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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. There's still a notebook listing is there not? I've adopted a notebook-per-contact policy so all my notes for Amazon purchases forinstance are in one notebook, and to make it easier to jump to any contact notebook I use a special character in notebook names. That notebook is "🔸Amazon" and if I search for that emoji alone I can get a list of all my notebooks.
  2. Confusingly BOTH the key shortcuts to a web link (via 3 dots menu) and an app link (right click the note name in list view) are Alt+Ctrl+X I pasted links from both combinations into the same note and got the note title as a link, backed by https:// and evernote:/// links respectively. If I then copy those links to another note they both work the same way - I wind up in the original note. If I then copy the links into a third-party app the app link works as before. The web link gives me the web page with this pop-up - (My settings say "ask me every time") If I then choose 'remember' and 'open in app' I get back to Evernote again, and my settings have magically changed to ...And then I clicked the web link again and get (I obviously ticked the box...) And now... Every time I click the web link my app jump to the correct note... BUT the web browser also serves up the same note on the web. Guessing that's a peculiarity of my browser (Thorium - a Chrome clone). So: for the moment. Clicking in the note Title in list view, or while you're editing a note - Alt+Ctrl+X will get you an app link (the evernote:// version) Web links require (AFAIK) the three dots menu or a physical click in the 'note link' drop-down when right-clicking a note title. I'm fortunate that this does not ***** up my current workflows. EDIT: Oops. My reference to a helically ridged fastening activated the nanny-bot... sorry.
  3. I'm running my 68,000 note account off a 2TB NVME drive and it's pretty much instant with every operation. SSDs for the win...
  4. I just came across a new Evernote survey in the wild - can't say I'm wildly (see what I did there?) impressed with the options. I can see certain factions of the audience going wild (OK I'll stop now) over nested notebooks and table calculations. It did prompt me though to send my own Feedback for my preferences, which are: 1. An easy way to create a full backup of my entire account and add a daily incremental changes file 2. A stable public API so that add-in apps like AHK can be used to automate processes 3. An Import folder that will offer a ‘delete on completion’ option 4. A default tasks assignment so I can process tasks without having to confirm every. single. one. 5. The ability to multi-select notes and change attributes like the public URL or assign location You're entitled to your own opinions of course, and 'fix the bugs' and 'get support back on track' are givens. Please use this opportunity to give the company your own ideas via feedback@evernote.com Here's what was on offer -
  5. Like @Jon/t if I store files in Evernote, they're exclusively there - no copies (except for my account backup). Onedrive et. al. files get linked in my notes if they're relevant. Evernote is useful in that I can search for a user guide (forinstance) and find it, whether it's attached to a note, stored in the cloud or free-range on the web. My view with Evernote is "is there a good reason NOT to attach this file?" If I can't think of one I'll add the file and move on. (Good reasons are mainly security related - I don't add bank statements forinstance - YMMV)
  6. Hi. Win 10 or 11? What's your Evernote version number? Tried the web client? Reinstalled?
  7. I hid what looked like an AI bot quote here.
  8. Hi. Evernote doesn't display more than 1,000 notes in any listing - presumably for bandwidth or memory saving. It doesn't mean there's an issue - you could feed it back to Evernote, but I doubt they'll give changing that a high priority.
  9. What else is happening on your network? Have you tried a speed test on your network connection? Any of these suggestions help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313378-Tips-for-troubleshooting-syncing-issues
  10. You're right - I carefully said "notes that have created dates" because I went through a stage of changing the created date (when it was possible to do so) to the date of the content. Evernote has only been around since 2008. EDIT: Just for the record - it's still possible to change the created date if you want to - I don't think it was possible when Evernote first launched though.
  11. Hi. How are you "scrolling"? By mouse or arrow keys on a note list, or by opening individual notes? What's your device and are you Windows 10 or 11? I just scrolled through notes that have created dates back to 1989 and no dates were changed... Win 11 / EN 10.97.3
  12. Hi. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be patient for a response here, and take care to reply to any boilerplate responses that you get)
  13. Hi. I've never not had Note History available - not saying it's not happening for you, but I have no suggestions other than to raise this with Support. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-Use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note for background and links to Support.
  14. Actually it publishes a notebook's content* in 'blog' format - there's an index page with the current and previous dated contributions. It's also possible to create a home page within that format and present the collection as standard web pages. Once the notes are in 'blog' format, you just need some basic copy/ pasting to put the page URLs into a kind of online ToC to create the home page. See https://cliffeactual.com/blog for the blog layout and https://cliffeactual.com/ for the home page. It's my 'play' site (the name's a long story, and it's a bit of a mess...) Not sure whether or not the bespoke URL linking is a subscriber feature - you get 5 notebook connections for free, and subscribers get more features including password access protection if required. (* Tag each note you want published with "published" untagged notes are not included) EDIT - Just reminded myself that the generated web pages will automagically format themselves to mobile as well as desktop screens so your blog/ website is mobile-friendly.
  15. HI. If you simply used Windows uninstall last time around, try repeating the exercise with Revo uninstaller, which will remove corrupted files cleanly. If that is ineffective then your only hope is Support who are not currently known for their speed and efficiency. I suggest you send a link to this thread with your report. When you get a support reference, please post if here and we can flag it for a Forum Admin (an employee - most here are other users) to try to get you quick attention. Clean reinstall: If Evernote is active, sign out / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app. Power off and back on, then re-download and reinstall from Evernote.com and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data. The new install is still initially a little slow - things get better after a few days. Support links here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006117-Evernote-Teams-Toolkit
  16. No, because for everyone else it seems to be working. What's the search string you're looking for?
  17. Free users. Complaining about the loss of their free service. Oh my. TANSTAAFL!
  18. But. It no longer works. Find a work-around or move on...
  19. The cold hard fact is that this is the current situation; use a device that works, find another work-around, or find another solution. It's highly unlikely that things will change in the near future.
  20. Hi. Android & Windows are working fine for me. https://status.evernote.com/ for more...
  21. Is this export for collaboration, or just information? Unless the notebook owner needs to see changes made by the recipients, you could just export the whole thing to ENEX and share it by email. Recipients then import the notebook into their own Evernote account and review the content. Updates would need to be further exports. A variation could be to export the shared notebook and re-import it into your own account as a copy of the original. Try sharing this 'copy' account as before... if successful you would be back to normal. While I appreciate that additional costs are unwelcome, you did say you were in a bad place until this is resolved... I hope you've been back to Support on this too... I don't see why cancelling and attempting to reinstate a share would cause problems, but they may have some other ideas.
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