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Everything posted by HeBoIz

  1. Wow - what worthful comment.. How do you manage your trolling sessions? Have you set a daily reminder to come by here an leave some sh... or ist it just an impulse you can't control?? If I look in your comment-timeline it looks like a kind of tourette-collection without any helpful content. If I'm not wrong you have made your decision an left EN some time ago? So why do you spend your time here and bother us?
  2. I finally got in with kind of workaround: optical recaptcha-test for login at EN-Webbrowser didn't work till the end. I finally passed the I-am-no-robot-test when I changed to audio test (with sometime bad to understand audio of random-word-phrase wich had to be rewritten in an text box.) O.k. - safety matters, but this tends to logout users...
  3. Captcha in my case looks like: select all pictures with car, motorbike or othe objects … in a 4x4 (...edited) area. Sometimes very small, sometimes very big with one single object (and very tiny parts onnother tiles…)
  4. Shouldn’t be a problem and necessary: (chrome-) browser is running in a linux-based emulated windows system, starting everyday new and empty. So ad tracker and cookies ain‘t be a problem for my admins…
  5. Nothing new or changes since the last 2 years on browser side, only new aspect is the captcha-check by EN since today. So far Captcha-check works / worked on other sides (as far as I remember ..)
  6. As written in title I can‘t open web-version of EN today. EN obviously has added new robot check with captcha. Issue is that there seems to be something missing / broken: No matter how often and curiously I try - everytime I get a new captcha - so no login possible… EDIT: ticket submitted at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Browser: Chrome (at work by admin no second browser available…)
  7. There are no closest alternatives to Evernote, at least not for everyone. Every Solution has it‘s pros and cons, it strengths and weaknesses. What fit‘s you best depends on your use case, your data types and structure and philosophy of use, your technical environment, devices and conditions (Apple only? Windows only? Local only or as well mobile? Cross plattform, with need for frequent and fast sync? With Android or Linux? Do you trust or have to rely on online services? Partly working in restricted conditions with only access to web version? Want to organize your data strictly local and safe on your one - including backups? What need for speed? How should search work and look like? How about linking and backlinks? Need for visualisation of relations/graphs. Do you need a proper and easy, allways there clipping and sharing solution? Want to do some scripting and automating?) Depending on your answers, you may want to look in DevonThink, on OneNote, Joplin, Obsidian, Google Keep, Apple Notes Dropbox Paper or whatever else. And you may have to use workarounds or additional solutions and services to replace „your“ Evernote. And still there may be gaps to except… That is the reason why lots of us think best alternative to Evernote Legacy might still be Evernote v.10 - once the actual issues will be solved.
  8. @Dave-in-Decatur: No exact 1:1 translation. Something like „gemischte Gefühle“, in the sense of „Schaudern“ or „Gruseln“ (each of this verbs used as nouns)
  9. Just delete the wrong numbering / toggle numbering off and then write „7.“ followed by space. This should restart numbering environment starting with 7.
  10. Just like me: I am deeply convinced they are working on this with highest priority. But every solution and fix has to be tested and run through QA before being rolled out to avoid nasty surprises like we were confronted with lately. This ist the reason why the average time between two releases formerly was at least 3 weeks, lately - with BS-staff - tending to 5 weeks. This on the other hand demands patience and trust on our side. Doesn’t help to cry loud for instant fixes…
  11. Unfortunately this is another big plus for legacy: not at all affected by not finally tested and QA‘d updates to v10 app-versions for Windows or Mac 😜 (just working, for the time being…)
  12. I would not expect this: BS seems to have managed most of the first big issues with RTE-sync after introducing in May without staff layed off in February - as told operating from Italy. So they might trust in their own crafts and no big chances for turning the wheel back. After all they have to build and establish their own strategy and philosophy for future Evernote which will not be bound to strong on the past.
  13. Surely - but my impression is: the Obsidian enex-import-plugin is a private programmed simplified version of Yarle. And Yarle is no Obsidian only tool but rather a flexible converter to markdown for different purposes… So in some cases there may still be some work to do for optimizing markdown-import/export for Obsidian.
  14. This shouldn‘t be a difficult problem to solve. How did you import/ convert to markdown? With yarle there are lots of options which will end in different structures. Simple inner embedded links in Obsidian to files with unique names by default will look like ![[filename.extension]]. If links don’t look like this you could use an editor like notepad ++ to replace and change links with regular expressions to this format in all files of a folder. other solution might be to use the new enex plugin of Obsidian or to run a second try withe yarle with other options… Edit: advantage of Yarle is that you can define an use a template for the final markdown file. With template you can define a yaml-frontmatter for metadata wich you can use later for very flexible filtering and reporting with the extraordinary dataview-plugin. (See: https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview)
  15. Obsidian does have lots of pros - depending on personal use-cases (where I love it for - for special purposes). But there are as well some cons (once again depending on use cases): Obsidian sync is nearly on same price level as EN Pro (but may be avoided with some nerdy workarounds using github or cloud-storage and 3-party-sync) Obsidian also ist Electron-based: So for working with Obsidian the hole workspace has to be loaded for each collection of notes, attachments, plugins etc. If you are working local and running Obsidian in background this ist a one-time job. But if you are on mobile opening and loading obsidian may take some time - in some cases every time you change apps - not always fluent work... And: The more content you put in Obsidian the bigger the workspace to load will be. Dividing and organizing notes in different vaults may reduce loading time. Therefore you have to switch vaults for opening notes with other main-topics. And by the way: no integrated webClipper , no direct email-forwarding But sure: simple-file and folder system with Mardown pure, accessible and editable with every simple note-editor
  16. This is already discussed in another thread. There is as well at least a first reaction by Evernote Staff. see:
  17. On 5/29/2023 at 7:17 AM, PinkElephant said: As reported somewhere else today: I have reasons not to believe that this is a case for one time conversion: notes editet and converted yesterday with web-app had to be saved, converted and waited for once again today (after new login with new bult cache). May be that notes wich have been converted and are stored to local cache load faster, but if you lose cache, the converting process starts again?
  18. This in my case (with Web-App on Windows) isn't extra long but rather the new evernote average (web-) standard. PLUS: Conversion to RTE-structue obviously seems not to allways be a one-time-prozess... As far as I can see notes converted in the web-app yersterday need to be converted again today with the same or similar delay - at least if the web-app for security reasons is forced to be logged in and load and build cache new every day). This means: In average no fast access to thousands of notes may them be long, complex or very simple unformatted text. May be RTE needs and works with only temporarily converted notes in cache? Could this be the reason why every note displays saving-info in the lower right corner on opening, even before loading? This would make the sync-issues EN ist working with far bigger.. To be clear: there is no disturbing extra process running which could cause the delay, just a question of communication with web-frontend and EN-Server. (An yes, I know: Issues may be smaller while working with windows- oder apple-app, but conversion and sync should be requested if working with frequently different devices like me.)
  19. nope - just tried on Win10 (without OneDrive): There is / was a system-Folder like "P:\Eigene Bilder\Screenshots", allready prefilled with some older Win10-Screenshots. Every new (free) screenshot with Shift+Win+S not only gets to clipboard. It gets automatically saved my / this system folder as well.
  20. No - no limit at all im my legacy version (still green icon and original pre-v10 Evermote, so no reinstalled "legacy"...) assigning temporary tags to far more than 50 notes, filtering, moving to a temporary notebook, exporting notebook, deleting temporary tags, moving notes back to original notebook ist done in seconds - at least in legacy...
  21. I have a hard time imagining that those who still use the legacy version today don't really know that there is an entirely new Evernote version with lots of new functionality with version 10, which was introduced 2 1/2 years ago. I would assume instead that many continue to use the old version for very specific purposes or for specific and personal reasons. For this, according to my memory, many individual reasons and arguments should be found in this forum spread over many threads (also for why others have left Evernote because they could not make friends with V10). As for me, Evernote was (and is) - even with V10 - my PKM, my "second brain" and therefore - privately or in the office - "allways open". This I use for daily work, note editing, linking and thinking. For this and my personal use and focus, I don't need a dashboard, elaborate task management solutions (for that I would prefer specialists like todoist), additional collaboration features or novel AI applications to which I would have to entrust my information and data. But what counts and is of crucial importance for me is a fast and immediate access to my notes and a speedy and fluent editing of notes, fast searching and finding as well as simple and fast possibilities for reorganization as well as networking and tagging of my notes. In addition, I don't want to be completely dependent on an online service, but rather have the ability to access my notes remotely for emergency purposes, or to export them in a way that can be used in a variety of ways or, in some cases, to transfer them to other and more suitable systems. For this, the legacy version offers me many functions that are still missing in V10, a blazing fast search without dependence on server communication, locally stored data, extensive export functions and fast and easy possibilities of reorganization and keywording. It is true that I do not need these functions on a daily basis, but only on certain occasions or as a fallback. It may also be that my need to access the legacy version will be partially taken care of with the improved performance provided by the new sync. But for now, I'd like to have the legacy version available as a quick backup and complementary work environment for as long as possible. In view of the lack of speed and unsecured immediate and cross-system access to my data and notes, including all-round fluid editing, Evernote has already lost some of its significance as a pkm or second brain for me over the course of the last 2 1/2 years. as a pkm or second brain. Parts of my content and use cases have shifted quite satisfactorily to other solutions such as Workflowy or Obsidian. Against this background, rising prices for Evernote - probably not only for me - increasingly trigger thoughts about where and how I might want to organize my information differently in the future. Considering that legacy is, in my estimation, very consciously continued to be used, at least by the paying users, I would prefer to do without update reminders anyway. For the non-paying users of the free version, where legacy should still be installed, I assume that they hardly use Evernote anyway. But these "users" will be difficult to persuade by a simple update to use and develop the new Evernote and this preferably as paying users to the increased costs. Growth rates and additional paying users could probably only be won with an even simpler and cheaper entry-level version. By the way, what disturbs and alienates me about the recently constantly appearing, advertising update reminder from Legacy to V10 is the incomplete and misleading information about what is triggered by clicking on update: It is not just a simple update to a newer Legacy version, but to the fundamentally new and different V10 version of Evernote. It may be difficult to go back after that. This decision has to be considered carefully. It should be clearly stated that (and why) an update to a fundamentally different version is recommended.
  22. That is annoying a bit. I guess almost all people using legacy know about v10 and keep up using a legacy version as backup and for special reasons and functionality still missing in v10. At least I do. I was very happy not to be forced or reminded to upgrade to v10 at my Windows desktop pc. If I want to use v10 for other reasons, editing and newer function I can do this with web version with apple MacBook Air, with Ipad or with my android cell phone where I couldn‘t avoid being upgraded. So not to cause us to run in trouble please stop reminding us to upgrade (accidentally)
  23. Same experience im my case, with Samsung S20. Great improvement, probably 2 years work by the (former) development team…
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