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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. LOL Evernote have enough trouble trying to keep up with changes to their own app, without ensuring that an app with completely different architecture can be imported without problems. OneNote has changed, Evernote has changed - a lot. They might bring back import functions when things are more settled, but meantime...
  2. Congratulations - I think 5 separate posts on essentially the same issue is an all-time record. It's also against Forum rules. Please don't do that.
  3. Hi. The Forums are not the place to open a conversation with Evernote - if for no other reason than they're a public message board and email addresses (forinstance) can be seen and copied by anyone. As a subscriber you can contact Support, though I doubt they'll be able to help - there was considerable user pressure to have Evernote open to its last position, while you prefer the opposite. In the absence of an optional preference one way or the other, you could ensure that Evernote always shows the home screen on closure, so that it reopens on that setting - or perhaps leave the app on standby so that it never opens automatically, but will always show the last note you saw - which would be a matter of choice for you.
  4. Hi. Something to do with your system or its network connection is interrupting the signal from your device to the server. When it is re-established, the server doesn't know whether this is a continuation of your previous edits or a new version of the note, so it tends to save the previous version and start a new one. All the changes from the previous session may not have been saved - so just deleting older versions is not necessarily a good thing. If you can find a way to improve the signal - stopping other network-using apps, checking firewall settings, getting a wired connection to your home network - things might improve. If not, try using a word-processor for your note content - that will save edits locally, and allow you to attach the final file to your note on completion. If you are a subscriber, report the issue to Support.
  5. Hi. Can you explain in more detail what process leads you to need a copy of a note-with-task? You could try raising this with Support (which we're not) to get some direct feedback from Evernote as to whether or not this is a bug, and maybe raise it as a feature request to see how many others have the same need.
  6. v10 is a completely rewritten version of the original code. However for now it still uses the same server-based sync database as previous versions, so Legacy can access all the same data - though calendar entries, tasks and other special v10 features will not be visible. Still it's another work-around - to back up your data to ENEX or HTML, use Legacy. Scripting also still works with Legacy, so some automation is available...
  7. So unless you're determined to leave Evernote and want to secure your notes in a different format - which may be irrelevant if your new note-taking home will import ENEX files directly - why are the oddities of HTML export a concern exactly? If you wanted to export the content I assume someone has tried Legacy HTML? If you can't find a way to get the results that you prefer, then Support would seem to be the people to talk to here. If they're not receptive, by all means come and vent - but I doubt anyone has much to add from us users...
  8. ? Possibly means your calendar feature is no longer synced with Google. Unless you see any problems it doesn't seem worth worrying about...
  9. Hi. This is mainly a user-supported Forum. Tech issues are best reported direct to Support (with details of device / OS / Evernote version) so that you can receive a direct response and they can request activity logs or more details as required. Before that it often helps to: Log out of the app and back in Restart the device Uninstall / restart / reinstall the app Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  10. Wow. Not seen any other reports like this yet. I'm not an iOS user, so let's wait and see what others say. Matter of interest meantime: what are you copying from? Web page? Email? Other documents?
  11. Hi. It would not be a good idea to make templates notebook-specific, otherwise you'd have to create a separate template for every notebook you have where that content was required. It's easy to create a note from a template and reassign the note to whichever notebook you prefer. If you want it with or without tags, that's also easy to set up. As to 'editions' of templates - to replace a template, just delete the old one. To add a new variation, add keywords to the name - "telephone call short" and "telephone call detailed" or some such. If none of that sastisfies your needs, please explain more...
  12. Hi. You've posted this link more than once in the forums, which might make a suspicious person suspect some gentle spamming. Please don't post it again...
  13. It is not. Droid users have to make to with the Evernote camera or with third party apps.
  14. If F11 doesn't work... sign out of Evernote and back in exit Evernote, power the device off, then back on again exit Evernote, remove notes from device, power off, then back on exit Evernote, uninstall, power off & back on, reinstall exit Evernote, uninstall with Revo (if you can), power off & back on, reinstall If step one doesn't fix it, contact Support
  15. Yep - that's what I meant. And as @Mike P said, even if the source page is gone you can edit the link to remove the errored code to get there.
  16. Even if it means 'fixed 100%' see my comments above about browser approval times. Evernote have no control over the process and cannot publish an app extension without it. Don't know how long it takes, but a I suspect a month would be pretty quick. Meantime again: there are work-arounds...
  17. You could always ask Support... if nothing else they can (maybe) advise whether they have found any issues with the Enex export process.
  18. Hi. Contact Support so they're aware of the issue, and maybe look at different ways to capture a scan? There are a variety of third-party apps including those from Adobe and Microsoft (and Evernote Scannable) that might serve as work-arounds while Evernote looks at this...
  19. Thanks for that - so Evernote have had this information for around 25 working days (you may remember there were a few recent holidays...). Don't know how long it takes to get a fix through the browser-moderated testing process, but on that timescale even if they had an instant fix we have a while yet to wait for the fix to be released. If you got this issue, report it to Support please people - the higher the volume of aggravation the quicker the fix...
  20. If you currently have Evernote installed, why not try it out and see what you think? I have no idea what you're expecting, and you're the best judge of whether this is an app you can use.
  21. You can't continue to use Evernote on that basis, but you could export all your notes to HTML files and view the existing notes in a browser...
  22. Hi. There are a number of third-party browser extensions that will save web pages as PDF files. Use one of those to create the PDF and drop it into a new note?
  23. Can't remember if this works on Windows 8 (it was a long time since I last used it) but why can't you use Shift+Tab to switch focus to the PDF window and back, or just shrink the window to the Windows taskbar? Evernote is not supposed to work at all on Win 8 AFAIK...
  24. I killed a post here because it was a largely incoherent rant. If you want to express an opinion or ask a question, please do so remembering that most of us here are just users trying to help with queries and work-arounds. Keep it simple and polite please...
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