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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You're posting in a long thread that confirms this to be the case and complains - a lot - about the bug. Evernote are aware, and are working on a fix but don't have a delivery date yet. There are work arounds in the thread. Part of the problem here appears to be that the bug is in Clipper, and browser providers have to independently inspect and verify all code associated with add-ins - a process over which Evernote have no control.
  2. Hmmn. I was never aware of that option - unless another user can confirm similar problems I'd suggest you restart your system if you haven't already, and if the issue is still present, report this to Support to get their view.
  3. Hi. You need to contact support. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  4. Hi. There is no 'phone number for support. You can change your payment details online at any time here - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  5. Hi. This might help - Change your account login email address
  6. Hi. I'm using the last public version of 6.25, which is syncing fine. Try restarting your device. If there's still a problem and you see a red flash on the sync icon, try Ctrl+Clicking on that to see whether you get more explanation...
  7. Hi. I got to ask the obvious question: if you were taking notes of any kind for project X, why would you not very carefully label the content of that note at the time with a title and tags that fully describe its content and purpose, and place it in a notebook for that specific project? Doing a major tidy-up of a large volume of notes - not all of which are in the same format - is going to take time... I'm not aware of any software that will easily do this for you, though there are a couple of apps that would help. You'll have to set up the rules that define their intervention though. https://filterize.net/ - repetitive actions on Evernote notes - can operate several 'rules' simultaneously to go through notes plus moving to other notebooks and tagging as necessary. https://infranodus.com/ - will analyse your Evenote notes for content, connections and interdependency on a 'mind-map' style interface. I'd suggest that you start by analysing your database for all the notes that relate to a single project, and move them to a separate notebook. You then have a far smaller group of notes to deal with plus (presumably) a much smaller list of tags that might apply. I did something similar with an account containing 55K notes. I might know a note was in there, but I couldn't quite remember the keywords or enough information about the context to actually find it. 55,000 notes is way too much to deal with manually... I split my content into individual entities - one notebook for each specific person, company or app that I had made notes about. There were surprisingly few notebooks - around 350 - but that meant an average of 150 notes per notebook which is a far less brain-freezing number of notes to sort through manually if need be.
  8. Hi. While the created and updated dates are user-editable, some of the fundamental elements of any notation system are knowing when a physical note was created - even if that note relates to something which occurred 100 years earlier - and recording all the subsequent dates on which it was edited. The Note History function - which can restore a 3-week old version of the note if it has been changed since then - rather depends on part of that. If that function is hijacked for purposes for which it was not originally intended, I'm concerned some hilarity may ensue down the line... I sympathise with the need - I've got ancestor records going back (so far) into the 1700's which are titled (for example) "1784-1810 Yates, ****" I'm using birth and death years to help both sort and uniquely identify each person. The full content of an ISO date is YYYY-MM-DD, (which I shorten elsewhere to YYYYMMDD) and that will sort correctly in searches if used as the title of a note. I use a text expander (Phrase Express) to insert the current version - 20220126 1459 including the time - where necessary from a key combination, and PE can also assist if processing a lot of notes of a particular year. I'd recommend the option of dates in titles over changing the date process - which would make the dating of notes less authoritative.
  9. As you are a subscriber it's worth contacting Support - they can't mess with your subscription, but they may be able to unscramble your access...
  10. Hi. Do you have another notebook? Have you tried starting to type the name in the search box?
  11. Hi. Hope this helps... Understanding the device limit
  12. Hi. Short answer - no. But if you read the posts above you'll see a discussion about exporting/ importing to refresh and potentially change the thumbnail shown. Does any of that work for you? It may help us if you confirm what device, OS and Evernote version you're using...
  13. We knew there were differences - Keyboard shortcuts in Evernote for Windows - but it's weird that you seem to be having a different experience to @agsteele...
  14. Hi. You're tagging onto a discussion that's been silent for 4 years, so it may be that most folks aren't having your experience. What device and Evernote version are you using?
  15. Hi. AFAIK the system-created Conflicting Changes notebook only exists if you actually have some notes in there. If you previously cleared it out, it may have just deleted itself to keep things tidy.
  16. Hi. If you're wishing to create a new Sheet or Doc in Google, it seems unnecessary to create some other format first and look to convert. I work on a desktop and tend to create the docs file I need directly and then attach a link to my Evernote note to index the content* and make it easily available from anywhere. What device are you starting from? Is it possible to use the Google icon in Evernote to open a new file? * Using my own keywords, titles and tags...
  17. Then I obviously misunderstood your previous post, because as a subscriber you have priority access to Support by email and chat via the link I posted earlier.
  18. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  19. AFAIK it's part of the main database, stored as metadata in each record for the note(s) to which it is attached. There's no identifiable separate tags file.
  20. If you're using the free account and have been doing so without problems for the past 6 years, I think you already got more than your money's worth out of it...
  21. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
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