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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You can't currently connect directly with the Apple calendar. What happens if you go back to signing in with your previous userID and password? You may be able to use the instructions in this page to correct the situation: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053487874
  2. Did you try any of the suggested fixes in this thread? Have you contacted Support?
  3. ...Just to note that with 0 windows open - just the app - my Windows 11 system sees and with 20...
  4. You may have missed the memo that all previous versions of Evernote were written in different source codes applicable to the various operating systems to which they applied. A few years ago Evernote decided to adopt a third-party package called "Electron" which provides a 'wrapper' for a single application to adapt it to operate in all current systems. Instead of maintaining several different versions of the software, they now maintain only one. However Electron has its own limitations and until Evernote staff learn how to get around them - or get Electron to adapt their system to permit the requested extensions - they have to operate within some boundaries. This may be one of them. I did not intend to imply any criticism of your posting here. Since you did not bother to mention in your original post that you had already contacted Support, I did not realise that you had raised this issue. In general: I'm still not clear whether you're a new v10 user and have previously been able to open more than 20 notes at once in v10, or whether you recently converted from Legacy where this is possible. > If you have previously been able to open more than 20 notes in v10, I'd recommend that you go back to support and point out this is a recent bug that needs to be fixed. > If you're a former Legacy user, you should be aware that it's possible to install a working version of Legacy alongside v10, though that older version is no longer supported and may have or develop its own interesting quirks over time. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote > In either case you may wish to start a Feature Request thread in the Forum where other users can vote for an increase in this limit - with enough votes, an higher limit may be prioritised over other planned feature requests. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/
  5. There may not have been a decision as such - maybe someone had to pick a number and just chose that one... remember we weren't allowed to select more than 40 notes for a while, then it went up to 100, and should be higher. Just to be clear - I wasn't defending the situation or saying it won't change, but realistically - what you see is what you have to work with. Developers do read the Forums, but you might want to contact Support or use the feedback option where it's available to you, so they're informed sooner rather than later that this is an issue.
  6. Hi. You may have to get used to the limitations of the new application - I don't have an effective work-around for 20+ notes open at the same time, other than using the installed app as well as the the Web app will give you a limited increase...
  7. I think Evernote's 'encryption' is... sub-optimal... if you're looking to ensure security. If you create a note and then encrypt, the original content still exists in Note History. If you decrypt to edit, and the note syncs meantime... I don't know. But Encryption is only available for text anyway, so lists, images, style of any kind will cause problems. I do have some encrypted notes in my account, but they're actually normal notes with encrypted PDF attachments which I create and edit outside Evernote so the content is purely mine... <Gollum voice> My precious... Sorry. Anyway - a lot of apps allow encryption if and when necessary, so I'd say attachments is the way to go if you need to be confident.
  8. I think it means that a savvy black hat thought: Evernote has said that it's going to revise its sync process, so if I try accessing accounts using this name, users will just write it off as Evernote doing testing... although the VPN they're using has their IP address bouncing all over the place. All those connections mean someone tried hard to get through - but it looks like they failed. As others have said - take precautions, just in case.
  9. I doubt there'll be anything new new in the next release - there must have been a year or more long pipeline of stuff that was already in development which is going to pop out under its own steam for the next several months. Anything ground-breakingly interesting is going to take some time (I hope) to code and test, and beta-test before being released on us users... I agree this year will be interesting - whether or not it's Chinese-curse interesting remains to be seen...
  10. Hi. You presumably set up some kind of third-party automation for the original - a quick web search suggests several options including IFTTT and Zapier - https://zapier.com/apps/evernote/integrations/google-drive/1179/add-new-google-drive-files-to-evernote forinstance...
  11. Hmmn. I sit corrected - trying that out specifically from Excel leads to only opening Evernote at the last page used*. From other apps I tried I get the specific note popping up. I guess I haven't tried that specific link from Excel to Evernote in a while... * ...after a warning: A joint approach to both Supports may be in order?
  12. When I click Evernote links I generally get the note popping up. What versions of Evernote and Windows are you running?
  13. Not even going to ask... have you tried CustomerSuccess@evernote.com? That is Teams support AFAIK
  14. I went through a technical library and scanned hundreds of documents of various dates into Legacy. Any attempt to change the created date took too long as part of the process, so we just scanned to a folder and added a date as a prefix to the filename/ note title. A text expander gave us 'instant' year/month/day choices with a keystroke and sorting by title gives a chronological order. All that works quickly and efficiently in v10 too... Since I'm pretty lazy about scanning sessions I still use Phrase Express to generate actual document dates as required...
  15. Hi. Strange things occasionally happen. AFAIK this hasn't happened before. Without a detailed autopsy on your software and device I doubt anyone could make a guess. If Evernote is up and running again, just chalk it up to experience...
  16. Without knowing a lot more about the projects and vendors - and please understand I'm not volunteering to find out - I don't think we can contribute much here. If your projects require a shopping list of items like bearings and fans - all bearings from one supplier, all fans from another - I'd think you might do some deals with suppliers along the lines of needing a total quantity of each item for all projects, though you'll be ordering on a project-by-project basis. You can assign each supplier a separate note, and list components in project order so you can go through the notes and order from all suppliers, ticking the boxes yourself. I don't think it's possible (or advisable) to share notes with suppliers or allow them to indicate what has been ordered - you'll get varying levels of compliance and accuracy and everything will likely plunge into chaos fall apart (literally). If you're also looking to have some sort of competitive edge - getting components from suppliers with the best price - then all bets are off; you can have notes for projects, and notes for suppliers - but they'll just be records of what you're initiating, not some form of job control keeping everything on track. I could be wrong (again: not fully briefed on this) but I'd suggest you proceed with caution!
  17. No OS fistfights on the premises guys - take it outside please...
  18. Hi. I'm fairly certain you can't be a Teams (business) user, so give us a clue - device? OS? Evernote version? Have you tried logging out and back into the app? Restarting the device?
  19. Hi. We're almost all users here; no knowledge of upcoming offers - if you don't see anything on your 'subscribe' page, or receive any email/ pop-ups, you're probably - currently - out of luck. If you're a student with a school or college address you could write to Support to see what might be on offer.
  20. ...and: in addition to the above. Are you a subscriber? If so, definitely contact Support. If not - have you exceeded any note size limits / upload limits / device limits?
  21. I'll just leave this here... https://discussion.evernote.com/guidelines/. While we're (usually) fairly friendly, the Forums are for fixing things or complaining about them - Social Media is the place to chat...
  22. Hi. I thought the app internal update was pretty seamless - you say 'yes' to the prompt and the app does all the heavy lifting up to and including opening the new app and displaying your notes. What device(s) and OS(s) are you working with and exactly how did you attempt the update? If you have access to a desktop, have you signed in to Evernote.com via a browser to see if your notes are all there? All notes are saved to Evernote's servers, so your content should not be 'lost'.
  23. Hi. Sounds like your screens have widely different resolutions. I had 3 screens, have now replaced two of them with a widescreen - but I've never had any 'huge window' issues, and in Windows moving the actual window around is a question of holding the 'windows' key and hitting arrow keys. Neither is anything that Evernote can do much about... https://www.howtogeek.com/310/bring-misplaced-off-screen-windows-back-to-your-desktop-keyboard-trick/ Also: https://www.howtogeek.com/732798/how-to-check-your-screen-resolution-in-windows-10/
  24. I tend to create notebooks for companies and individuals that I share with. The notes I share are usually copies, because that ensures I don't inadvertently delete or change them, or worse yet edit and include some material that the recipient(s) should not see. It's trivial to create a notebook and share it, then move notes across - and provided the share works, I don't have to repeat the exercise again for that person or company. I also have a stack for shared notebooks so that I control what is shared and can immediately access / edit or delete them as necessary. The Forums here are mainly user-supported, so if you wish to make sure that Evernote is aware of this issue sooner rather than later you might want to contact the Support team direct.
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