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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Note history will give you a list of dates on which the content of a note changed, and the ability to download the note as it was on each of those dates. Invaluable for the occasional and unintended accidental batch deletion of content that can't be reversed with 'undo' commands. -And I rather think you're still missing the point. Free access was given at a time when Evernote pioneered the freemium approach and successfully generated over 200M users, regularly connecting to Evernote's servers and theoretically entitled to an eye-watering amount of free storage in perpetuity (I worked out 2 zettabytes but I think my calculator froze on 9 zeroes...). Some wouldn't use the software for a while (or at all) but of those who did start, I'd imagine (because Evernote don't release their figures) that most who are going to subscribe do so quite quickly. Long term users seem mainly happy to use their limited access with no real intention of ever supporting the resource allocation and development that goes into the service, despite the succession of "if only you had <insert specialist feature here> I'd be more than happy to pay" posts we see here. Evernote is now into damage limitation. Free users are a total drain on storage and development resources, and in hindsight (and MHO) it would have been far more sensible to go the "14 days free trial" route and close unsubscribed accounts down after that. But the company is currently sticking by its customers - just limiting their access to 'encourage' them to make a decision. I don't think they have the time or the inclination to play nice - the note taking market is heating up and they're getting plenty of attention from new generations of GTD and productivity devotees: hence the new format and rapid development. I initially subscribed (a dozen years or so ago) because I generally think it's a dumb idea to rely on free software if you're actually using an app. I wasn't using the full service then either - but at least I didn't have to constantly check my usage, and I had access to priority support and the other subscription bells & whistles if and when necessary. I just lost access to another Windows app because I'd been trying it out in a free trial period and didn't think it did enough to warrant paying for (Think Evernote Personal levels of subscription.) I had a nice little "your trial period has expired" message and the window left me a handy 'subscribe here' link. Under the circumstances I think Evernote is remarkably generous with continuing free access even if there are limitations. Up to the individual whether to subscribe or go find an alternative.
  2. Hi. Duplicated notes - dealt with (endlessly) elsewhere; I think the filter is just showing you the duplications you have, not causing the issue itself. Should you find that the 'duplications' are actually the same note shown twice, please check that your filter criteria are not just finding the same note in two different ways (by date and by content forinstance). If it seems to be an error, please contact Support.
  3. Hi. There are probably differences in format between Yinxiang Biji notes and the most recent updates - you'd need to talk to Support to get more detail: Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  4. I agree that it would not work to have either a plain 'C' or to show it with a non-character prefix like $C. I make my keywords non-standard by adding an x, since that letter is rarely followed by other characters in normal text - so xC might work. Or you could look into other options like just tagging all your stocks with <stock> and searching by that tag plus the name.
  5. Hi. There's so little detail in your post that I don't really know where to start. How do you know your account has been hacked / how did you try to remove the notes / have you checked on other devices or via Evernote.com to find your notes / what device(s) are you using / do you have 2-factor authentication on your account / did you use any of the links in my post here ? If you are seeing additional devices on your account that all use the same IP address, it may be that Evernote is incorrectly reporting your own connections as third party access. Oh and subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client)
  6. Have you been in direct touch with Evernote? Have Support been able to assist you?
  7. Hmmn. If these notes are in a specific notebook, could you move all the other notes in that notebook to a temporary home and delete the notebook? If that works you could recreate the notebook and move the rest of the files back... If you select one of these notes and view the details, is it showing an assignment to the correct notebook? Try emptying the trash notebook on this account / signing out of the app / restarting the device and log back in.
  8. Hi. Are (or were) these notes shared to your by someone else? In Windows, what happens if you select a note and just hit 'delete' on the keyboard?
  9. You can at least judge how many other users would find it useful by starting a votable Feature Request thread on this... no harm in asking!
  10. Yep - my version of Evernote Legacy is still working happily on two older versions of Android. Seems like a recent update to Android is causing the problem. You may be able to get some help from your service provider (or Google). Evernote are no longer supporting the older versions of the app, so won't be looking to make Legacy compatible here. If there's no easy fix you may have to consider trying to use v10.
  11. Hi. Try creating a one column / one row table (1 cell) and set a color as the background. You can make your note there...
  12. Or you could create a table of contents note for "Daily Log" and link to a new note each day through the year from Daily Log 2020-01-01 to Daily Log 2020-12-31 and beyond. Each log note can contain links to other topics. Open the ToC note to choose a date, or run a search to isolate weeks or months. That's not a defence or any block to your request - just reminding that there are viable options, and internal links are not currently available. It's unknown, as yet, when - or if - they ever will be. Evernote has its own budgets and timetable
  13. Hi. I'd very much doubt it - Evernote will update itself when the next available version is released. You'd need to ask Support however to confirm...
  14. The legacy versions aren't being supported, so your other post on this for v10 is more relevant - but you already pointed out a simple work-around: use another text editor and attach the working file to a note. That way you get access to all the other standard features of a full editor - fonts, styles, footnotes etc - which are also not currently available in Evernote.
  15. I kinda think that is the point. Long-time users of free products are just a drain on resources...
  16. Hi. I'm still using EN Windows Legacy but I can right-click a notebook name and 'add to shortcuts' without any problem... Don't quite see why I'd need to add that link to an individual note, but you could create a table of contents note for all the contents of one notebook and link to that 'index' note internally, or just link to an anchor note in the notebook and jump to the notebook from there...
  17. Hi. There's nothing to stop you raising this with support - your issue is common to both versions of Evernote and may have more to do with having the app open on more than one device and/ or some connection issues - a poor or intermittent signal - than which version of the app is running.
  18. Nope - just offered that as encouragement that some connections are possible. Android users will be into Google and Galaxy options - don't know where Bixby comes in but there are some extensions in the Play store, plus others for Alexa.
  19. No clue. And Evernote don't usually share whether, or when they're likely to release specific updates. You could ask Support...
  20. Hi. Can you give us an example of what you'd like to copy? I can easily clip elements of notes or web pages (as images) and insert them into new notes, though Evernote doesn't allow you to place them anywhere on the page...
  21. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  22. Has Evernote been running on this device recently? Seems to me you could simply uninstall an existing app and download / install the new one from Evernote.com. When you log in using your existing user details, the new Evernote will re-create whatever detail it needs locally. If you have issues, there's a Evernote Legacy to fall back on, which - if you install it - will likewise download your existing details on login.
  23. Hi. Not sure if this helps, but it may give you some ideas... Use Siri with Evernote
  24. Hi. Several threads in the Forums deal with 'phantom' access to accounts - usually via a user name and password sourced from another account breach online. If Evernote is given the right credentials for access it doesn't have any way to trace that a user is not elsewhere in the world. There are several ways to protect your account - check for breaches here: https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account https://evernote.com/security See also https://evernote.com/privacy/policy
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