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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. A search of the forums would lead you to several discussions about duplicated notes and possible reasons for that.
  2. Hi. No. If you paid Evernote direct, it's usually only necessary to sign out of the app and back in, or -worst case- restart your device to get the upgrade. If you paid Google or Apple, it seems to take a little while for the message to get through. Wait for a little while and try again. If all else fails... For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct.
  3. Actually, the answer to the OP's question is actually 'yes'. Just hide or delete other images from a note and the one remaining image will be shown. Or play around with image sizes until the preferred image has the largest short edge. Or put your preferred thumbnail in a separate note and add a link to the rest of the content in another notebook. The realities are that Evernote is what it is: unless you're incredibly lucky and request a feature they're already working on, you won't see this one added (if it ever is) for several months at the earliest. If you can't live without it - go find some software that does what you need. If you can live without it for the time being, the request has been made in some style here with 450+ votes. Constant reminders won't make it happen any sooner - please be patient!
  4. Hi. This is a 2-year old thread that hasn't seen much action recently. It is now possible to both duplicate and copy an existing note, drag the tag(s) from the sidebar into a new note, use a template opened from the new note dialogue, and to copy and paste a CSV string like "<tag1>,<tag2>,<tag3>" to create a new note with a standard set of tags. If none of these options meet your requirements, can you explain your workflow in more detail?
  5. Hi. Are you looking to locate specific names, or all notes containing any name? In the first case I would have thought it quicker to search for exact matches, and in the second case I agree that while the definition of this term suggests you can find all names, it's difficult to understand how nicknames / contractions / single words (i.e. first or last names) / full names / misspellings would be dragged in. I've not seen any previous discussion on this - if you need more, I suggest a support ticket.
  6. Hi. I'd imagine this is related to Evernote going for a web-based application rather than local processing. Previously your note would have been assembled locally and synced to the server in the background. Now the note is created on the server, and because they're not small templates, the communications time is added in up front. Would it help to create a number of 'blank' new notes with your templates? You only need one copy each (I imagine) which you could then duplicate to create a new record. If duplication also takes extra time, you could try creating however many copies you might need in the day at some time when you'll be away from the system. Completing the details means editing an existing note. Maybe. -There'll probably be more suggestions along shortly...
  7. Hi. I've been using Evernote for 12 years or so to store scanned paperwork, but nothing you said so far makes much sense to me. I agree it takes a little time sometimes for a scanned file to be uploaded via the network. Is that what's worrying you?
  8. Hi. Notes do not, typically, 'disappear'. Try logging into your account via a browser and Evernote.com to see what is saved there.
  9. Hi. None of that is going to happen within Evernote. I'd suggest you review your other post on Teams accounts to decide how to proceed here...
  10. But you don't know whether the content has changed, whether you clipped only part of the page, or whether you got a bookmark / simplified / PDF version... It's far more efficient to clip first and worry about duplications later, and to just delete those if and when you find them.
  11. Detailed help here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  12. Wrong three times. I'm not being paid. My aim here is to help people deal with real-world problems. Complaining that someone else should fix an issue won't help. Evernote's situation isn't "indefensible". It is what it is. It may be wrong, it may be unpopular; but they're unlikely to take further action without good financial or technical reasons to do so. There are easy work-arounds: using Legacy / a word-processor / screenshots / a different note-taking app - without a coherent reason for giving this higher priority Evernote will get around to fixing this when it's most practical to do so. Meantime reporting issues to Support will give them more data on how seriously to take this issue, and access to activity logs so they can understand exactly what's causing it.
  13. I use a ton of other apps besides Evernote because they do a job that Evernote does not, or because they do it better. Image editors, email clients, mind maps, databases, web browsers, search engines, word processors... Evernote is a place where you can file and find things again efficiently, and paperlessly - and they've branched out (a little) into organising those things into priorities. They have never claimed to offer ways to generate more and prettier paperwork, just like they never offered mind maps or any of the other services I add-in to their core database feature. Absolutely not what I said. Please don't misquote. The point was that there's lots of rough edges to resolve; AFAIK the only thing that can't be worked around yet is a continuing speed issue - and not everyone suffers from that. They're working through things, but there's lots left to do.
  14. Hi. Evernote Web has counted as a device for a while now, and there are no exceptions to the 2 device limit on free accounts. You would have to de-authorise another device to add the web. This is a mainly user-supported forum and neither we nor Evernote do call-backs. See Understanding the device limit for more. For more help - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  15. Hi. Deleted notes are moved to the Trash notebook for a period - have you checked there? Also: what device, OS and Evernote version were you using when all this happened?
  16. Sadly, other than being a mouthy user, I don't. And software companies of a sufficient size are like oil tankers - they should respect others' right of way, but it's best not to rely on their compliance... I'm not knocking or supporting here - I'm not in any place to do so, being a proud Legacy user; v10 has not yet disgraced my Windows laptop, and probably won't do so for a while yet. I can see why Evernote wanted to go for the Electron wrapper - their previous development was a bit of a shambles as separate teams got the best out of different OS's but tried to keep the code working across all of them. Resetting to one code base was - still is - a gamble, though it seems to be paying off - evidence the 25 or so updates that happened already, and the increasingly happy noises coming from many users. But there are still some very rough edges, and Evernote broke their magic wand; they probably have a list of 1,000 things to fix, including the print function. Don't expect any changes soon - although since Evernote don't share what's in their pipeline, so something could happen in weeks. Who knows? Meantime text and image notes can't be magically transferred to PDF, but there's an easy work-around: copy paste your content into any word processor, fix any layout issues there so they stay fixed, and print from the app as required. The wp output file can still be attached to a note, and you can print with pagination and all sorts of stylish bells and whistles. You maybe shouldn't have to ask them nicely (again) for such a basic option, but if you don't ask...
  17. I'm from the UK - we specialise. Sorry if I went over the top a bit...
  18. You might have gotten there just before - or maybe after - v10 was launched. No arguments that 10.1 was a severe disappointment - a pale shadow of its former versions; but I think the team has had a few other priorities since then... Difficult to equate lack of responsiveness with the fact we're now on v10.25 - that's roughly an update every other week since the launch. I still suspect 'priorities' is the reason this issue isn't resolved - the ability to print nicely in an app that majorly supports paperless working doesn't seem like it would be high on the list. You could try another support ticket, or try to reopen the original to get a direct response - or create a feature request to see how many other Forum users feel this is an issue...
  19. For some reason Evernote decided that 200M people attempting to download an update over the course of a day or two might crash the internet - or at least Google's servers, so they introduced this 'roll out' idea where the update is made available in stages. Whilst I appreciate it's a crippling inconvenience to have to wait a few days for your turn, it's really not a bug.
  20. ? You're responding to a months-old comment with no details of your own issue. If you want to print a web page, use a browser. If you want to capture a copy and print it, use a screenshot. If you want to save the content as a searchable note - be prepared to compromise on the print quality. Just sayin'
  21. For information: that's how to install, but with no access to the app download. To join the Beta programme, start here - https://evernote.com/earlyaccess I have a beta Linux version - it's pretty much the same experience as the Web version so far. There are hints that it may be more widely available "soon" (for Evernote values of soon) but NDAs (and a risk of Space Ninjas) prevent me from commenting further.
  22. Hi. I'm guessing this is down to the fact that altering part of a big code base a like moving a can at the bottom of a huge pile, and the reason for the phrase "if it works, don't fix it..." If only we knew which of the 25 or so recent editions of v10 you were actually using, plus maybe your device and OS, someone could possibly do something about that. Or you could raise a support ticket. Just sayin'
  23. Same principle still applies - if individuals report their issues to Support the company have some idea of how bad the problem is, and may be able to help in some cases.
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