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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I would be interested to hear on what date a user actually first told Evernote that there was a problem. In 12 years this has never happened before, so they - as we - could not have expected it. I wasn't even aware I'd been affected until there was a WTF query in the forums, and that wasn't so long ago. Evernote may not have been aware until someone raised a support request relatively recently. And 'recalls' aren't easy on a browser extension that's probably installed on millions of browsers with releases and roll-backs controlled by Google, Microsoft and Mozilla. This isn't the first software fail, and it won't be the last. It will be fixed - meantime even if you get redirected to the original page, it's only an extra click on the actual link. -And before anyone starts with the fanboi remarks; there are lots of ways Evernote could and should do lots better - but I've worked for big IT companies. When stuff goes wrong, there's only so much you can do to fix it.
  2. I don't understand your concern. Evernote agree the notes belong solely to the user and provide options to allow you to backup and restore them as you wish... Back up and restore your data in Evernote for Windows
  3. You didn't read the terms & conditions. That offer was for non-premium users to upgrade. If you were already premium, you weren't eligible for the deal at all. All you've done is upgrade from Premium to Personal. If you contact Support and explain this was all a sad mistake, they may be able to reverse it...
  4. Unless you're using a mobile device when you generally can't open the original directly from a note, it needs to be downloaded locally first, then edited, then re attached to the note.
  5. Yet you're posting in a v8 forum and didn't bother to inform us that your situation was different? So. Before I move this to a different forum - what device are you using, what OS and what EN version?
  6. v8 is no longer being supported. As noted in this thread the issue is solved in v10. Evernote are highly unlikely to circle back.
  7. Neither does anything that Evernote has ever offered directly. I too have a ton of notes (amongst my almost 57K total) that lack important dates. I've split my existing notes into around 400 notebooks, which brings the average notes-per-notebook down to 140 or so, which is a number that doesn't make me squint so hard. The notebooks that I need for daily tasks get manually updated titles next time they're opened. It's an ongoing maintenance job. This is a project that had a hiccup since Filterize were planning to close, but they're apparently back on track, so when I have a few minutes I can cover rather more notes automatically... https://filterize.net/blog/using-filterize/115003550771-extract-a-creation-date-for-your-note-out-of-your-document/
  8. This thread has been quiet for four months and has a grand total of 4 votes in favour, so it doesn't look like a high-profile issue that Evernote might think requires immediate action. If you check the posts above, we all understand full well that the date of a note defaults to the date on which it was created, which seems like a sensible option. It is the 'created date' of the note and does exactly what it says on the can. If you wish to show the document date - the actual date of meetings, emails etc - then the sensible (i.e. faster and more accurate) option is to add a date as a tag or a title. Even in Legacy changing a document date requires some messing around. Evernote probably will restore the ability to change creation dates on a timescale of their own, but if you need that option - find a work-around or a different application; because I don't see the process being available soon.
  9. ...And by the way, all browsers - particularly Firefox - are wary of security issues with extensions, which is why they're only available through the appropriate 'shop'. And all extensions and updates to extensions have to go through a shop vetting process which is not under Evernote's control. So the process here is - find the issue - one of the slowest parts of the process, depending on the degree of help available from users to zero in on a cause. work out how to fix things and (for browser related stuff) issue revised code - relatively quick. submit the revisions to the browser for approval - the other slowest bit... publish! -It can take a while...
  10. There's another thread on this somewhere - I'm also running 6.25.1 which is the last public version of Evernote 6. The later ones .2 & .3 are Legacy with some minor options removed in order for them to co-habit (fairly) seamlessly with EN10.
  11. Hi. Try downloading that attachment to your phone. Will the XLSX file open? If not, it means your phone isn't able to open that file type. Try installing the Office app. You should then be able to open and edit the file, though you'll have to manually add it back into the note on completion.
  12. I wish I knew what the problem was... the OP hasn't defined it yet, and it may or may not be the same situation that you're experiencing. In your case, what scanner / software are you using to get the scanned file to Evernote? There's no inbuilt option (AFAIK) in Evernote to sort new notes into a notebook - you can switch on 'smart filing' or you can specify the destination for each scan.
  13. Hi. If that folder has been designated an Import Folder within EN, then the files would be part of your database also. Subsequent changes to those folder files may not be registered by Evernote, and so will not be updated in the note. It's better to delete those files once they've been imported, and to make all further changes by editing the copy of the file from the notebook. NB when the definition you posted refers to "import files by connecting folders on your computer to a notebook" it's referring to an Evernote notebook, not a notebook computer... Once the file is attached to a note it will be synced with any other devices connected with that account. Create import folders
  14. Don't recall seeing anything about 'as an attachment' being fixed in 'coming soon' - maybe move this to feature requests to gain some votes?
  15. Open a new topic about Legacy not playing well with v10 since we're already talking about it here. My comments were based on the original post which you seemed to agree with. If you have a different reason for your suspicious feelings, please give us some more details. My point would remain - far better to work mainly or exclusively on the version you prefer, and dip into the other app if and when you need to. Both apps are syncing to and from the server to update each other, which is going to make for some clunky behaviour. I'm using a pre-legacy pubic edition (6.25.1) on one machine - as I have for the past several years - and v10 on another, with occasional dips into the web version on both. I've not yet found any errors between the various versions I'm using. I intend to stick with 6.25.1 until it sunsets - and there's no sign yet that this is likely to happen anytime soon. As and when that does happen I'll have a decision to make, in light of whatever comparable apps are available in the market. I see no reason to commit to anything until I have to - my immediate focus is on the jobs I already have, not prematurely prepping my note library for departure.
  16. <Groan> - again, right. If I'm going to get stuff wrong, I like to go big and wrong! Good catch!
  17. I would have thought Evernote is highly unlikely to bother with any queries related to the pre-v10 apps - but reading this thread again one thing jumps out; using v10 and Legacy side by side is probably a humongously bad idea. Use one or the other, and by all means if something doesn't work in v10, go back to Legacy to get it done. But just like swopping between and making changes on both mobile and desktop is likely to lead to tears before bed, getting Evernote to update two separate databases on the same machine with the same log-in credentials is definitely edge-case behaviour.
  18. Hmmn. @Mike P is probably right - my bad - another suggestion though - try running your HTML file through an Import folder?
  19. Hi. Sadly Note History won't recover deleted notes. It's worth upgrading though to get priority access to Evernote support if you need the content urgently. Free users can also look for help via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
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