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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. They presumably could. They don't. Yep. I can see that a global search might - rather slowly - return thousands of hits across dozens of files and stepping from one to the next could take a very long time. A higher level search is quicker and allows the user to identify a few possible targets immediately; then to drill down for detail at more leisure. However I'm only a user - your guess is as good as mine. It's a feature request if you'd like more.
  2. I'd assume you asked this question at around the same time you posted the complaint about getting an incorrect name on your profile. Your profile has now been corrected and this post was re-allocated in your name, per If you prefer I'll delete this thread, or you can raise it with Support again. Your choice.
  3. I'm with the unlucky crowd for which v10 c-r-a-w-l-s along on most of my current kit, so the shorty term plan is 1) stick with Legacy and replace kit (eventually) - 2) try v10 again on new hardware. If that fails, I'll be heading for the hills. Not leaving Evernote as such, because there's too much invested here; but certainly any new notes will be hosted elsewhere.
  4. As you're finding, it may be unwise to use a free app for important information. At the least, subscribing will get you access to a help service. Meanwhile have you tried signing in to Evernote.com in a browser to see whether your notes are available from the server?
  5. Hi. If you end your subscription via Apple you will have the rest of whatever period you have subscribed for before the account reverts to a 'Free' level. You will not lose notes or content. In the interim you can make arrangements to pay your next subscription direct or through Google as you wish. If you wish to get further assurance on this, try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  6. Hi. Evernote does not control your choice of payment method. Contact iTunes so you don't automatically pay them next time around, then diary the payment date so you can pay via Google when you next need to do so.
  7. Hi. What exactly is a 'social sharing link of a website link'? If you're looking at a website you can share that website link to Evernote (if you're on mobile) or clip it if you're using a desktop. In both cases you'll have a note with a link back to the website.
  8. ? You messed up a registration? Either delete this profile or try again with a different user name if you wish to do so... PS - This isn't me replying to you....
  9. Which is definitely sub-optimal! (also the laughing...). Have you reported this to Support? They must be aware that slow speeds are an issue, but the more input they get, the more they should realise this is a critical issue.
  10. Sorry - that was aimed at @PinkElephant- he was relying on a system backup to allow him to restore notes, and I didn't know whether that was correct. He quite possibly is quite right - I just didn't know that for a fact. Sorry for distracting you...
  11. If Evernote is saying "Enter the code displayed in your Google Authenticator app" and you're responding with 1Password, I'd suggest you need to be checking with Support to find if that's a correct response, or 1Password to see if they operate on the same protocol as Google Auth. I do know that these codes change pretty quickly and sometimes my valid code is no longer valid by the time I've tried to apply it...
  12. Hi. Wait till you see those notes on a bigger screen. Does zooming the screen do anything for you?
  13. If you're having issues with the main help link, try "continue as guest" which should be one of the options; also (in case you weren't) use 'Billing & Payment' as a reason for your contact.
  14. Have we established that a copy of the v10 folder is usable as a backup? I thought Legacy EXB or (preferably) ENEX file(s) were required to rebuild anything if the server were unavailable or corrupt. My plan X (as in before Y & Z and a long way after C) would be to use a third-party app like Notion or OneDrive to import my ENEX backup files if Evernote were no longer reliable.
  15. Hmmn. Currently using Linux Mint and Brave, but I get the same result. The page link in the clip is to the main Medium article, not the external reference quoted by the original. However... Medium is a controlled airspace - trying this out cost me a free article - so I'd suspect that when Clipper comes along to copy the content, Medium is deliberately obstructive. They want you to register as a user, not copy content for others. If you try this out on other articles on other websites you should find that this is not an issue elsewhere. You could contact Support on this (we're not them.) but if this is an occasional issue, copying and pasting the content, or just correcting the links manually may be enough. This is just one of those relatively few websites when Clipper tech is not sufficient to give you an accurate copy.
  16. Hi. The Forums here are (mainly) user-supported with Evernote staff monitoring threads. It's better to use the Support channels to report issues or to feedback direct to Evernote. For general payment issues see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/ NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct. Payments in India https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/139232-issues-with-web-based-subscriptions-for-users-in-india/
  17. Hi. If those files represent a single notebook, try re-exporting half that number and process them; then process the other half. I either half causes an issue, try half of that volume, and so on...
  18. Internet searches are usually good. Try going to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and search down for 'manage my subscription'.
  19. Hi. Check out CloudHQ. https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-and-why-you-should-backup-evernote/
  20. Sorry - thought you were talking about creating a new note. If you want to open an existing note, how about saving a note link to the desktop instead? If you work on several different notes, create a Table of Contents note and save a shortcut to that...
  21. Sorry - missed that before: I get that there are existing thumbnails. That have been created by code that's an integral part of the 250M-ish Legacy and EN10 apps out there. I don't know what effect offering the user-base the chance to select a different thumbnail would have - presumably there would be a flurry of interest in 1) trying it out and 2) changing 'some' notes. Bearing in mind that Evernote has a humungous existing storage I shudder to guess what sort of additional traffic would be generated by existing users over a period of weeks or months during its introduction. I KNOW I don't even want to think about what happens if something goes wrong and users aren't able to get to their existing notes for any reason... On this general argument I'm going to plead the 5th. If adding this feature were possible and economic, Evernote would have done it already. The fact they haven't suggests that they have their reasons. Users don't have a platform from which to apply any pressure - all we can do is vote with our cash.
  22. The ones who're commenting on Twitter / Facebook / Reddit / Evernote's blog pages, plus those in any surveys / focus groups probably are not. However Evernote is well aware of the opinions being raised there. I don't think requests here are necessarily any indication of how important an issue is. That being said, Evernote are a commercial operation - if they have any sense at all they'll concentrate on developing crown-pleaser features before niche items. Being commercial they also have to schedule things and manage workflows for most efficient use of resources - so "simple" updates affecting key processes might get left until that process comes up for its bi-annual (or whatever) review. Since no-one here is in possession of all the facts or the hands-on background it's pointless to claim one feature is more important than, or easier to implement than another. Evernote will do what it thinks is likely to generate the most long-term income, when it is most convenient for them to do so.
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