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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Evernote checks spelling in the default system language. You'll be able to check Spanish OR English by changing that setting.
  2. Hi. See - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29147324292243-What-to-do-if-you-re-being-logged-out-immediately-from-Evernote-Web
  3. Hi. You should be able to see what notebook a note is in from the note itself, and if you go to the notebooks tab and search for that notebook, you should be able to see what Stack it is nested under, but - why do you need to know what stack the note is in to find it later? You could apply a tag, drag the note into the shortcuts area, search for one or more keywords, or simply copy the note into a temporary work-in-progress notebook to keep it close by.
  4. Hi. Device? OS & Evernote version numbers? Printing via the installed app / device settings / browser settings? Screenshot of note vs printed output?
  5. Some providers have a 'roadmap' of upcoming developments, but Evernote, historically, does not; and in most cases a roadmap does not include release dates. If you are in a competitive market, giving a public deadline to say "we'll release our new product in 3 months" only guarantees that you'll be amongst the last companies to release that service, since your competitors will all aim to pile in first. The Windows Store issue of Evernote was supposed to play better with ARM devices than the Evernote.com version - if that's not the case please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be patient for a response here)
  6. Try uninstalling with Appcleaner and downloading the latest version from Evernote.com.
  7. Even before Bending Spoons came onto the scene Evernote was trying, with tighter limits, to diplomatically suggest to non-subscribers that it was not a charity, and anyone with more than a very light use really ought to subscribe or find an alternative simple note-taking app. The new Evernote team have applied stricter controls, but they're not a charity. The free app currently just offers a taste of the features on offer. If you can't justify the subscription, then you should look elsewhere for one of the "free" services that are actually supported by advertising.
  8. Hi. Try updating to the latest version (currently 10.95) - if your issue continues, check this page https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/categories/27869980799123-Technical-issues for links to Support
  9. Hi. You're showing as a free user here though you seem to be making extensive use of Evernote. If you're not a subscriber I'd suggest upgrading for a month or so at least to get access to email support.
  10. If (as suggested 18 months or so ago) the Windows Store version works anyway, is this actually an issue?
  11. Hi. Evernote User Forums are mainly supported by more experienced users like me who are familiar with the application and can provide some support and work-arounds if things go wrong. Tech issues like this are best reported direct to Support (with details of device / OS / Evernote version) so that you can receive a direct response and they can request activity logs or more details as required.
  12. If you do have your Masterwork in one note though, remember to keep backups! One wrong twitch at the keyboard might be catastrophic... I still prefer to work with a 'parent' note listing individual paragraphs and sections for anything major. If I do anything dumb, I've probably only lost a few dozen words.
  13. Sorry if I wasn't clear, or if I misunderstood your comment, but the purpose of the new column is to give you a dropdown menu that you can reach easily. Look for it in the top right corner of the new narrow column. If you choose 'fit to width' it should contract the super-wide column too. But you mention... This really sounds like an extreme use of Evernote's current level of table structure. It's likely that the size of one or more of these elements is what blew out the column width - and it's not a 'bug' if the software is simply not designed for the use to which it's being put. Since your note contains important information I'd suggest you copy the current wide version and work on a duplicate note, and of you haven't already done so I'd suggest raising this issue with Support - there are links in the top right and at the very bottom of this page: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053945033-Edit-a-table
  14. Try a search for sharedate:* - it will show you what has been shared, but not to who.
  15. According to the website 10.94.3 is the latest version. I'd suggest you uninstall your current app with Appcleaner and re-download/ reinstall.
  16. I think the point here is that the normal support link seems to be working more quickly now. I queried something recently and was told that they're aware and working on my issue - fixes coming soon.
  17. Ouch. That's clearly not expected behaviour, and not a situation I've seen before. You could try inserting a new column to the left of the super-wide one. Your table may or may not add a column of the same width - if so, just 'undo' out of the addition. If you get a more controllable size, click the drop-down menu in the top right of any cell and use 'set to' note width or window width. If that doesn't work, try exporting the note to an ENEX file and then re-import it as a copy of the original - that process may fix any small errors in its structure. Final bid - copy the whole table into a spreadsheet via 'select all'. Fix the column widths in the spreadsheet and then copy/ paste back into a new note. Good luck!
  18. Not sure what's likely to happen if you try to 'recreate' something which does still exist, but due to some display issue is not currently visible on some devices. If you have a sudden loss of a content feature like stacks, I'd recommend checking the web version first to see whether this is a local issue. If the original content is still present on the web, then a clean reinstall with a new download from Evernote.com is likely the best option.
  19. I don't think it's promoted anywhere as being especially for bug fixes - it's meant to help other users sort out ways to understand and use Evernote's features, and (frequently) to complain about the lack of some specialist option that would probably only benefit 10 out of millions of subscribers. - Someone recently wanted a LaTeX feature to show math symbols forinstance. (To be fair that's not a bad suggestion - student mathematicians everywhere would benefit. But it doesn't -yet- exist in Evernote, and unless they were already working on it, coding and introducing the option would take a year or more...)
  20. Hi. Device & OS/ Evernote version numbers? I just did a -tag:* search on my own account and got 1000+ hits (I'm not a big tag user) so it seems to be working on Win 11 Evernote 10.94.3 desktop
  21. Noted - this Forum is third-party software, although it somehow links to your Evernote account details - maybe you used a different email address on your account? Anyway. Still true that no-one here can fix a crash situation - but subscribers do have access to report it via the help pages - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052565633-Tags-Overview
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