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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You're using a free service and are upset because it has limits?
  2. Hi. Any reference that starts out file:// is looking for information on a local device, not online. Evernote have zero control over what's on your phone - you may need to talk to HTC support about that... Do you have an Evernote user name / password? (Don't post it here - that's a y/n question!!)
  3. Me three. As I've explained (many times) before - I use Filterize to deal with (some) internal organisation. All my saves go into the default folder, but as new notes they're examined by Filterize against a note which contains a long, and editable table. There are three columns which help run a Filterize rule "if the note contains <word or phrase> apply tag(s) <anytag1,2 etc> and move to <notebook>" The variables are in the table, and I can add to or edit the content at any time. The system causes occasional amusement when my choice of search words is not specific enough, and when I want a particular note to be in a non-standard notebook. (I had to move one note back into the notebook I wanted it in three times before I worked out what was going wrong...) But like I say the tables are easily edited and any bugs can be worked out of the system. Mostly... Have a look at 'parameterization' if you'd like to know more...
  4. Oh wow - Sorry, I completely don't know why I said that... maybe thinking about the v10 fuss and wondering whether my services would still run on other apps... definitely need to lie down and find that ice pack for my head again... brain too hot... 🥵
  5. Hi. Not sure there's any software out there that can automate the whole process - I think you'd have to make a wish list of things you absolutely want to do and consult some software engineers to see whether any of their existing products meet most of your needs. Lots of web research and emailing required. I got this link from a search for "document management software" which had 1500M other hits... https://www.techradar.com/uk/best/best-document-management-software (When I've been in your situation I also chatted to lots of others in the same industry as me - and to our professional body - and asked about their software!) I can imagine a system using Evernote and Filterize where for each operation you create a note from a template for that task - "new note - template [scanned] - document xyz123" for example. When that note is synced with Evernote, Filterize could mark it as 'locked' to prevent alteration. Filterize can also build 'dashboards' - Tables of Content - that contain listings of notes, so you could have a dynamic list of documents showing each operation that they have been through, and also a list of operations, showing each document that has been processed. Two Caveats - That was completely off the top of my head and may or may not be feasible in the real world... Filterize is a Windows only product - and pretty much the equivalent of @DTLow's Mac Scripting Good luck! 🙂
  6. As a subscriber, you're able to send feedback direct via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  7. The short answer is - nobody knows. Not even, I would guess, Evernote. They're aware the product was very feature-poor on initial release, and they say they're working hard to fix that. But they can't know how long it will take to get the app to the state where it satisfies individual 'specialist' needs. Light users will probably get to that stage much earlier. But even if they decide to end support for the Legacy product, Evernote will have to give some notice - so you should have at least a month, maybe up to 6 months to decide whether to move or to stay. I'm on Legacy and staying! https://evernote.com/blog/state-of-the-product/
  8. Hi. We're mainly other users here in the forum, so we feel your pain... For more on why... https://evernote.com/blog/state-of-the-product/ Meantime https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Hi. We're mainly other users in the forum, so I can honestly say "it wasn't us" (for a change). For more on that... https://evernote.com/blog/state-of-the-product/ Meantime https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. Good luck!! (And please post the URL(s) when you find one - my links seem to have evaporated!)
  11. Not aware of any issues yet - consider the new version if you can update? (Hides) -Or maybe uninstall / restart / reinstall if you have access to an 8.13 install?
  12. This is one of those YMMV cases. I find that saving searches for different things - like tag:amazon - generates a LOT of saved searches, many of which I forget I have; so I duplicate searches or individually create new ones to get to the first stage in any search. But I realised that most of my searches were about something sent to <topic> / received from <topic> / about <topic>. So it seemed to make sense to organise my data around the topics - people / places / projects so that I could jump start any search just by looking at a notebook. Since I normally keep my content in title sorted order, and add a yyyymmdd date at the start of each title, they're already in 'most recent' order. So two clicks gets me to a screen-full of information that almost certainly contains the details I'm looking for. It also means I rarely have to worry about a series of tags for <content> <source> <date> or whatever. The fudgy bit comes when I have emails from individuals about projects that 'could' be filed in more than one notebook; I have to make a decision then as to which is most important. My choice is usually project (for filing) so I add tags for people and places. I like the setup because I never have queries about where to file stuff (any more...) and my tags are reasonably few and far between. So the "time to find" is pretty low as a rule. It's what we always say - it works for me; YMMV!!
  13. Hi. I've had about 40,000 notes in one notebook before things started to slow down, but it depends (I think) more on what sort of information you have and how you find things. I've now split my notes into about 300 notebooks each of which contains all notes, emails and clips related to one person, firm or project. So - What did we last order from Amazon? Open that notebook / sort by title (where we date each note) / and you have the latest information. What's happening on the Fusion project? Open that notebook... There are some fudges where we buy stuff from Amazon for the Fusion project, but that's what Tags are made for... Our view anyways!
  14. Hi. New version / cut down for launch / more options coming / meantime - Legacy - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. I agree separate feature requests don't seem to make much sense now. Maybe Forum Guru @Shane D. could take that under review...
  16. Yes, sorry; as @agsteele said - Evernote Legacy (v6.25.2) will run alongside v10.x and you can switch seamlessly(ish) between the two. Until you hear from Postach.io though, I'd be very careful not to open your blogging notebook in v10 just in case Evernote's little elves run some kind of riot and re-arrange the furniture in there. If you can it might be safer to stay with two separate laptops and just use the one with v6 when you blog. Full disclosure: I'm dug in my bunker using the last public version before v10 - I'm on 6.25.1 - and I have no plans to be anywhere near v10 for the forseeable future!! I am not an 'early adopter' - it usually means tears before bedtime... 🙂
  17. OK - absolutely confirmed; there's a clear difference between the two versions of the page. Please let us know what PI say!
  18. Thanks! - I'm going to go back over my account there and see what I missed. I've been busy trying out Markdown - which is limited in the layouts and styles it will support - and HTML - where I got sidetracked trying to find a WYSIWYG editor that will translate reasonably laid out pages to more complex HTML. Haven't found one to my liking yet. (No suggestions invited from anyone either - I'm hijacking the post here more than enough already!) My hodgepodge of pages is here, but you inspire me to go back and try harder!! OK: back on track... Other than the slight difference in the header panel in the two images @Lemayp added (which might be down to cropping) I still don't see any differences between the two pages. As far as I know Evernote only maintain one copy of your database on their server. Any differences between the versions you see on your local PC is purely a matter of translation between the separate downloaded databases serving each app on your device. Postach.io (again AFAIK) take the server-based content of your note and wave their blogging magic over it. So new version or old version, what gets to the server should be pretty much the same content, which is what drives your blog page. I think we (well, you anyway) need Postch.io involved in this*, and what we need is a new test blog page set up in both v6 and v10. I suggest creating your page in a word processor and copying the same content into a note via the v6 app, and another copy into a note via the v10 app. Let's see whether there are differences between the two published blog pages, and if so, let's export the source notes - again in their respective app - to ENEX files, where we can compare the content. If there are coding differences, then Evernote and Postach.io will have to work it out between them which end of the process needs to be changed. Evernote suffers from time to time when one or another browser change their interface and temporarily 'kill' Clipper until they can go back and change things. In this instance I think Postach.io might have to change stuff if there is an issue, but let's cross that bridge if it's necessary! * As I'm sure you know, Postach.io's chat link is the green icon at bottom right of your account page - they're usually pretty quick to respond, but it can take a few days. You might like to raise an Evernote support query now - with the current delays, and that holiday thing coming up very shortly, they won't be asking for more details until we'll be in a position to supply some.. - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Sorry to give you so much homework, but what else were you going to be doing for the next two weeks? Happy Holidays! 😷🎄
  19. My remaining two pictures show file names of: beab9e2227c9504eb1a4b660f59f8b6c.png 18efd765aeebb8758c0f927484b82516.png so I imagine the others were similar. I ran a 'fix lost resources' check (Ctrl+help) which completed after an hour or so with So that's another reason to bother my friends in Support... Just another day...
  20. In Evernote Windows 6.25 Ctrl+Help we have a 'search for lost resources' option which I'm currently running -whilst away from that desk because it takes a while. After I do that I'll have a winge to Evernote. My internet connection is strong, I've used XNView to edit orientation, size and DPI for ages on the app - but you might have a point about file names. These images were saved directly to Evernote as PNGs, but I didn't notice what the actual names were... More to follow....
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