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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If you're downloading I assume this is to a mobile device? (It's always useful to know what device, OS and Evernote version you want help with) Evernote defaults to not storing notes or their content onto mobile devices for reasons of speed and storage space. It is possible to make the notes accessible locally if your device has enough storage - just set the note up in a notebook for 'offline access'. It'll take a while to pre-load the note(s) and their content, but you should then have pretty quick access. (Provided of course that you saved the actual video file and not just a link to it.) Set up offline notebooks on mobile devices
  2. NB This works because we're talking about a Teams account where every member has their own individual Personal account, plus access to a central Teams account that can contain Libraries of data about ongoing business products, employee onboarding, how-to's etc, etc... For the reasons you already found in https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/140793-better-collaboration/ it does NOT work on individual accounts, hence my - - which might be alternative suggestions for you too. (Or you could upgrade to Teams!)
  3. The way Evernote - and probably every other software engineering company - works when considering new features is: How much will it cost to change? (In this case you're looking at a fundamental change to the syncing processes which underlie how Evernote works) Will we recoup that cost in retentions and new business within the next year or two? If the answer to those questions is 'lots' and 'no', then you have no chance. If it works out differently, then (unless they're already working on it) after some months' development work and a further month or two testing - when both of those can be fitted into Evernote's ongoing 5-year plan for development... which might be at 5yrs + 1 month... you might see a new feature. The only good news is that in a recent blog Ian Small (I think) was talking about changes to the sync process, so you never know...
  4. There's a lot of glass-half-emptiness around here... Yes I use the Legacy version (actually the pre-legacy last public version) to generate my backups - I won't use v10 until I absolutely have to. I've said several times in the forums that I'm a firm believer in "if it works - don't mess with things" and while pre-Legacy apps had their 'features', I at least understand what they are and know how to work around them. Yes Legacy will stop working sometime... but I'll cross that bridge if and when I have to - and meantime Backupery runs a backup of my 320(ish) notebooks and 57,000 notes frequently and independently without my having to script or muscle through it. I do use v10 in the Web version (occasionally), and I also run a Linux v10 Beta, so I'm getting familiar with the new UI - and as @PinkElephant has said - you can still export full notebooks as and when you need to, though there's no way (AFAIK) to automate it at present. For someone with limited notes and only a few notebooks, that's probably doable. Me - not so much; but I'm hopeful that Evernote will bring back scripting of some kind, or Backupery will find a way to make their app compatible. These are all questions I can worry about when and if, not here and now. I got my backups - my paranoia is happy (though I know they're still out to get me...)
  5. I'm doing complete note backups on 57,000+ notes on a regular basis. It's easy to set up. What's the issue?
  6. If you have both versions of Evernote you have a choice. Go to the Notebooks page in either and export your notes to ENEX on a notebook-by-notebook basis. That way you get to keep the notebooks and tags assigned to each note. (Exporting everything from All Notes into one file will give you the possibility of re-importing the notes into one notebook with no tags applied. I use an application called Backupery (on Legacy) which does all of that for me automatically. As to the permanence of clouds, we're talking Google servers here - so I think backups and security come as part of the deal...
  7. Aha! Then I guess you should be able to do it - a central notice board accessed by team members should be ideal. No clue if anyone else has done it, but there may be more comments in the next few hours here, or you could go ahead and try it out as I suggested. Please do come back and let us know how you get on, regardless...
  8. Hi. Are all these chatters Evernote users? How will they be getting access to the chat note? And what version of Evernote will be running the host pages? I'm inclined to believe this is probably an impractical idea as stated - you might be better off with Work Chat and or the Slack integration for Evernote... Please note I could easily be wrong (and often am!) and what you could do is select a victim... sorry, colleague... and run a trial for a few days, just to see what happens.
  9. Hi. Evernote tries to save your changes back to the server, and if that connection fails for any reason the server will save one note, then another note, and so on. If that's happening it could be a connection, a firewall, AV or VPN, proxies... You'd need to do a bit of investigation to follow that up. The way to avoid repetitions is to maybe use a series of shorter notes rather than keep on editing one long one, or use a device-based word processor to create and edit notes, keeping the output file as a note attachment in Evernote. Since that attachment can be uploaded or downloaded as one operation, you should be able to get around any comms interruptions. Plus you always have a complete backup on the device.
  10. Hi. I'm confused. The image you added is the place you need to be. It might help us to know what device, OS and Evernote version you're actually using...
  11. You seem to want a way to use Evernote without actually using Evernote. Based off of a 2-hour outage that's the first issue Evernote's servers have had in recent history, I'd think reasonable precautions would be to leave Legacy or v10 logged in and just close the window down so you can access your local notes if and when necessary. External backups don't need to be daily unless you're incredibly productive and IME are mainly there in case a long-unused note turns out to have lost its content or attachments when revived. If Evernote is available, Note History should cover that; if not, a backup will have preserved the archived data.
  12. If you have Legacy or your v10 is set to save your notes locally, you should be good to go for 99% of cases...
  13. Hi. Subscribers get 'note history' which ensures that all notes in all accounts are periodically - several times each day - backed up to a separate store. Evernote uses Google servers, so the data centres and offline storage are probably as secure as you can get... Use note history to view older versions of a note
  14. Hi. Have you been doing this for a while? There's an account limit of 500 people for all shared notes... Evernote system limits We're mainly users here, so if that's not the issue I suggest you contact Support for more.
  15. Hi. The Forums here are (mainly) user-supported with Evernote staff monitoring threads. It's better to use the Support channels to report issues or to feedback direct to Evernote For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct.
  16. Can't think of a fix that isn't 'stop using Dark Mode' but you could report this to Evernote Support (that's not us) to generate a fast fix...
  17. It can be hard to be perfect I know, but they don't drop service very often...
  18. Hi. Device/ OS/ Evernote version? You're clearly not using Evernote Teams...
  19. In general terms I think you're pretty safe whatever happens. Evernote has 200M+ users (that's a country the size of Pakistan or a large slice of India) and lots of current competitors - although the quality of their services is pretty variable. However. If these nice other companies see any reasonable chance of snagging a chunk of customers from Evernote - like if they announce they're shutting down next week (which they're not) but if they were... the 'import from Evernote' options would treble overnight. Regardless of what Evernote does, the market can't let that many potential paying customers get away. Obviously a big part of that number are currently Free users - but if someone offered an option that wasn't too expensive they'd probably get their hand bitten off. I use a Legacy account (with over 300 notebooks) and an outfit called Backupery regularly exports all 30+GB of my notes to ENEX files while I'm somewhere else. There's some thought that you can copy the temporary database which v10 sets up on your laptop to achieve more or less the same thing, but I tend to doubt that. I'm using v10 on the web and as a Linux Beta user, and all my v10 notes get added to my legacy account - though I can't access tasks or the home page from there. We've said before that using a primarily web-based tool aimed at note access from anywhere as a single-user flat database is a bit like keeping a car so you can picnic in the driveway. Evernote Legacy will inevitably get less secure, less access to Google's servers - and probably fail to run in due course as the various OS's are upgraded with time. Evernote won't maintain it - they've no need to keep that expertise going; they're fully Electron-based now and 100% behind the new app. We're mainly users here so if you want Ian Small to see your request, you'll need to find his contact addresses somewhere, but I wouldn't hold out much hope...
  20. Hi. A 'bug' is a defect in the software, and on the basis that roughly 200M other users aren't apparently experiencing the same issues, I'm guessing that while this software has some failings, this is not one of them. It could be an update gone wrong - have you tried restarting your device / removing and reinstalling Evernote?
  21. Hi. It's not an issue that's been reported before (AFAIK) - maybe just uninstall the app, restart your device and reinstall? If you have a lot of notes it may take a while for Evernote to rebuild your installation. Give it an hour or two when you can...
  22. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058119773
  23. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058119773
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