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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I'd imagine you should tap and hold the screen where the marker should begin, and then drag to where it should end. It works with my left mouse click, but maybe not with your touch software. OS / Browser / EN version?
  2. Evernote Legacy is an 'enhanced' version of the last public issue of the device-specific application. It won't update to v10; it's not supported by Evernote and it won't display notes containing new features like Tasks - but in every other respect it's a standard version of the app and syncs to the main server database alongside v10. Additions and changes made here will sync to the server and be shown in v10 if you have it installed alongside Legacy or on another device. Similar changes made in v10 will sync back to Legacy - except for things like Tasks and Calendar entries. When v10 is installed on a device it uses a different method and location for its support files. It respects the previous Evernote installation and does not delete the previous database - possibly in case you decide to use Legacy in future. Any 'old' notes will be time-stamped within Evernote such that if you re-install Legacy after editing one of those notes in v10, the app will not overwrite new data with old; it will just update the note. If you exported the database to separate files via an option in Evernote which avoids saving a single file too big for storage limitations, then restoring via Evernote should recreate all those notes without having to select individual ENEX archives. If you exported by selecting notes or notebooks manually, then you would have to restore the same way. If you wish to try a backup and restore again, it should be fairly easy: v10: go to the Notebooks page on a desktop, select a notebook and export all files to <notebook>.ENEX. Repeat as necessary. Disable the option to split backups into separate files if there is one. Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557 Legacy: Without installing Legacy, find your Evernote database and rename it. Install Legacy. It will (apparently) download 9GB from the server to recreate your current database. Backup as before, restore to either version. Back up and restore your data in Evernote for Windows: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313528 Hope all of that helps - Good Luck!
  3. Hi. Thanks for a great introduction to a potential discussion. As well as being a long-time heavy user of Evernote I'm a member of about three loose chat networks*, though all of them use Slack for comms. I'm aware of the Evernote integration How to use Evernote for Slack but have no idea whether that is a viable option with v10. I mainly use Legacy and -so far- haven't had a choice of which network I use for messages - others started with other providers and see no reason to change. I would imagine that Evernote's main user base are all individuals or small businesses that principally use the app for research and recording data rather than assigning tasks within small groups. I'm surprised though that since Evernote is adding task management and planning features to the subscription model, they've apparently not woken up to the growing market for home working, and the probable need for chatting and sharing amongst home-based staff. It'll be interesting to see if anyone else here is using Work Chat to any major degree - and whether others might consider it if it becomes easier to use... *That's loose networks that chat, not networks for loose chat...
  4. As a matter of interest, device/ os/ en version/ number of notes?
  5. OK - I'd suggest you export all your notes as a single ENEX file (which doesn't support Notebook links anyway) and if you still aren't seeing the correct layout, consider reinstalling that file to your account. It will create a single 'imported notes' notebook which you could then designate as the default and delete the previous inbox.
  6. Hmmn. Some part of your link is not recognised by Windows - try file://"x-scrivener-item://S:/kreativita.scriv?id=FFF7A69D-915F-4757-8767-FD6C1F6A11F8" or file://"S:/kreativita.scriv?id=FFF7A69D-915F-4757-8767-FD6C1F6A11F8" or file://S:/kreativita.scriv?id=FFF7A69D-915F-4757-8767-FD6C1F6A11F8 - My local file links all start with the drive letter. The x-scrivener bit might be confusing Evernote. The punctuation could also be an issue, hence trying the link with and without quote marks. If none of those work, you could raise this with Evernote Support who - if they don't have an answer, they can ask the developers to add this in to a future version. I also don't know if this is a Legacy -vs- v10 issue. You may be able to get around it in Legacy, if you can't in v10. I'm not a Scrivener user so that's my best guess as to options - maybe an actual other user out there can give you a suggestion....
  7. Hi. Context helps. Try adding "File://" at the beginning of the URL (without the "").
  8. Hi. Recreate the link. Maybe also give us a clue as to your device/ os/ Evernote version and where and how the link was created?
  9. Hi. When and on what device were you re-organising your tags; how many tags did you change; did you allow enough time for the changes to sync with the server; and how soon were you looking on the web to find the changed data? It will all likely sort itself out if you give it a little time and make sure you sync all your devices.
  10. To be fair there is a paid-for level, you get all the basics for free, and the privacy and security pages looks legit - but some of my contacts would be very upset to find they're sharing their details with anyone else... Darnit! Back to manual operations then -
  11. Hi. I deleted your other post on this - please don't post twice on the same issue. This is the help page on Google sign-in; if there's nothing to assist you there please contact Support - we're a mainly user-based Forum. Sign in to Evernote with Google
  12. Hi. Copy and paste your content into a word processor and use that to set page breaks, then print from there. If this is a frequent need, consider creating your note in the word processor and just store the document file as a note attachment. Copy & paste the text content roughly into the note if you need to create a searchable index.
  13. Hi. Had you asked here before upgrading, we could have told you that Clipper is a separate browser extension that works with all Evernote apps, regardless of subscription. It also works on the sensible basis that if you're clipping images you don't want to wait for a long time while they're synced, plus you may need to store more than one image in a note; so you'll get an "average quality" image rather than an HD one. Having said that, your monitor is probably not capable of displaying HD notes (normal web resolution is 72-96dpi) so it's surprising that you can see a difference at all... Is it possible that the website you're using has some coding to prevent anyone copying their images at full quality? Try selecting the image individually and download it to your desktop - see what size image you get. Plus - if you can post the URL here we can have a look to see what's going on.
  14. I used to see requests in the forums for a way to transfer contact details from Evernote to various contact management systems. While it's easy to scan a business card in Evernote and trap individual details, it seems less easy to keep and maintain a contact directory. Courtesy of Heather Wilde's Evernote Daily News I recently found this item - https://www.makeuseof.com/organize-online-contacts-for-networking-success/ which (amongst other things) mentions a third-party app https://connect.pobuca.com/ which -allegedly- will scan business cards / import existing contacts / maintain a central contact register across all (?) devices. You may want to take a look. In honesty I stopped at the point where I'm invited to provide my contact list to a third party - I haven't read up on their security yet but my spider sense got a bit itchy. That's a task for another day. I also don't know what developments Evernote plan for their expanding productivity features - a contact list may be coming anyway. But - this maybe something to look at if you plan on acquiring lots of new friends anytime soon. Let us know here if you have any good or bad experiences with this. EDIT: There was a chat option on the web page, so I asked about security and got - https://connect.pobuca.com/privacy-policy-and-security
  15. Hi. Evernote can hardly control the Bank of India... However. they recently reintroduced the 50% offer, so you might catch that again - or you could contact Evernote Customer Service (which is not us) and raise the problem with them...see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/
  16. Hi. We're mainly users here. The 2-year old v10 app has had around 30 updates in that time, the older 8.13 version is not and will not be updated. If you're using v10 you'll get Evernote's attention faster if you submit a support ticket or feedback via the app itself...
  17. It's not even their software - this is a commercial Forum app. And you're the first person to wish to do this in 12 years...
  18. Evernote is correct that you no longer get support on the old apps, but it seems like a sneaky way to get you to update - I'm still using the old Windows version 6.25.1 and syncing (AFAIK) without issues. To answer your question, I don't think it's (yet) possible to change the created date in v10. Your answer may be to go back to Legacy... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  19. I'd imagine if you click on the link to your profile in the top right of the page and look at Account Settings you'd ne able to change the address. I don't know whether that would also alter your Evernote account though...
  20. Hi. You're pretty well covered by Evernote keeping your notes safe on their servers, plus - if you're a subscriber - a 'Note History' feature that lets you restore the previous version of a note if content is accidentally deleted. However this is your research, being kept on someone else's computer system, possibly in a different country. The risk of loss or data corruption is low, but not zero; your choice whether to back up. I've been around since forever, and I do regular backups to ENEX files, one per notebook. Backing up - exporting to ENEX or HTML - won't change what you see in your account; you'll just have an extra file to keep safe somewhere just in case... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557 for more on this...
  21. Hi. Talk to iTunes to cancel your payment - when the subscription date comes around your account will revert to Free; you can then 'upgrade' back to your subscription level direct with Evernote.
  22. For the record note titles are fully editable, but here's hoping you find an app you can use...
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