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Everything posted by jefito

  1. As has been noted previously in this thread, you can use reminders (with some restrictions) to 'pin' notes to a separate list at the top of your note list (I use the WIndows and Android clients most frequently, and the reminder lists are implemented on these applications). They generally go along with whatever search filter you're using, so they're not universally pinned. You can generally sort your reminder list differently than your note list, and the reminder list is independently collapsible..
  2. On the Settings page, Account Summary tab, you should see "Evernote Web" about 2/3 of the way down, and a link to try out the new stuff (I've already changed over for the moment, so it's different for me)
  3. Yes, and no. You click on Notebooks to get a pane with the Stack/Notebook tree. Click on a stack to open/close it, click on a notebook to show/hide its notes. I kinda prefer the stack/notebook tree control to be in the left panel myself, but maybe the coming Spaces have something to do with this change.
  4. This is nothing to do with basic/premium accounts. It's just how the web client works. Incidentally, the web client is undergoing a remake right now; it's not ready for prime time yet, but you can check it out. See
  5. Let me stop you right there. Do not put words in my mouth ("you gurus keep saying"). Gurus are individuals; they become "gurus" solely on the basis of post count, and anyone can become one, you included. We are not Evernote employees, we are in fact "we the USERS", just like you. We make suggestions, report bugs, try to help other users, all of that, including having differing opinions on many Evernote related issues. We use Evernote every day: we epitomize "EVERYDAY users." Please stop generalizing about "you gurus"; it's meaningless. So anyways, you have a way to sign out of Evernote, sure, maybe it could be easier to sign back in and maybe it will be eventually. But you insist on making some weird big deal about "gurus" and WTF'ing and tossing in the mobile platform and other non-related stuff. Stick to the facts, if you want to make a persuasive case.
  6. Your point is academic; most "gurus" here are not saying that, and even if they were, you've been given a simple way to lock down your Evernote account and require a password to open it up again, and you seem to want to continue to argue on anyways. You log out of your Evernote account (File / SIgn out..., or Alt+F, o if you want to use the keyboard); done. You do not need separate Windows accounts for this. Of course, if you're insistent about sharing your account with other users, then it's easy enough to spelunk the Evernote database for your content, just like they can happily browse through your Word or Excel or PDF files. So do you want security or don't you?
  7. There's no need to repeat posts all over the forum. But do feel free to add your vote to any feature request you agree with. It's up at the top, top triangle to vote up...
  8. Only four? You're gonna have to get in line behind such requests as nested notebooks, selective sync, Evernote for Linux, etc., etc....
  9. Frankly, there are very few posts that say anything like this. Me, I'd say that since Evernote currently only supports flat notebook organization (flat-ish if you include stacks), then if you require arbitrarily nestable notebooks, then you're currently out of luck, and Evernote isn't the tool for you Feature requests are of course valid and welcome. Elsewhere in the forums, we're hearing the occasional peeps that nestable notebooks (or some equivalent) might be in the offing, but if I were basing my decision on that, I'd wait until they actually appear, in non-beta form, across all the platforms that Evernote supports.
  10. You're welcome. I threw in the second link because I was looking at the page from a Windows machine, and didn't know what you'd be seeing. The Evernote site appears to be working hard at auto-detecting what world you're coming from. Fortunately there's a way around it...
  11. Go to https://evernote.com/download. You should see a link on that page; look for the text "If your download didn’t start, click here."
  12. Hmmm, not seeing the new 'Get the new Evernote Web' link... Still seeing the "Get Business" link. Edit: OK, I clicked on "Use the new web beta" link (just different enough that I had doubts), and that seems to have done it. Look, the big '+' is here!! The Notebook view! And... emoji!! So, a work in progress. No saved searches. No Spaces yet. We'll see how the searches go.... Hmmm, "any:" searches don't seem to work...
  13. Well it isn't, as has been reported widely, right here in this topic even...
  14. No. You just sign out of your Evernote account: File / Sign out <user name>. You'll need a password to log back in. Of course you can also lock (not log out of) your terminal, sure: Win+L. You'll need a password to log back in there, too. Or yes, log out of your Windows account altogether. Yes, you'll need a password to log back in there also. Or you can just ignore the tools you already have and you can complain bitterly for no good reason...
  15. Very little in computers is intuitive. It's most all learned behavior. If there are real-world experiences that we can piggyback our brains onto, then that's kinda intuitive. But unsynched notes? Didn't learn that at my mama's knee, that's for sure...
  16. I don't have any insight as to how hard Evernote thinks this is or not. Do you? I just know that historically they've not been interested in doing it, though that may change (there's a post elsewhere from an Evernote employee that claims that they are planning on adding nested notebooks; I'll try to find it and add the reference) . You do need to use some sort of a user-enterable delimiter that doesn't conflict with existing usage, since ':, (as well as other punctuation characters) are already allowed in stack names. And likely some changes required to support stack searches as well (stack:MyStack). Not very likely, but over 200 million users, definitely possible. Moreover, given nested stack trees A/B/C and 1/B/2, so is the stack 'B' the same one in both subtrees? Maybe that's not a problem. And search: if 'B' is a virtual stack as before, then a search string of "stack:B" should do..??? My take: stacks are already a hack (they're just a name attached to a notebook, and not separate entities). Your idea is clever, but it just compounds the hack, rather than Evernote just taking a big breath (and the development hit) and implementing nesting correctly.
  17. But hey, if you're Evernote, maybe you're saying "cool, someone else is doing that work for free." Is this where we cue the Open Source chorus "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"? Not to mention that Evernote has plenty of bugs that make it irritating for some people to work with. Given that Evernote hasn't historically seemed interested in developing a native Linux client, how about supporting the person who does? In addition, I think that everyone's hoping that the promised new version of the Evernote web client becomes a much more viable application than the current one.
  18. The purpose of the feature request forums is to gather new ideas for Evernote, and collect other users' interest in those new ideas. Sometimes Evernote employees chime in, often they do not. I noticed that there are no votes for this idea. If you like the feature, then you should do that...
  19. Did you try just importing the HTML files? The Evernote Windows client will import HTML if you use its Import Folder facility.
  20. Templates are just notes that you duplicate as needed. Tags go along when you duplicate (make a copy in the current notebook) or copy (make a copy in a different notebook) a note. A web search on "evernote note templates" will yield a number of hits. E.g., https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/210176028-How-to-Save-time-with-templates
  21. The wiki-izing of Evernote may be a worthy suggestion (yes, I've upvoted), but Bear? Really? Bear is on half the scene at best, being only available for Apple platforms. Not even on the web yet, much less for Windows or Android. Bear may be wonderful, but I have no way to prove it, and their advertising is just untrue on its face:
  22. No surprise there, but beside the web client (which is not great at the moment), you can also use:
  23. Yep, that's right, and it was on my mind to suggest that, but I got distracted by a thing (which shouldn't surprise you)...
  24. Interesting. Even so, this is wide open to "oops, I changed something in both instances, each of which may or may not have synced, now what?" I'd have great difficulty recommending this to a casual computer user. My workflows are intentionally kept pretty simple so that it need be I could transfer them to some other application; so far, I don't see that shuffling notes around different notebooks would justify the complications. But that's just me...
  25. Do they rely on the same Evernote database file (.exb)? That would be a problem right there (simultaneous write access to the database, presumably unprotected against concurrent writes). Or you're going to have to make a copy of the database files, which is somewhat fraught. Otherwise you're going to have two separate Evernote instances talking to the Evernote servers, which may lead to note conflicts. I'd be very wary of this, myself, and have a solid, verifiable backup ready before I started tinkering... If all you're doing is moving things around to different notebooks, then you can just navigate your inbox and change the notebook for a single note (easy) or make a multiple note selection and change them all to live in the notebook of your choosing (also easy). Maybe I'm not understanding your process well, though...
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