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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You're probably spot on - but how long do you think it takes to work towards the first part of that, and what functionality should they prioritise to please us users? Any big company has a plan for (at least) the next 12 months, and an outline for more than that. Outlining might be on there somewhere, but the company is unlikely to make any comment about it - that's commercially sensitive information too...
  2. Try the usual suspects - Switch it all off / switch it back on Use the web client to delete the zombie note Uninstall / reinstall If the problem persists - raise a support query: subscribers here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  3. Hi. Have you fed back your poor experiences to Evernote Support? They may be able to help you resolve the resource hogging - and if not, your sharing your logs with them will help others on Win 11.
  4. Hi. Unless you run a company with several employees you're better off with Personal or Professional. Teams is aimed at groups with a central database app and separate, individual apps for all staff. It has much higher limits - because it services multiple users - but there's also a degree of administration in allowing user access at different levels. https://evernote.com/teams
  5. Hi. You're talking mainly to other users here - I'd suggest you feedback your experience to Support. You'll be doing everyone a favour in bringing it to their attention, and might even get access to your own notes back... Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  6. Unless someone else here has Evernote running correctly on Win 11, I'd say you're best off contacting Support. Subscribers can raise queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  7. This topic started in 2012 and got revived in 2015 through to 2020.. and then suddenly it's desperately urgent again in 2021. With 57 votes in support. As we sit here, it's one year into the complete redevelopment of Evernote's code base, in response (at least partly) to user calls for the UI to look exactly the same on every device. Whilst Evernote delivered on that, they had to do so with limited fonts that are legal to use in Android, iOS, MacOS and Windows. I've no idea whether or when they plan on expanding that - but until they do, what you see is ALL you get. Evernote have lots of priorities, and may be looking into this - but they don't usually share updates. The font choice may be insufficient for your needs, and in that event you have a choice of work-arounds (of which there are several) or finding a different note taking app. That's not blind acceptance of the status quo - just a dose of practical reality.
  8. Evernote don't usually comment on whether or when any given feature is likely to be released.
  9. Hi. WEBM format is free and open-source.. and apparently not supported on iPhone. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-play-webm-on-iphone
  10. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  11. Hi. Evernote isn't designed specifically for any particular sort of work. Zero people have voted in favour of this thread in over a year, so the chances are it's not something that's high on their list - although as noted, there should be a word count in Note Details...
  12. When you ask them nicely for a download link, it comes up with an address that appears to be Evernote (!!???) I flagged in for the Admins to take a look at. Either it's a scam or a beta, and I don't think we're supposed to play with it!
  13. I very much doubt there's one solution - some users don't have any problem with slow speeds on any device, others have some device issues, still others can't make anything work; but from outside the problem it's impossible to tell whether this is related to the number of notes, the type or age of device, or the speed of the internet/ network at some locations. Overall the best thing to do is report issues to support whenever they arise. Support can analyse the details and -hopefully- fix (or at least improve) issues as they are identified. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  14. It's possible that's the Linux Beta version - I'm not on my 'other' laptop at present, so can't check. Regardless; the public version is 24 - any other numbers are irrelevant. To keep up with the Beta versions join https://evernote.com/earlyaccess
  15. Don't know how any of this works, but I did notice a long time ago that any page will a paywall (like NYT) will usually defeat Evernote mobile (Android in my case) clipper.
  16. "Fails" how? - And the Linux Beta is... a beta, so feed back what you find on the appropriate forum. There is, as you note, no 'export' from the web version. Just 'copy'. What is it you're trying to do, how are you attempting to accomplish that, and what (with technical details please) is actually going wrong??
  17. Yeah - How do you import, and where from? Is Evernote open? Do you see a file attachment to a note? How are we on your desktop now? Isn't the file still attached to a note? So you're actually looking at a file on your desktop - does it have an XLSX file type?
  18. Not exactly relevant to the point here, but just following up from my previous comment - I use Workflowy a lot for lookups, and it has a lightning fast search. Wearing one particular hat I need to post in social media using a series of hashtags, and I have all the variations of my tags listed in WF. When I get to a point where I need to add tags, I Shift/Tab my way to WF, enter one of the tags in the search box, and am instantly jumped to my list from where I can copy/ paste whichever variation I need, or add a new one where necessary. It avoids my typing a set of characters repeatedly, duplications and typos, and unnecessary variations in terms. Exactly the same lookup list could apply to Evernote tags, or my previous suggestion of using xCharacter xPrepends to generate non-standard findable terms.
  19. But do you have a ticket number? Has Support actually responded with any comments?
  20. Oddly, the fact that this is such a persistent problem for you may help Evernote identify the causes - have you been in touch with Support? What has been their reaction so far?
  21. Manual sync won't get around some sort of problem preventing your PC from syncing. Try Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues - and contact Support if you're unable to fix it. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  22. I don't think that's accurate, but regardless: if Evernote don't have the chance to look into individual cases, they can't magically provide a fix - the best way to get direct feedback and put things on their radar is to raise a support ticket. Even if they only respond "we're aware" it means they're likely to do something about it at some stage - though their resources are finite. They probably already have work scheduled for at least 12 months ahead, so fixes aren't going to come soon!
  23. Ironically I killed your duplicate post here - please don't post twice on the same topic. You don't mention what caused your concerns, but because of the way in which Evernote syncs to a central point from all connected devices, there are limits on what Evernote can do to avoid duplications. Having the app open on more than one device / network connection issues / working for long periods on a long note all have a part to play, and the only way to minimise disruption is to take as many local steps as possible - and then raise the matter with Evernote support if you still find that things are out of hand. It's not like Evernote are ignoring the issue, but they need input from individual activity logs to analyse the causes and -maybe- work towards a better solution...
  24. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version ??? As a general comment, Emails may encode attachments so that if you simply added a natively coded email to your database, the attachment may no longer be in the correct format for that application. You could try saving the attachment to your device desktop to see what sort of file you get. If you still have access to the original email, try saving the attachment from your mail software and then add that file to your note.
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