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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. No. The point here is that - as you note - fonts in Windows are licensed to Windows. So the happy users who also use iOS and want their notes to look exactly the same on both devices could not have that particular slice of cake until Evernote got their own fonts and committed everyone to exclusively using them. I agree with you - if you're looking for the same layout on a phone screen as you get on a big super-HD monitor, use a page layout app that can give you the design bells and whistles (and fonts) you need. There's absolutely no sane need to complicate a note-taking and curating app like this, but (I have to assume) a majority of customers wanted it, so here we are. 🤨
  2. Hi. Did you get a support ticket number? If you simply filled in a crash report, there's no response from Evernote who will be fixing the issue in order of priorities. Meantime you could try Legacy - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote Or step back to the previous public version: http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe (Uninstall your current app first...)
  3. Storage for your notes and (eventual) access to Support if you have an issue. Did you try Legacy or reinstalling the last public version of Evernote? Legacy - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote MacOS original - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/119867-evernote-for-mac-710/
  4. Unless and until Evernote get around to adding the feature back, the choices would seem to be: live with it use workarounds - step back with the Legacy app / use tables find another app .. entirely your choice. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  5. There's been no suggestion (AFAIK) that this isn't going to come back - the 50 limit was described somewhere as 'temporary'...
  6. Hi. To be able to use the previous backup options - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote (runs alongside the new version) I believe it should also be possible to select a notebook and export at least to ENEX - which is a format other note-taking apps are able to import.
  7. Hi. OS? Evernote version? Device? - also: you showed the generic left-right align icon as well as the indent-outdent icons. Do neither of these work on images? Would it be a viable work-around to embed the images (and any text) in a table to use columns to frame a layout?
  8. Oh - I see: I thought you'd changed the notebooks over on a desktop and had to wait for the iPhone to catch up. My bad. Anyhow - the best solution seem to be to stick with the previous public version until development catches up. That's certainly what I'm doing... 🙂
  9. I assume you had the notebooks set to 'offline searchable' which means every single MB of the new arrangement had to be downloaded to the phone. That's not the app slowing things down. That's because downloading notebooks to mobile devices is set to low priority on the assumption you want to use them for other things too, and also depends on your internet / network connection.
  10. Me too - the easy answer to 95% of the current queries on the Forums (with the notable and sad exception of the iOS threads) is "use the Legacy version" or "step back to the last public version". I'd suspect the current Support overload is pretty much the same.
  11. I've got several unprocessed actions too - sometimes it takes a little while to catch up!
  12. ? Apart from completely rewriting their software packages for all platforms so that this sort of feature can be added once rather than 5 times in different operating systems ? They rolled out v10 a couple of months ago and are now adding new features every couple of weeks...
  13. Hi. Not sure what options there are outside of desktops - cloudHQ will backup your online account, but otherwise it's a question of manually exporting your notes which I don't think is yet possible in the web client.
  14. Hi. This is the only report (AFAIK) of driver issues. You should be able to uninstall Evernote / restart and correct the issue, then reinstall from Evernote.com. If you prefer to go back to the last public version prior to v10, you could download this version - http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe
  15. Hi. Have you tried uninstall / restart the device and reinstall from Evernote.com?
  16. Hi. The most common cause of 'lost' data is inadvertently logging into a new account instead of the existing one. The second most common issue is that the app takes a little time to integrate a new database when first updated, so shows blank screens for some minutes after. Please try to sign in again via Evernote.com and use the 'lost password' option with your email address if necessary.
  17. Not what I said. If you choose to put your data into an app, it makes sense to become a subscriber because you get access to support help to ensure that the app will continue to be available - 'free' app providers tend to have a short existence help to fund future development - coders like to be paid too have access to a contractual relationship with the provider, subject to the T&C document none of us read before actually using the app If you decide to use a free app you should know that you're taking a risk. No, it's not. The data is fine. Some users lost access to it for still unknown reasons which the users affected seem to have accepted without issue. <Sigh> No-one lost access. There was an issue. It got fixed. Possibly because there were several reports, some of which I escalated for the users involved. Well spotted. I'm a user, just like you. Tired of spending my time on this discussion about an imaginary problem instead of actually being able to help other users. I'm out.
  18. Hi. Most common cause of this is inadvertently creating a new account with slightly different access details. Log out of the app and try again - also check by signing in from another device (but beware the 2-device limit now includes web access).
  19. Hi. There are quite a few threads touting alternative providers, but the best and quickest way back to efficiency seems to be to install the version you had prior to the update. That's easily possible in desktops - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote not so easily in Android and sadly not possible in iOS.
  20. That's the best bug report I've seen in a while! 🤣 Like someone said above - I don't think Filterize can create notes on its own, and I thought Eva made suggestions for rules that you could adopt rather than independently adopting one. Also: she never sends me cakes...🤨 Best advice I'd say will be from the Filterize team - if their help pages don't respond quickly because of the holidays, try the Facebook group. And please let us know how this plays out - I'm intrigued now...
  21. I only bolded that bit because it seems to be the new fashion. Why are we arguing hypotheticals? AFAIK no-one who has had an account mysteriously deactivated has commented here as to the justification or otherwise for that action. Evernote may have detected suspicious activity on the account, received conflicting instructions, or the accounts may have inadvertently been deactivated by the user. The company aren't going to comment on individual cases, and the users don't seem bothered, so why labour the point for so long? Is this about the device limitation? If so, please get over it. Evernote is not a charity. You have 365/24/7 access to their server space and free storage space, plus (nearly) all the features of the full software. If you find the service useful and especially if you save 'essential information' there, either pay for it, or use one of the competitor services that aren't (yet) charging for access. If a user falls foul of the device limitation (and there's no indication that the OP had that problem), the worst case is a wait to the end of the month so the device swop limitation ends. Deactivation is something else entirely and isn't (as far as anyone knows) anything to do with problems at Evernote. And: user data has not been lost - deactivated accounts are not accessible, but the content is still available if/ when the account is reactivated.
  22. The availability of chat depends on your local time zone and how busy the support team is. That post was 2 years ago when the team hadn't recently issued a major software update to 200M users in the middle of a pandemic at a major holiday time. I believe they're a bit busy. Subscriber or not, you may need to be a little patient with them for the moment. Meantime there's always help in the Forum here if you are willing to give us more detail. I'd still recommend you fill in a support request - you'll get an immediate ticket number which at least gets you a place in the queue in case we can't help...
  23. Me three to the comments above. I've not had to use a backup for a long time, but I like the reassurance that one exists. Plus I've worked with computers for a long time. If anything can go wrong it probably will... I also use Backupery so I'll be sticking with the 'old' version 6.25 until they can come up with an online backup or some other option.
  24. Thanks! As it's got your recommendation I'll steal that link!! 😊
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