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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. The answer may lie in the phrase 'new notebook'... have you synced the app since creating the notebook? If it isn't mirrored on the server, you can't move it around.
  2. That's a question for support I think - given that there are two Evernote databases on your device it may be that your OS (Windows? MacOS?) needs to be told which app to use, or it could be that v10 direct links are/ will be created in a different way - unless you opted to retain a copy of the database on your device, there's no local file to address. You have a temporary database in a different format. Easier for the moment to use the web client to open notes...
  3. Presumably it will come back - meantime... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  4. Hi. Have you tried the ANY: operator? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax
  5. Hi. I believe a lot of users share notes and notebooks as part of their social, family or work groups, and it is possible to create a kind of mini-website by creating Tables of Content using public links to pages. Some users (including me) have Evernote-driven blog pages via Postach.io. Most of these are niche-interest groups, and many are not meant to be public - although a 'public link' is available for Notes, the actual text (I believe) is still behind Evernote's server firewall and therefore not searchable by outsiders. The only publicity such a link can receive is that generated by the owner or users of the page(s). I don't know of any sites of interest.
  6. Hi. Evernote is not able to manipulate variables. It can save recipes and individual shopping lists, but I can't think of a way in which you could aggregate several recipes into one shopping list. It might be possible in a programmable application like Airtable, but Evernote isn't something you can use in this way
  7. Well. 1) you're responding to a 4 year old post and 2) Onenote doesn't have the same structure as Evernote, so if you have any number of notes, once ported out, they will likely be rather difficult to use...
  8. Hi. Install the Legacy version for the time being at least - you can run it alongside the new app and it should behave as it always has... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Not defending, but if they had sold it differently as being a public Beta version and invited participation I think we'd've been happy. Making it an automatic update that hamstrung everyone's workflow was the bad part. Still with the constant updates, they're trying...
  10. On my version of 8.13 it's a menu bar at the top of the All Notes screen. If you tap the one-line which probably says "Reminders (1)" you should get the content. The same bar includes an option to hide/ show upcoming and completed reminders and to sort them by date.
  11. Hmmn - check your reminders. Just looked at the Forum history (via Google) and someone raised this a couple of years ago. Either I'm extremely efficient (unlikely) or I have different settings somehow, but that's never been an issue for me...
  12. Maybe unsynced notes? I haven't seen the icon before so can't be certain - just for the avoidance of doubt: we are talking about the 'old' public version of Evernote and not the new v10?
  13. Hmmn. Don't believe I've ever seen a change to the icon - notifs usually arrive by email unless it's an outstanding chat... What happens when you open the app?
  14. Everyone is aware of the possibility to step back to the previous version of Evernote, or to install a Legacy version that will work alongside v10 I hope... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/119867-evernote-for-mac-710/
  15. Heavens, no - neither of us knows enough about what's going on to be able to quote facts and I am happy to leave you to your own opinions. Enjoy the holidays!
  16. I use Evernote as my main index with links to any dynamic nodes in Workflowy so I can jump fairly seamlessly to the correct place and see the up to date picture. Likewise Workflowy has note links back to Evernote. It works for me - which is (or should be) the guiding principle here. I'm happy with this approach. If you want a different one, feel free to apply it, or to ask Evernote for the feature. As long as there's an 'off' and/ or a 'hide menu' option I'll be happy. But now that this is at least possible, please can we all wait until the paint is dry on v10 before arguing about priorities?
  17. I actually have no idea, but the fact remains that for whatever reason Evernote set up their various structures in each OS without any allowance for collapse. With billions of notes (a throwaway comment in a recent video that may or may not be true) and millions of active users, it was a bit hard to make any changes.
  18. ?? Editor: Workflowy. MindMaps: my choice - Freeplane (but basically any mindmap will collapse branches) Personally: on including new features in Evernote - why reinvent wheels? And why add the additional complexity of another set of menus? I get that collapse is quite popular (626 votes so far) but up to this year Evernote didn't have the tools to do this - they've been around for 12+ years and some of the base code got written before either text collapse or mind mapping was a thing. Now they've got the new engine - anything is possible; but maybe lets let them get the basics working again first?
  19. I didn't know that multi-select was ever an option on the web app. Or you could just install one of the desktop apps - v10 or legacy - which does this easily?
  20. Not defending the shambles this launch turned into for anyone experienced in using the app, but to an extent I sympathise with the developers. Code that works perfectly in the lab under test conditions gets released into a world where literally millions of people are going to use and abuse it even more than usual. Even within the fairly controlled iPhone market there are dozens of variations on device and connection type - and the same thing happens in Android and Windows / Mac where there are even larger variations in device and OS. Plus with a product as complicated as Evernote there are bound to be features that customers rely on, but developers hardly even realise are critical. They have an impossible job - if something comes out that works, "why this feature and not that one"? If it falls over, even slightly - "fix it fix it!!" And there are no doubt pressures from investors and management - "Done is better than perfect. If it doesn't crash (often), get it released!!"
  21. Merry Christmas (or holiday festival of choice) @PinkElephant - and to everyone else!!
  22. And I have a fairly big database in Workflowy (no need for any setup, just sign up or log in and start typing). No shame in using another app in addition to Evernote. With Workflowy I can jump directly to the node I need through a link like this one - https://workflowy.com/s/example-stub/7eEN3KzuV67vG1qg - (except with my link I can add to or edit the content immediately). I also link back to Evernote notes from there. - That's the smallest of 50 or so nodes, by the way, some of them going down a long way to 10 or more sub levels. I don't care whether Evernote add some sort of cut down collapse option to their app - with the extra menus, keyboard shortcuts and additional learning curve that will entail; I already have a workflow around WF - I won't be using anything else just because it's there!
  23. Hmmn. Unknown, sorry - you're not changing the note body content, just adding/ editing a flag connected to it. Seems unlikely that would affect your upload limit unless you chose to do more tidying up in that note whilst you looked at it... We're a mainly user-supported forum though: you'd need to get a confirmation from Evernote for certainty...
  24. Hi. If there's editable text in a PDF Evernote will not OCR it. You could clip the PDF on its own, then add your handwritten comments to a second note and re-clip the annotated PDF if you want a compromise. Try a test PNG as well to see which (if any) works better.
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