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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Evernote have not activated this automatic removal yet, but since files placed in this folder are automatically imported immediately, it's pretty easy to simply delete the contents as a standard operation at start-up or shut-down of the device. We're mostly users here, by the way, so no actual inside information.
  2. Thanks for your good wishes. We millions of remaining Evernote users will try not to miss you. Bye!
  3. I don't even understand what the issue is at this stage. If you're saying you lost the content from a note that still exists, then Note History will let you 'rewind' the note to a previous point and retrieve the content. That history is available for all users, but only accessible for subscribers. If you subscribe for a month you can get the content back. You will also have access to the Support team so they can find out why it was overwritten in the first place.
  4. Hi. You can write what you like in a note - how are you going to get it to your website?
  5. I don't think suspending the Evernote Linux development is intended as any sort of a slight to the software market. It's a realistic business decision for a company that is currently changing and updating its core product in pretty radical fashion. The existing Linux Beta is already several versions behind the newly released public versions, and those have several continuing issues that have not yet been tied down. It makes sense not to waste time making repeated changes to the Beta to try to keep it up to date. Best to get the main product to a fully reliable version, then convert that version. I'd be sure there will be a Linux option - just not (probably) this year. At least the various improvements Evernote is making filter through to the browser, so all is not lost - though accepted; the browser version is a little less capable than the installed app.
  6. Hi. That is the support link page - if you are already logged in to the app, try ignoring the login request. Alternatively try to raise your ticket from a mobile - Evernote > Settings > Support. There is no direct email - and you might want to edit your post (use the three-dots menu at top right) to remove the email address. This is a public forum and addresses are fair game for spam bots.
  7. Hmmn. If you download the file to your desktop will it play from there? Does it have the correct .MP4 (or whatever) extension? Best to contact Support on this - there's no obvious work-around other than a re-install. Do you need to have two copies of the audion file? I seem to recall that at one stage Evernote only ever kept one copy of a file - if it was referenced in other locations, the original file would be accessed. In this situation - while the copy file does not play, are you able to play the original?
  8. Hi. Have you contacted Support? The more queries they get, the higher priority the issue will be...
  9. Hi. We're mainly other users here - best to use Support or the Feature Request area of the Forums, or just contact feedback@evernote.com direct for such requests.
  10. Hi. Sorry to disappoint, but we're mainly other users here in the Forums. Your best option is to raise a support ticket here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new -You'll get an immediate ticket number to reserve your place in the queue, and a human follow up within a few days (they're a bit busy). I don't have any experience running a calendar with a high number of events, so can't replicate your situation. Best to find out from Evernote whether there are any limits on the content that can be transferred across.
  11. Yeah - the device thing means that if Evernote's server shows more than two devices as 'authorised', then you're locked out unless you have an unsync available / wait out the ban / or subscribe. Ironically you have to have access to your Web account to unsync. I have sympathies with Evernote - they must have a huge overhead of users who were able to use their features at low level for years without actually paying for them. The company is trying to 'educate' the market into understanding that the free account is mainly for testing the features to make sure the product is suitable before you make the commitment to pay, and not just a good way to manage your shopping lists on a long-term basis. Equally the full price is a big commitment, and while there are some good offers (there's a 'back to school 40% discount floating around somewhere, I believe...) they only last for one year. I've seen a few shock horror reactions to users who paid a discounted 'old' price last year and are now expected to pay the full new price this year - a 100%+ increase! Your quick route back to your notes is to subscribe - for a month or so if you can - or to contact Support if you have trouble paying. Good luck with that. -And don't worry about the snark; perfectly understandable..
  12. Hmmn. I had not noticed (I tend to work on desktop all day) but I'm on the same version and when I try to add a new note on my tablet Evernote just crashes. Full disclosure - I also found a new setting under 'offline' in Settings - Make all available offline - so my complete database is still downloading to storage. It's a big database... We're waiting for new versions, but best advice for anyone with similar Android issues is: add your details here, and contact Support. Quote this thread or ticket# 3751676 and enclose your activity log/
  13. For the avoidance of doubt, this is a mainly user-supported forum - so 'we' can't enrich anything. Also if you double-click a file attached to an Evernote note, the file opens in its host app. When edited, the document saves back to the attachment - unless you're on mobile which doesn't have quote the same access, so any changes get saved back to the home page and can be attached back to the note.
  14. At least we agree on something! Also: I'll try to be nicer. No guarantees, though...
  15. Regarding that 'wheel' thing - software engineers at Bending Spoons cost somewhere north of $50,000 dollars*, so the cost of developing anything new is pretty high. Add in the machine time, testing, training support staff, and marketing and you need to sell a lot of new subscriptions to cover it. All existing subscribers (I assume) get this new feature for free, so we need to bring new people in. It may be better for a developer to come out wth something brand new to attract other providers' customers - who may currently be enjoying toggle lists (forinstance) - for their product with better search features or different task options. I don't have any inside information, but I have worked in the industry. I don't know why this always comes down to me "defending" Evernote - I'm not. I'm pointing out three very solid facts. There are no current toggle list options There are unlikely to be any toggle list options in the near future If you need that option now, you'll have to look elsewhere. I'm not denying anyone anything - heck if Evernote support lists at some time I will probably use them. * (https://jobs.bendingspoons.com/positions/63d9400364643f3cc57d0c6a)
  16. It has only been released to a small number of users - check your release notes: they probably say "coming soon" for AI search.
  17. Hi. The 'latest version' is a rapidly moving target these days - I'd suggest you go to https://evernote.com/download to get another installer file and then run that on your system. I'm on 10.61.10 and have no trouble scrolling. Do you still have your Legacy version installed? New Evernote installs seem to delete the Legacy files (not the database, just the excutables) so if you have a legayc installer somewhere I'd keep it safe in case of need. Have you tried using the web version? That runs separately from the installed version so if you have a slow scroll on both, there may be other issues at work.
  18. Thanks for the additional input folks, but I think we're (again) way off topic for this thread. @Federico was simply sharing what has been going on in the background, plus some updates since. While I'm sure he'll note any feedback, I'd imagine he is going to be a little busy for some time. I'm sure we'll get further updates and responses as time permits. Meantime sit back and try to enjoy the ride... If you do have any concerns about missing features / bugs or anything else... Subscribers can raise priority support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps In both cases it's usually easier to use the Settings > Support option in the mobile client
  19. It's a perfectly reasonable request, but to expect a company which is currently fixing speed and reliability issues to immediately concentrate on a 'nice to have' option such as this seems overly optimistic at best. There are alternatives available now. Realistically if Evernote were already working on this we might see changes in the new year; but if you need the drop-down feature, then you'll need to find it elsewhere.
  20. See the help pages here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929468
  21. I don't think anyone here knows what the intended behaviour is - but the support ticket will get you an answer; please let us know what it is!
  22. In Windows, you get an error - but you also get the 100 notes selected. I have a work-around. search for your list of 100+ notes. Select 100 notes and add a unique tag - say, "temp99" repeat your search, but now exclude the tag - "-tag:temp99" add the tag to the remaining notes repeat 2 as necessary. now search for "temp99" and select 100 notes. Move them and remove the tag. repeat 4 as necessary. ...sounds more complicated than it actually is, but it works...
  23. I just tested the link ending in 'true' above - it gives me a completely different page to the one you posted, which is asking me to describe my issue. Please try the link again - maybe clear your browser cache if it doesn't give you a better option..
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