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Everything posted by jefito

  1. From a prior post by an Evernote employee (which I can't find at the moment), the answer's no, not at this time. Suggestion was made to allow import of the notebooks contained by a stack into a space as a transition step, so you can get the notebooks into the space in one step, and that seemed to make sense to them, but we'll see if it makes it into implementation.
  2. Yes. Select the note you want, and type Ctrl+F. At the bottom of the note display, this will open up the find/replace panel. Type the search text there. You should be able to use the ^ Next / ^ Previous buttons to navigate through the text instances.
  3. Almost certainly a misspelling of 'deprecation'. This is a geek takeover of a word that means something else. Translation: usually a service provider, library, computer language, etc. will 'deprecate' certain practices if they're no longer useful, or otherwise problematic. Old code will continue to be able to use the service, at the risk of getting bad results, which is evidently what happened here. How the communication of the deprecation took place isn't clear here; it may have been something that affected Evernote without being obvious the the Evernote developers. Hard to tell without more information. The timeline of events here is also not clear, so it's hard to tell who knew what and when. That being said, better communication with respect to new-found bugs like this one is desirable. In the overall scope of things, yes, a lot of the technology of things we depend on, including Evernote's, depends on open source.
  4. This makes sense as they seem to pretty much replace and improve on what stacks are. Perhaps a tool or command to import a stack into a space would help some users to transition. Will the sections be configurable? i.e. can you remove sections that aren't desired (like say, what's new?) Will there be a section that has sortable lists of notes, as in the normal desktop? I envision a space as a container of references to notebooks, rather than containers of notebooks, and hopefully that leads to a notebook being able to be a member of more than one space.
  5. So live in the abyss no longer: finding your untagged notes is easy: -tag:* There's no danger in double tagging; in fact that's extremely useful. And to reinforce @Dengberg's point, with this ability, a note can reside in two separate hierarchies without anything exploding. In fact, I'd say that Evernote hasn't really shown much interest in even accepting that this is a problem. I think that the issue is pretty well understood, even by us fanboys, but changing the Evernote design is not up to us non-employees. The design is the design, sufficient for some, and yes, deficient for others. Big deal. I don't waste my time hanging around OneNote forums yelling at them because their design doesn't work for me. I have found Evernote's design useful, and might work for others, which is why workarounds are offered...
  6. Yeah, waiting for that, too. Not sure why they didn't consult us before setting off to design and implement this new feature...
  7. You didn't say what kind of device(s) you are using to access Evernote, but the devices I am familiar with (Windows, Android) allow you to sign out of your Evernote account, which will require a password to log back in. Also, as DTLow says, your device already has facilities for logging out, and preventing other people from using it. If you have a different scenario, then you should specify it.
  8. It's gotta be a separate beast from stacks (stacks are really not containers with external existence, but just a name in a notebook, which is used to collect other notebooks that have the same stack name) and because stacks exist out there in the field already. Spaces appear to be containers in their own right and should be part of the Evernote architecture as something more than pasted on, which is what stacks feel like to me.
  9. This seems to be the direction that spaces is going in, though I haven't been able to winkle out all of the details of how everything hangs together. I think that that will be useful for my own work life, even though it's more aimed at a collaborative environment.
  10. It's not a workaround if you use snippet view (my favorite), since you can actually order reminders arbitrarily in the reminder list, which which is actually a lot closer to your definition of 'pinning' (though my preference is to just sort using reminder time). It does make it a two-step operation, though. In any case, why it's not available for the list views is a mystery to me. We'll see how the upcoming 'spaces' changes work out with respect to pinning and other facilities. Still trying to understand what Spaces are and how they fit in with the Evernote scheme.
  11. That's true (and unfortunate), but you can still sort by the ReminderTime field in the list view. It's not a drag/drop 'pinning' operation, but it does honor the reminder time that you can set in a note.
  12. Evernote for Windows can certainly export to HTML, and import it too (via import folders).
  13. You are not the first person to suggest or equivalent feature. I'd suggest heading to the link that DTLow posted, reading it, and adding your vote there, and if you are so inclined, your comments, though the whole thing has been pretty well thrashed out in that topic.
  14. Per some Chromium documentation here, https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/editing-the-spell-checking-dictionaries, the .bdic format format is binary (OK, UTF-8). It's better as a dictionary basis as it's not just literal words; it allows rule-based modifications for affixes that modify the base word. Flip side is that it's not text-based, so not (easily) user editable...
  15. I gotta say that this is exactly the sort of stuff that needs to go into the release notes, plus the bit about your intention to add the functionality back. I certainly understand that sometimes to move forward, you can be forced to take a step or two back, and I don't really need to know the 'why' of the 'necessary updates' (even if I might be curious about it), but letting users know when features that they may depend upon are removed is really important. Hmm, might have been nice if you folks had been able to migrate the entries from the old dictionary to the new location, but if that needed to happen in the installer (i.e. 'big box of black magic', *shudder*) then I understand. I'm lucky that spell checking isn't a burning need for me, but I agree that this could have been handled better. Hopefully that will be a lesson that Evernote can build on. Edit: putting my Magic Guessing Hat on: The 'CEF' bit refers to the Chromium Embedded Framework, used by Evernote to render notes, and '.bdic. is the extension used by Chromium dictionaries, so the change to use that rather than the old '.dic' files is probably something that is intended to make the dictionary more accessible to the framework. But that's just a guess...
  16. Anyone can report a post (even you). If the Evernote folks deem it to be spam or otherwise objectionable, then they can remove it. NimbusNote is not topical for Evernote forums, in my opinion, unless there's a specific off-topic forum, which there doesn't seem to be any more, in which case I would have moved your posts there.
  17. Reported this and previous NimbusNote posts from this user as spam. If the off-topic discussion subforum was still around (or I could find it), I'd have moved it there. *shrug*
  18. We like to see more of them, too, but they don't generally do it too often. Usually following the beta releases will give you a flavor of what's coming up soon; for some of the clients there are forum topics so that you can read what's going on without actually using the beta. More long term plans tend not to be revealed.
  19. As far as I know, you can't disable it without disabling the rest of Evernote. If you don't want it to load at startup, then disable that: Tools / Options / Launch Evernote at Windows Startup. But from what I'm seeing, it's taking up about 8MB of memory (not that much) and very little CPU when not being used.
  20. The curious thing to me is that while I've read the reports that it's broken, I see the spellchecking part of it working for me, as well as the adding of words like 'F9' to the list of approved words, though they're not winding up in the user.dict that I think should have them (more spelunking required). Mysteries abound...
  21. If you need premium, why not just pay for it? Or maybe you can get by with Plus..
  22. OK, that's the part that's unclear/ambiguous to me. I certainly believe that you shouldn't need to make an explicit feature request to restore the spellchecker feature, and that your tech should have done it for you, and that's how I read their message. But that's an assumption on my part. That being said, posting on the forums should also make this a feature request (and if you want, we can move this to an actual feature request forum, so that others can vote on it). In addition, I'd still be wondering whether spelling errors are redlined in your version automatically? I can certainly see them on my machines. Lastly, you should be able to fetch an older version of Evernote and re-install. They can be found at https://filehippo.com/download_evernote/ in the column to the right.
  23. I don't see this as dismissive, just informative. The support person (almost never someone who can control product feature inclusion/removal) is telling you what happened: someone at Evernote decided to remove the spell checker (possibly due to usage telemetry??) and that's what they did, and a possible resolution: the request to reinstate it will now be treated as a feature request. I understand that loss of the feature is disappointing (and I certainly agree that feature removals should be announced rather than dropped as a user surprise), but the tech's reply seems purely descriptive, and not as if they're trying to blow you off. All the tech can do is relay the request up the line. Oh, and the way that I read it, the spell check should happen automatically; you should see red underlines on things like 'F9' and 'K42'' without needing to spellcheck automatically, at least I do.
  24. Anyone looked at the open source Tusk Evernote client? https://github.com/klauscfhq/tusk. Purports to be available for Linux.
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