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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Which version of Windows? Basic Windows stuff. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote and find Evernote.exe. Right click and choose 'send to desktop' (create shortcut). If you then right click the new icon you may be able to 'pin to start' or drag and drop the shortcut elsewhere.
  2. Hi. Where and hw exactly are you looking for this important information? What makes you think that the account was hacked? Do you use 2-factor log ins?
  3. Hi. How exactly are you "scanning to email"? It's possible to scan to a hard drive folder, or directly to Evernote. Where does email come in?
  4. Hi. For the meantime (and the sake of your heart) maybe use a word processor that speaks math and attach the WP file to a note?
  5. If you logged into the PC account with the same credentials you use on the web, the app should automatically download a copy of the server database - your online notes - onto your local PC. If that's not happening, then something very odd is getting in the way. Maybe try logging out of and uninstalling your PC copy, restarting your system and reinstalling from Evernote.com?
  6. Hi. The latest version of the Evernote UI sometimes seems reluctant to update with new notes - have you tried stepping back to the old interface (option in settings) or using another browser?
  7. gazumped

    Look up

    I've never known this be available from within Evernote - I always use 'define<keyword>' or 'spell<keyword>' in Google.
  8. Ouch! Sorry guys. Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed... 😱
  9. Hi. Were you copying and pasting from a web page into a new note? If I do that I get Paste / Select All / Paste as Plain Text - which due to the wonders of pasting HTML into another format, tends to be the original format, jumbled around. As on option you could 'share' the page to a note for (maybe) more reliable results...?
  10. OK: just so we're on the same page - this thread is about notes which have synced and are visible on all clients being un-editable on Android. Your query seems to be about notes which have not synced and are only present on your Android, which is a rather different issue. The standard answer to your original query - - would be that such notes exist only on your phone and would be lost if the app is restarted. But I'd imagine the notes have synced otherwise they would have been zapped already by a phone restart. As to Support - talking to them is never wasted, because however cynical your view, a large number of similar complaints does indicate a serious issue; it gives them a pool of users from which to get logs and technical info which might help them solve the problem; and it should persuade someone to check that the 'new' app doesn't have similar issues - maybe by offering a beta version to someone to test. And Not aware of any 'mighty' bonuses flying around, but AFAIK all Evernote's CEOs have been in their respective post for years before moving on, and the current one hasn't shown signs of leaving yet...
  11. Actually, thinking about it, I'd rather see what we have now becoming much quicker and more reliable before anyone starts adding bells & whistles...
  12. I'm also a paying member and Workflowy works well for me... Anyway, there's an announcement (apparently) coming next week about new developments, so you might be lucky -
  13. Hi. I've not had the same experience, but I'd assume this is your browser caching an old page?
  14. Not sure if it helps, but there is a 2-factor login...
  15. Ian Small is apparently due to make an announcement about new updates next week.
  16. Hi. As posted last in this thread, I use Vivaldi - which is a Chrome-based browser, running Chrome add-ins. And my clipper is fine. I'd suggest you try Vivaldi or Brave (or even MS Edge which is also now chrome-based) and see whether clipper works there. If so, it's something to do with your Chrome settings - maybe security, or proxy settings?
  17. Hi. Have you raised this with Support? The dev team can only 'fix' issues they can identify and control, and submitting your logs to them might help.. if it is an Evernote problem. We should see an update shortly about the release of some wholly new clients, so your fix may already be in the works.
  18. Hi. -and what @CalS said: that sounds like a recipe for disaster. Best suggestion would be - start with Basic if you can operate within the account limits and have an account each. If there's lots of source material, but only one person need handle that - one premium and two basics. If you all have access to the premium account, it won't matter if the normal premium 'owner' isn't available - one of the other two could lean in and take their place. If money is no object, have three premium accounts. If you each operate your own account, but one person shares one or more notebooks with the others, you can have all the access you want. The system should even prevent you opening a shared note that someone else is actively editing. Worth starting with three free basic accounts anyway (which will cope with all the above) to test whether it all works for you...
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