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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  2. Which payment plan? FAQ about Evernote subscription plans
  3. The browser has refused permission to an external app to copy the page Find a different way to copy the content
  4. I think you're overlapping with this thread - ...and I wonder if the notes that do not apparently contain the string you're looking for have illustrations that might be interpreted as containing text, or have words that are somewhere near 'pdu'? AFAICS as long as you get all the results you need, having a few extras thrown in is easily survivable. And this is exactly the sort of result I'd normally deal with by using a tag to make finding this groups easier and more accurate if and when I need to repeat the search. I've dealt with databases containing hundreds of thousands of records, and it's generally impossible to have a search return always exact results...
  5. Hmmn. Will try that on Windows 6.25 later. In my v10 (Linux Beta) "sharedwith:*" gave me 45 hits. "sharedate:*" gave me more than 10,000 and the options I had after selecting a few notes as a trial did not include any 'unshare' options...
  6. Hi. Also, you could post this request in the appropriate forum to gain some votes - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/304-general-feature-requests/ (Although I think this request is already in there - you might want to check that first...)
  7. Not to hijack the topic here, but I'm mildly terrified by some new products that seem to take this to a whole other level - there's "Personal AI" and "MyMind"... both using AI to help analyse your note-taking - and (in MHO) your entire life! These are start-ups and AFAICS subscription based, but it seems to me this is a way to give an AI a huge Deep Learning course in human behaviour that might be a bit valuable in itself, no matter how private and confidential the personal details allegedly are... That might be a bit cynical and paranoid, and I for one will welcome our cybernetic overlords - but I don't think I'll be using AI based products anytime soon...
  8. Hi. Expected behaviour. "Plain text" means exactly that: no formatting, no bullets - just standard punctuation. For images and more options with text, use a word processor and password protect a file attached to the note.
  9. It may be a little premature to mourn the loss - if you were able to open tabs in the browser, you clearly had a network connection, so adding detail to a note and closing it again should have forced a sync to save that detail to the Evernote.com server. Did you sign in via a browser to see whether information (if any) has been saved there? Just to confirm though - you had a browser open on your iPhone; were pasting into the Evernote app? It should have been possible to 'share' each page as a bookmark link directly from the browser. Exactly how did you copy/ paste, and into what?
  10. Sadly, "making things easier" seems to benefit casual users much more than the more experienced crowd. IMHO catering for the experts is a better long-term strategy. We'll be around for a long time - if we're happy with the way things work - where casual users are fine to generate a bit of income this year, but the numbers will likely fade away as the group becomes more mature and generates a new cadre of 'experts'.
  11. Hi. This is mainly a user 2 user forum, so all you'll get here is advice... to go back to the sidebar and expand the stacks again. You could add frequently accessed notebooks to your shortcuts so as to avoid the need to change the display, and maybe raise this with support if it causes an issue. Meantime if this is a common occurrence Evernote will likely address this in their next update.
  12. If you consider what's already been said by Evernote at various times about 'making search easier to use' I think this is all related. Some "AI" may have been added to searches so that even if you're not skilled in the process, you'll likely get results that include the information you were looking for. In one way that's good - there's no need to carefully craft a detailed search; just type some relevant words and take a stab at it. In other ways - like if you are looking for a very specific word or phrase - you'll no longer necessarily get precise results. I did see in another thread somewhere that double quotes helped isolate the terms being looked for. No idea whether that would work on a single word, but it might be worth a try?
  13. Hi. I also use Evernote on a Samsung - S7 in my case. Haven't noticed any slow downs. Usually the best advice for mobile issues is to make sure your notes have synced, then uninstall the app, restart the device, and reinstall. As a general issue, since notes are updated by download from the server when you edit, it's better to use shorter notes and link them together with titles or tags as necessary.
  14. Hi. What are you using to clip, and what results do you see? And is this all pages, or just some? If only some pages, please provide an example URL.
  15. Hi. Getting flagged by a spam filter doesn't necessarily imply 'buggy software' - sometimes filters generate false positives. If you're happy with the current version you could just wait until Evernote issue an(other) update to cover it; but if you need to follow up for the IT guys, raise it with Evernote Support. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  16. Elsewhere in the forums there are several hundred posts over several years talking about exactly this. It hasn't happened yet. Meantime try creating more notebooks to help organise your data. Tips for organizing notes, notebooks, and tags
  17. Hi. Notes don't generally disappear randomly. Sign in at Evernote.com to see what notes exist on the server, and check your devices to see whether they have a different set of notes. It's possible I guess that you created a note on one device and when you look on another that note does not exist because one or both devices have not been syncing properly with the server. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  18. Hi. How big is your database (i.e. how many notes)? - I'm up to 56,000 notes and my database is around 30GB so unless you're saving huge files, that 100GB seems a little odd. You might want to try a reinstall first* - uninstall the app and make sure the %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote directories are gone after the process is complete. Restart the device and reinstall from Evernote.com - but beware that if you do have a large database it may take some time to recreate the cache. If a reinstall fails, you might have to consider using the web version rather than trying to move the cache. There are (so far) no options to move that storage elsewhere and Evernote has not historically played well with external storage. You should definitely raise this with Support for their input too. *EDIT: I missed an important step: sign out of Evernote and power off your device, then power back on a recheck the storage first!
  19. Hi. Just to be clear - did Evernote investigate this for you? If you have any queries about their conclusions, you should take it up with them. If you've followed the advice above, your access is now as secure as it can get. As you have some dates, you can check to see if any updated dates match this apparent access, but it's impossible to discriminate between any actions or views that might be by you in person, and someone else using your access credentials.
  20. If anyone wants a production product one of these spaced repetition companies should help.. General information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/122838-spaced-repetition-my-solution/ https://praxis.fortelabs.co/randomnote-web/ https://accelastudy.com/ https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120076-ace-your-exams-retain-your-knowledge/ https://www.reflectapp.io/ http://www.eideticapp.com/ http://revisy.com/ https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/917-reminders/ https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Spaced__repetition https://www.revunote.com/ OR Anki Brainscape Cerego Course Hero Lingvist Memrise Mnemosyne Pimsleur Language Programs Pleco Software Quizlet SuperMemo Synap WaniKani
  21. Actually I'd suggest that you both might use two accounts - one subscription, and one free. You can switch between two accounts quite easily from the paid account, and one would be for business, the other personal use. Share one notebook between the two to make it easy to move or copy notes when you need to, but for the most part just use the paid account from whichever location is 'busier' in terms of data and editing, and the free account from the other. Your data would be separate, but easily accessible. You could share another notebook between yourselves. It might take a little getting used to, and you both need two email addresses; but it would answer both your needs in the short term.
  22. Hi. I got an APPIMAGE file after signing NDAs and promising a firstborn - no sign yet that it's going to become a public release anytime soon...
  23. Hi again - as I said, we're not Evernote, just a bunch of experienced users who don't have access to payments or passwords. You need to talk to the company. I flagged your post for a Forum Admin (an Evernote employee) to take a look and see whether they can help.
  24. Hi. You seem to have leapt into converting to a Teams account without fully understanding what was involved. You may also be in breach of your local data protection laws if you keep customer information in your database. To reactivate your boss's account try one of these - Reactivate your Evernote account Deactivate and reactivate an Evernote Teams account "Contact Admin" means https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new And to get some help on the Teams account CustomerSuccess@evernote.com A Teams 'group' account is created in the name of the company and everyone - including the boss - gets their own individual account for daily use. The deactivated account may have been set that way because new accounts were created - you'd have to sort that out with Evernote. (That's not us - we're mainly other users around here.) Neither of us do house calls. This is a public forum, so you may want to delete your email address to avoid spam.
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