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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Don't think there is an option to force sync, other than clicking the Sync button - Ctrl+Help gives the extended menu with some useful options... The above doesn't work on my Win10 laptop...
  2. Hi. You're not dumb. Simply clicking Sync is as much as you can do in Windows. Unless you see a red "!" on the sync icon, Windows thinks you're up to date. It is possible to hold down Ctrl and click Help to see an extended series of options including Optimize Database and Recreate Search Index which can help update your local installation in some circumstances, but make sure you backup your database (Copy the Databases folder to your desktop) first...
  3. It's really not a bug as such - just that Evernote does not play well with remote file storage, or folders synced with remote storage. Apart from syncing with its own servers and out to any device connected with the account, Evernote works best when dealing with local device storage. The file permissions, file locking and security involved with sharing files with third party remote storage - even if there's a linked folder on the local hard drive - would involve a whole other coding problem. In this sort of situation it would be most efficient to find a way to deal with these files which fits in with Evernote's limited abilities. I'd strongly doubt the company would even consider trying to extend the app for such a specialist situation. There are many variations on automation - one app I use a lot is DropIt! Which is a third-party folder watcher. It can move or copy files automatically, or you can set up various 'profiles' that will process files in particular ways if a folder contents are dropped onto the icon. Something like that could - possibly - watch the remote folder for you and copy newly posted files into another local Windows folder on your hard disk. If you set up such a folder as an Import Folder it may work more effectively than the current system. (For a while I was having problems scanning documents to a watched import folder on my hard drive. The issue turned out to be the scanner creating a new file when it started the process, and then waiting for a minute or so while it scanned and OCR'd the image. The file would be locked during all this processing, and meantime while Evernote would become aware that a new file was being created, it was locked out for a period and 'timed out' - failing the import completely. The solution was to use two folders - I did my scanning to folder and then manually dragged and dropped the content of the scanner folder -typically around 30 files- into another folder I'd set up for the import.)
  4. Hi. Does your Watch folder setup delete the original files on import? If the only thing that changes is the update date on an existing file, I'm not sure that would trigger another import. You may be better off using an automation app - something like IFTTT or Zapier - to create a new note if/ when there is a change.
  5. Hi. The log you posted includes your gmail address / Evernote user name. This is a public forum so you might want to delete that soon... As to the new device issue - have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app?
  6. Hi. Sounds like someone (Amazon or Google) moved the goalposts and Evernote has yet to catch up. Only suggestion would be to clip the whole page(s) to edit later, or maybe use a reader app like Pocket and clip from there...
  7. Hi. It's not (yet) possible to tag notebooks, though I think there's a feature request for that around here somewhere - it is possible though to add one or more notebooks as favourites/ shortcuts so that a notebook can be accessed with one click.
  8. ...Just to round out this discussion by the way, don't omit NodusLabs' Infranodus - it will import Evernote notes (and many other types of text network) and present a 'connections' analysis based on common words and phrases - specifics can be included or eliminated. It's a sort of self-connecting mind-map (sorry, Nodus!)
  9. Hi. I use Gmail too, and I have several classes of email being forwarded to my account, where they are sorted automatically into several notebooks with appropriate tags added along the way. The key is a third-party freemium service https://filterize.net There are a couple of options: Filterize will assign an individual email address to each one of your notebooks, and it's possible to use that in Gmail to forward emails directly. However the forwarding interface in Gmail is not well laid out - the email addresses are long and unfriendly, and if you have several it's a pain to work out which address to use for each filter. PLUS Gmail requires that you receive a request and approve the forwarding process each time. Again if you have a lot of notebooks, the overhead is... unworkable. OR. Filterize will operate an IFTTT-style filter on new notes. If your note contains <this string> it will then apply <this/ these tags> and move it to <this notebook>. One note can hold a table of any number of these variables, and Filterize will check the lookup list in column 1, and apply the tags from column 2 and move the note to the notebook in column 3. This is called "Parameterisation". I'm not sure how much of that is available in the free service - I'm now a subscriber there and have been for some while. All my redirected Gmail gets sent directly to my main Evernote account address, and sorted from there. FWIW I have other filters running in Filterize too, so that some received emails get tags which send them to filing, whereas others get priority tags so that I'll take a look at them sooner rather than later.
  10. Hi. Copying and pasting texts can include third-party formatting which affects the appearance. It's possible on desktops to 'paste plain text' but I don't think that's available on Android. Is it feasible to correct any formatting errors on a desktop once the notes have synced?
  11. Hi. I'd agree that if you can see the notebook on desktop, it seems to have reached your account. If it doesn't show up on the 'phone, it has to be a syncing issue - can you edit one of these notes to include a memorable word or phrase and then (after syncing both desktop and phone) search for it on the phone?
  12. Hi. Could you ask the original owner of the note to re-share it? One of you would have to be a subscriber - even if only for a month - to use the History option.
  13. There's a whole debate somewhere about the technicalities of backing up the Databases folder to an external HD -vs- an individual notebook backup to ENEX. The issue being that your HD databases folder backup is (necessarily) from hours or days into the past. If you've suffered some issue that compromised the server copy of your notes, they still are more up to date (even if wrong) that your backup. If you restore the backup, the server will likely overwrite the old, correct content with the newer corrupted version. It should be possible to get around that by some inventive editing and copying, but there's extra work, and if you make any mistakes... I get a daily backup from Backupery on my main account which goes notebook-by-notebook to individual ENEX files. Much easier to deal with in the event of errors. I'd need another account though to cover my second account - so I didn't bother...
  14. If you're sharing notebooks, then you wouldn't have (or need) the option to switch from one account to the other. My second account is somewhere separate I can go if my main account is being difficult. I can log into that #2 account and create notes direct, or I can look at the 'shared with me' section of my #1 account and see the same notes (from the shared notebook) - but with a few less privileges. #2 has it's own database in my Evernote folders, and I can log into it as though it were my own (which it is...) but I can also behave like I'm a colleague and access the shared notes from my own account. I never checked to see whether those notes are also saved in #1 account, or whether I access them from the server... OK - that's not exactly a clear summary (currently working late and on Linux- sanity optional for a while) but hopefully you get the differences...
  15. Just tried to send a file with Evernote running and the file appeared within seconds. Just to be sure - you're right-clicking the file and using the 'send to' option? Sounds like there's something wrong with your installation - if you're up for it, uninstalling / restarting / reinstalling may solve this...
  16. Hmmn. I can confirm - my white elephant icon doesn't seem to do much either. Evernote might want to look at their iconography here too:
  17. Hi. Is that an Evernote or a Microsoft message?
  18. Hi. Unless someone else is willing to post their individual fix, you're unlikely to get more on this. We're a -mainly- user-supported forum; there's no special inside knowledge here, just long... bitter... experience.... Don't see that Evernote would care much...
  19. ...See the comments above in this thread? That's pretty much all we got...
  20. Hiya. AFAIK you should still have the same ability - I tend to have one extra account listed, and it's still there at the moment. When you add the account do you sync and File > Exit Evernote to 'fix' the change? If not, doing does that make a difference?
  21. Hi. There's been no change that I'm aware of - everything is still working here. As a subscriber you should have the ability to add files in several ways. Have you tried logging out of Evernote to see what happens when it isn't running?
  22. There have been several versions of the web client, and this 3-year-old thread is talking about one of the older ones. I don't recall being able to merge notes there for quite some time. How to merge multiple notes into a single note
  23. Hello. The web client has been unusable for me too in the last day or so (in Windows) - I don't know whether they're working on it, or there's some other network traffic issue slowing things down. All you can do is keep trying...
  24. Hi. Not sure of the exact mechanism you're using here, but one suggestion would be to copy your presentation and use the copy for annotating and one class. Then copy the blank original again and annotate again...
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