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Everything posted by HeBoIz

  1. Can't test it because I'm still on legacy but for comparison: With DropBox Paper the fly-in-info-box for shortcuts and markdown-formating-codes can be launched on German keyboards as well with STRG+#
  2. Thanks, for the video - aaawwwful experience to see ... As said by @CalSmiserably slow compared to 6.25.1.. My impression is: even the EN web-version is faster than this nearly perfect equipped EN PC client with v10. This truely is not a performance to gain lots of new and paying future power users... (others will stay on legacy as long as possible...)
  3. this was only a kind of pre-release by accident. for more infos see this topic:
  4. still not available in German Google App Store neither, at least for me (with LG ThinQ 8, Android version 10) (Even though I'm not certain neither that I'm prepared and open to upgrade at this time of state to EN V10 on Android )
  5. remember the EN-dashboard contest this year? (or last year??) seems like some ideas and learnings from this contest for example will find its way to regulary and long announced new EN-functions, e.g. here in "EN-Home-dashboard-screen" soon in 2021...๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
  6. NEW IDEA: Wouldn't it be best, EN would combine the page linked in the web-account-infos (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027?utm_campaign=help_whats_new&utm_medium=account_menu&utm_source=evernote-web) with a service or hyperlink for updated release- and change-notes? Probably not all EN-web-users are taking part in this forum. And most of them won't know about the mentioned EN-release-note page on https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833-Evernote-release-notes neither.
  7. As far as I can see Evernote for Web has been updated today to new version 10.5.6 as well. We would all certainly appreciate it if this would be accompanied by release notes here in the forum and on EN-release-note page (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833-Evernote-release-notes) telling us, what is new, what has been improved or fixed and what probably is to come next, when ever EN staff finds time for this
  8. At least table editing meanwhile is said to be on the roadmap for a coming release... see release notes for iOS version 10.2 on https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058361833-Evernote-release-notes
  9. Must be written in more than one issue topics here (sorry...): so far still no way to disable spell check in evernote 10 (for Windows, Mac oder web) EN-Staff posted somewhere here that notes spell check options are scheduled to be released with version 10.6.1
  10. Must be written in more than one issue topics here (sorry...): so far no way to disable spell check in evernote 10 (for Windows, Mac oder web) EN-Staff posted somewhere here that notes spell check options are scheduled to be released with version 10.6.1
  11. + 1 This feature-gap is even more annoying with the new / 10.# EN web version: If You delete the image which is automatically chosen and shown in the note's thumbnail/snippet view or even delete all pictures in the note and add a new proper one the new picture won't show up in the note's thumbnail/snippet view of the EN web version. Instead of this the unwanted old thumbnail sticks with my note in the thumbnail/snippet view ...
  12. And complains are different. Many Mac users are focused on tabs and scripting, while Windows users permanently ask for import folders. May be be performance issues will be different on special OSes as well. But I agree that more than 80% of topics seem to be the same (and crossposted and repeated everywhere...)
  13. when you click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the note window a dialog like this (in German) will open: Here you have to click on the 3rd menu-entry from the bottom for something like note-info. This will open a modal dialog like this (again im German ) : . There you have to click on the green hyperlink for note history...
  14. May depend on the device we /you use. For me it looks like v10 works better the more the used device is near to the top of high tech and state of the art. Fast processor, big Ram, highspeed internet - if all this is given, then there may be no big difference between legacy and v10. But what if one of these conditions is missing, which probably will be the case with most of us...
  15. @avernet looks like this topic was cross-posted. You will find more answers and a workaround for the current Evernote for Web - at least for use with chrome - in the following thread:
  16. No worries, mate. ๐Ÿ˜‰ An Autohotkey hotstring for expanding Date time (dtm) like "2020-12-02 20:20" could look e.g. as follows: :C*:dtm:: FormatTime, MyDateTime, today, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm Send %MyDateTime% Return
  17. Selection of colours for text and highlighting (including delete and set back to default) is at least one step / one tap to much and to complicated: When the fly-in-menu of the editor for selection is opened and I do tap on a colour or on delete/set default colour, I would expect the iOS-EV-App to apply or delete colour as requested instantly and without any further action. Instaed of this I have to tap in the content to close the menu and to see or check if the cosen colour is applied and if it lokks like I want. (By the way: I personally don't need any more colours for note editing than the given small selection. If I'd have bigger aims for layout and design I'd change to MS-Word or whatever Word-processor else. IMHO less choices for layouting and less colours lead to less distracting text in my notes. I prefer concentration on content rather than on layout)
  18. That is what I personally do and prefer as well, no matter what app, product or device I'am working in/with. (script-like text-snippets with TextExpander-APP-keyboard on iOS or "hotstrings" for different timestamp-formats with autohotkey in windows-applications and web-browsers with windows...). Everywhere the same easy to access date-strings with - in my case - a phrase like "dter" for "date-reverse" fomatted like "2020-12-02". Works well, easy to remember and speeds up typing.
  19. With this post gbarry informed about the actual new Evernote for Web 10.5.1 and asked for feedback So I want to tribute and share my first impressions about Evernote for Web 10.5.1 and add additional infos about further changes. dark mode and (new) preferences, are cool and long time requested ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ note count on notebooks is big improvmenet as well, ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ but what about additional note count over notebook-stacks ? (I would like to have this info too, don''t - like to do math operations for summing up note counts which can be done by system...) There are at least two more new features and changes which aren't mentioned in gbarrys above linked release-note-post, which may have already been changed in the actual desktop apps with version v 10.4.4 for Windows and MacOs (don't know if, because I'm still using my legacy per 10.x-version...): The insert menu has been moved from the upper right corner of the window to the left edge if the toolbox-bar / editing bar. This is IHMO a better place and more consistent to with the UI of the mobile devices. There is a new URL-field in the upper right corner, which is displays the source URL (or an edited URL) which can be used for opening the (source) URL and fastly be changed. This also has been requested longer, not only in this forum and for the desctop versions but also before during the preview tests (for example by me). Big improvement as well ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘. (if missing - an url can be added via the additional note-info menu. This will activate the new URL-field...) What I would whish or appriciate: as mentioned above: note count as well for notebook stacks fast access to insert menu via keyboard (including selection what to insert with Cursor up/down and Enter) and last but not least: closing or marking as solved of related requests and issue-topics in this forum..
  20. thanks to @gbarry since now there are at least release infos in this forum regarding the newest web version (10.5.1): this surely is a better service!
  21. same with me on ipad with safari: the chosen tag for clipping has been shown in the clipping menue. but it didn't find its way to the EN-App... ... so still some work to do,
  22. and there is at least one other solution handled as evernote replacement: Joplin - note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities. Also available on mobile and terminal. https://www.electronjs.org/apps/joplin or more famous / well known big-firm-apps like Microsoft Teams: https://www.electronjs.org/apps/microsoft-teams whatsapp: https://www.electronjs.org/apps/whatsapp MeisterTask: https://www.electronjs.org/apps/meistertask WordPress.com: https://www.electronjs.org/apps/wordpress-com Slack: https://www.electronjs.org/apps/slack Looks like electron needn't necessarily be hell on earth...
  23. Still the same here in Germany with simple pages which seem not to be to complex where clipping ends up in this error message
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