what function the extra characters should perform, but that link is not valid in Evernote, or here in the forums - which is managed under different third party software.
  14. Hi. Because tags don't 'belong' to just one notebook, but it is easily possible to limit searches to a single notebook by selecting it from the side menu?
  15. Hi. Copy and paste works fine for me from my desktop to a note created in Evernote desktop, as does drag and drop. Sounds as though you may be using the new beta browser version of Evernote which is somewhat lacking in features. Reverting to the 'classic' browser UI (in Settings) or installing the full Evernote client on your device may resolve you problems...
  16. Hi. This is quite a long random tweet which I viewed in my browser. https://twitter.com/garius/status/1271035621461708801 Using Clipper and Brave I captured all of the content so far, and the note metadata included the URL. What device and OS are you using to capture your tweets?
  17. Hi. Is the shared note being viewed on a desktop or a mobile? How large is the image? If this is a 1MB+ image to be displayed on a phone for instance, it may take a little while for the download to complete. Words would come first...
  18. Hi. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Evernote?
  19. Hi. With queries like this it's always good to know what device and OS you're using. If you have some sort of temporary loss of data it's always best to try the system 'undo' process (Ctrl+Z forinstance in Windows) to see if it can be reversed. If that fails there are browser add-ins which can record and replay recent input - obviously any protection doesn't work outside that browser environment, but loss of connection is probably the most common cause of random data loss. Typio is one such - https://typiorecovery.github.io/
  20. Hi. In Windows desktop if you right-click a link, there's a choice to edit / copy / remove the link.
  21. AFAIK there are no 'bugs' in the export process - I have 50,000+ notes in around 200 notebooks which are exported fully each evening without my intervention through a third-party add-in Backupery. However there are other batch file options (Windows) and -probably- Scripts (Mac) that will do the job. If oversize or corrupted notes cause issues, that's a general IT issue not down to individual software.
  22. Just for information - have you looked at What3Words? - It's a geocode system (says Wikipedia) for the communication of locations with a resolution of three metres. What3words encodes geographic coordinates into three dictionary words; the encoding is permanently fixed. The site has a number of apps including a photography utility that will automatically include the location of the image. I appreciate it doesn't do what you asked for and doesn't include a weather report, but the location would be secured. Google have a similar geolocation system now - if you check out a map location you should see a 'plus code' - GV25+G6 London is Buckingham Palace forinstance. W3W's equivalent is https://what3words.com/tolls.wiring.weds which has the advantage of taking you directly to the location (of the front gate) on the map.
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