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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Anyone who expects AI to make taking notes completely transparent and effortless is going to be waiting a long time. AI is inaccurate, insecure and unreliable. Plus these oh so tempting third party providers are inexperienced, underfunded and unproven... But hey - don't let that stop you!
  2. The video explains how to share an email attachment with a Google Drive folder, which is mirrored with a folder on your hard drive, which is, as most have said on this thread already, an Import Folder for a specific notebook. It seems a long round-about way to do this, but if it works for you...
  3. Might make for easier searches - but I know ChatGPT has flat-out lied to me on several occasions (I believe it's politely called 'hallucination' in the trade), so be cautious... a quick internet search generated lots of comment around this issue. Not to mention that anything you share with AI is not (yet) private.
  4. Hi. From what I read (no pun intended) "reader mode" removes lots of web elements from the page - so what you see is a part-processed artificial view. I doubt Evernote can, or ever will, clip anything from that environment. Clipper does have a 'simplified version' option which might help...
  5. Well, the boss gave us his (or at least an) email address, so if you have any opinions, now might be a good time to air them.. but having been in a service industry myself, can I please ask that everyone behave like grown-ups and resists the temptation to rant and swear? A sensible argument will get attention: announcing rudely that you will deprive Evernote of your subscription unless (insert unrealistic upgrade request here) happens, you may as well save your energy. By that stage you have zero credibility. As it happens I pay annually and I think (🙏) that I can get most of a year at my old rates before the new ones (or whatever replaces them) kick in. Even then the new cost is less than a pack of gum per day, and you're getting a LOT of upgrades, plus (all due respect to the old team) a new set of eyes and priorities which sound to me much more positive than I've known for the last few years. I tend to be a 'glass half full' kinda person, so YMMV - but I'm definitely hanging around for a while to see what develops - and the new guys are realistic about the value (or otherwise) of AI, which is a breath of fresh air! So. Let's boldly go where no note-taking app has gone before - to infinity and beyond! That actually was all me - sorry; I also ran it through ChatGPT who came up with this for the last line... "Resistance is futile! Our note-taking app will assimilate all knowledge and go beyond infinity." - not exactly the tone I was going for.
  6. Hi. Yes, you can try out the new version alongside the old one - you might want to just sign on to the web version via Evernote.com which will give you a pretty good idea where things are at. If you install the new version on a desktop it defaults to uninstalling the old app. Don't Panic! You will not lose your old database and you can reinstall the older version if you wish. But. Yes the old version is no longer supported and will not be developed in any way - some Mac users have already found that changes in their OS have restricted its use, and that will happen more and more as time goes on. People who really hate the new app have switched to Notion and OneNote - but it's notable that some have quietly switched back; no-one seems to have found something which is hands-down better than Evernote. YMMV! I was a denier for a year, I think, since the new app came out - but I now use it 99.9% of the time. There are work-arounds for most of the differences, and you can always come back here and get some help if you need it. Good luck, whatever you do...
  7. Depending on how many tasks and errands you have, I'd suggest keeping a 'parent' note for each one - for instance (pun not intended) "Visit Parents" and including a table with one line of cells for each visit date. Anything you need to do can go into one cell with multiple lines. All you need to do is set a task or a reminder for the date of the visit. You could keep all of these notes in one notebook or tag them 'parent' or some such to get quick access. Since you also have the option of note links, you can link from a parent note to any other subtask or activity that requires it. Probably the best way to work out the most effective system is to set something up and use it to see if it works. If you're happy with the result - fine. If not, then you now have some real-world experience to identify any gaps in your process and change things around as necessary.
  8. Hi. It would be helpful to know what device you're using, plus your windows and Evernote versions, and to have a full explanation of exactly what you expect Evernote to 'fix'. Windows has certain built-in processes that are not available to any third party software. Evernote can't strongarm the OS into doing anything differently - but on the other hand there are clipping options that do work with various versions of Windows and will save or paste an image into Evernote. What's to fix?
  9. In my case (see above) it transpired that I got a 'duplicate note' notification about the legacy note 2 hours or so after I first started trying to sync. Don't know why the update was so slow in getting through unless I was just on a slow connection today. I'm reassured that at least if I wasn't patient enough to wait for the latest version of a recent edit to sync to my current device, I'd see the duplicate note error come up and have a chance to read through my changes again.
  10. Hmmn. I currently have Evernote installed on 4 devices. I have a note I created on my desktop in 10.52 yesterday, which I just edited on my old Android 'phone running 8.13. There was no indication in 10.52 that I was active anywhere else. After several minutes the edit is still not showing on the desktop or on the web, but opening yet another instance in Vivaldi now shows me that I'm active on two devices. I'm poking my phone repeatedly to get it to sync but that note still has a green UNsynced tag, and a Knight-Rider style sweeping indicator at the top of the screen that it's trying... It's actually 20 minutes now since I changed the note in Legacy Mobile and there's still no sign of those changes elsewhere. You may have a much better experience if you edit on a different device but I added 4 words on an old galaxy phone that are only present on that device... so far. I also have all of my other recent notes on there (AFAICS) so sync issues only affect this previously synced note... I'll keep an eye on things to see whether this does get updated eventually.
  11. As I seem to keep on saying in this forum - this is 99.9% supported by experienced users like me. We have no technical access or special expertise, and no inside knowledge. If you genuinely, actually, really want a response from Evernote, subscribers go here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - anyone and everyone here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps.
  12. I haven't (intentionally) offended anyone in this thread for more than 6 months so I don't know why I get star billing here... but yeah - if the current app isn't making it for you, then please do try something else - nothing much is likely to change this year as the new owners get their feet under the table and start to plan developments...
  13. Seriously. Do you not have any access to a desktop computer?
  14. ?? There's a search box ?? What version are you using?
  15. Hi. Do you use any form of automation? I'm thinking of things like - IFTTT (If This Then That) Integromat Automate.io Workato Microsoft Power Automate Which might be forwarding things for you...
  16. Hi. I think the 'fix' might require a restart of either Evernote or your system. What version of Evernote are you using?
  17. Hi again. I've been in IT for 40 years, and I'm still just another user - talk to Support if you need help with this.
  18. Hi. Three ways to create a template: use the built-in feature to save your own (if you subscribe) create a 'template' notebook and save empty but formatted notes there. Duplicate or Copy your template note(s) as required. Use Copy to assign to another notebook create a template note and export to ENEX. Save to desktop - double-click to create new note. The 'duplicate' method will save titles, tags and any formatting. More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929468 If you want to get other users to vote on variations of any of this, please start your own votable thread.
  19. I thought Grammarly had been doing most of what was discussed for a long while... but I can see that if an AI app has access to your notes over a period it's going to be able to extract themes and preferences to "guide" you - but that runs headlong into my main worry about AIs: what happens if I can no longer trust my own notes to be a correct record of a meeting? Maybe my AI thinks I should be looking at some different priorities...???
  20. Hi. It might help to see an image of the issue you're reporting... And please note we're not Evernote, or Support. While employees do read posts here in due course, please contact Support if you are a subscriber, or use the feedback link in most apps so that Evernote is aware of your issue sooner rather than later.
  21. Not possible from here - the Forums are supported mainly by other users and we have no idea what version of Windows or v10 you have. If you're a subscriber please contact Support with full details. I've used Evernote and Windows for over 15 years and have never experienced this effect, so I'd suggest you try a full uninstall / restart / reinstall and carry out any general system maintenance you can - this probably is not an Evernote issue.
  22. Good that you found a solution, though it sounds rather... sketchy. Never heard of that option before. Where/ how did you find out about it?
  23. Hi. The limit on Notebooks is 250 if you're not a subscriber, 1,000 if you are - and 10,000 if you use the business version. Otherwise - edit what you have as above. You may consider archiving some information to ENEX or HTML files, or using additional free or subscriber accounts as overspill.
  24. Hi. This is a mainly user-supported Forum so we're unable to assist in this sort of case. Evernote are apparently restricting users on their service who do not subscribe but have more than a bare minimum of activity . They try to recognise devices for this purpose by IP address - which is far from an exact science. You can use the same device to connect from home and work and create "two" device records without any problem. If you get a device warning - or suddenly find that you just can't log into Evernote the device limit may be the issue Free users are limited to connections from two devices per month, with the possibility to remove device(s) also limited to 2. Evernote emphasize that any form of regular use of the app really requires a paid subscription. Web access via Evernote.com counts as a device. Remove devices here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action Once the device limit is exceeded the account is effectively locked. There are 3 ways to access notes - > Subscribe - even if only for a month (if that option is available). > Wait out the current month - access to remove devices will come back after a period > Set up another free account to use in the meantime (if you have another email address) More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
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