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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I'm still running Evernote for Windows 6.25 so I can verify that it's true - if you have the note open in its own window - that the linked note replaces the original there, and then back-arrow goes back to the previous note. If however you're looking at the full Evernote window with a note listing, the whole thing refreshes to select the linked note in the listing along with its related content window. If in your experience things work differently now, I'd suggest you raise it with Support as feedback / a bug report.
  2. Windows has its own unique clipping personality - however there are other apps out there that will clip desktop content and save it as image files / paste content elsewhere. Nimbus screenshot & screen video is an example... If at first you don't succeed - try a different app.
  3. Maybe someone thought this was a backdoor way into your account. I'll report these posts too to make sure the Admins see the issue as urgent...
  4. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-to-user forum - you'd need to talk to Support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new There's some general information here too - Reactivate your Evernote account
  5. Hi. If you save screenshots as JPG or PNG they'll be OCR'd and searchable. If you save as a PDF you have to create a 'searchable' PDF before saving. You say you're having trouble opening these files - what exactly happens when you try to open one?
  6. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum with few (if any) developers present - the best place to get some feedback on API questions is here - https://dev.evernote.com/
  7. Er, Hi. User to user forum here (mainly), so you're kind've capslocking into the dark - just to note, you can go back to Legacy and use an older version with all the original features, but your choice.
  8. Hi. If you were happy with the 'old' Evernote, then one easy choice is to install that version to run alongside (or instead of) the new one. While relying on the Legacy app isn't a long term solution - though you probably still have months if not years before it disappears forever - it would be unwise to jump ship to the first app you find that will download all your notes. It might be an even worse experience! If you search the forums here and the wider internet, you'll find that there are several ongoing threads to find the ideal note-taking app. Since your view of that depends a great deal on what you actually use your account for, you might be wise to stick with Legacy for a bit and test out some of the likely prospects before jumping ship! (And you might need Legacy to export your notes...) https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Wow. I'm even more underwhelmed with v10. A least 6.25 has a simpler and more obvious option...
  10. Hi. You're showing here as a subscriber, and AFAIK that restriction only applied to Basic contracts per @PinkElephant above - has your subscription lapsed recently? Did you log in via a different account? According to Evernote, Plus accounts do not have a device limit. If your experience is different please contact Support to discuss the matter...
  11. I use actual words but with an 'x' in front - as in xBookmark. Good hack.
  12. ? Evernote search normally excludes anything outside 1-9 and a-Z; are you using the Ctrl+F search?
  13. Hi. Top 3 rules of tech with Windows - File > Exit the app and log back in again Power the device off and restart Report issue to Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - and in this case: while waiting for a response - use a word processor and password-protect the files you attach to Evernote notes?
  14. Actually, with any Android 'phone running the current Play Store app you can do the same. I had a Note 4, now an S7 and used the same setting. Not sure how many hundred million users Evernote has on Android, but I'd guess a fair few are still on older OS versions that aren't yet able to update to v10. If you are still on the older version, it works fine; and if you're willing to find the old APK and install from a third-party store, it is at least possible to step back from v10 to 8.13. I'm sure they're working on it, but Evernote have so many priorities at the moment that it'll take time.
  15. Hi. I'd recommend reaching out to Support. And maybe Legacy for the moment? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. Hi. iOS? Android? "The Way" is this the Mandalorian 'Way'? What exactly is the way... "No longer works" as in there are alarm bells? Flashing lights? Error messages? ...I'm (kinda) kidding - but please explain exactly what you're doing and what you are seeing...
  17. No problem - Backupery is a subscription package that will back up your Windows Legacy Evernote account at a pre-determined interval, with an optional history level. I have a 30GB database and (currently) around 300 notebooks which would be a grind to backup as individual ENEX files so frequently. Backupery does that for me with no fuss every evening at around 7pm when you can - more or less - guarantee that the laptop is not being used. I keep a running history of 6 days' backups, and archive those away with a weekly system-level backup. (And yes, Paranoia is my middle name...) https://www.backupery.com/
  18. Careful what questions you ask... the answer to what you actually wrote is already "it's no longer supported" - no more updates, no support apart from us dinosaurs here - though I'd think password issues and the like would still be handled... As to what I assume you meant - "how long can i still use Legacy" - I have no inside information here, but I'm assuming "indefinitely" applies - Evernote would have to do some pretty extensive reorganisation of their servers to cut off syncing for 'just' the people using Legacy versions, and since a lot of people are using the old and the new side by side, i'm not sure they actually could differentiate. The fact that I and a few others have had vaguely anxious emails asking why we're still using an older version suggests that take up from existing users hasn't been exactly overwhelming, so unless and until you see wildly enthusiastic reviews (that aren't undercover marketing staffers) I'd suggest you relax. You have plenty of company. I would hope that Evernote - if and when that sad deprecation day comes - would issue a warning with substantial notice; you should have 3-6 months to update or migrate. You might want to make sure you have a full current backup of your account handy just in case of disaster. Backupery is doing that for me painlessly on a daily basis. Me 'n my 55K notes are still happy on Evernote Windows 6.25 and Android 8.13 with no immediate plans to vacate the premises. 😎
  19. You might want to start in the Forums here - there are already quite a few 'alternatives' posts flying around. The only effective way, I suspect, to fully evaluate another provider will be - once you refine the list to a top few - to try one out.
  20. Hi. It's a fairly safe guess that your issue is something to do with the format in which Windows is pasting screen grabs into Evernote, which is apparently not to v10's taste. Paint presumably renders the image as PNG or JPG content which Evernote 10 can handle. There are so many options here I hardly know where to start... Use different screen cap software - there are thousands of apps offering the option, including Evernote itself: Use Evernote Helper for quick notes and screenshots Paste the Snagit shot to your desktop, then copy paste from there into Evernote Paste the Snagit shot to your desktop, using an Import Folder to get it into Evernote Use a word processor to 'assemble' your document outside of Evernote then attach that file to a note Use a word processor to 'assemble' your document and copy/ paste the content into a note Go back to Evernote Legacy for a while Talk to Snagit help to find out if they are able to offer any options or more information about screen cap formats Reach out to Evernote help (we're user to user here...) to give them some feedback and maybe get some changes made in future versions.
  21. Hi. No fix for iOS I'm afraid - the app should get better in time. For desktops, there's always the option to return to Legacy for a while.
  22. Hi. You could ask... https://twitter.com/evernotehelps Or you could read... https://evernote.com/legal/trademark-use
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