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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Or maybe updating he iOS application to reflect the tag hierarchy that actually already exists in Evernote is the better solution, rather than adding a whole new facility and thereby needing to update all of the Evernote applications (this is not a true either/or thing, by the way, but the former task -- i.e., implementing the tag hierarchy in iOS -- would likely be the easier, and it really should be done anyways).
  2. That my understanding too, at least last time I looked into it (some years back). I experimented with this sort of thing, but decided it didn't do anything for my workflow (regardless of any client differences), so I dropped it.
  3. No explanation required. It's simple math. There are, by far, more Windows users out there than Mac users, and this has been the case for many years. Just one bit of 'evidence', first hit in a browser search: https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/4/15176766/apple-microsoft-windows-10-vs-mac-users-figures-stats. So more users means larger potential market means any difficulty of development is less of an issue. And since this disparity has existed for a long time, there's a fair amount of codebases that were initially developed on Windows that are large and complex, and converting that to work on Mac would be very costly (15+ years ago, the company that I worked for looked into this for the brand new Mac platform; initial estimate was that it would take at least a million dollars to produce even a basic, cut down version of our software, and that was a deal killer right there). The gaming thing? As I understand it (not being a Mac developer), Mac's OpenGL (graphics API for a lot of games) support was pretty bad and not kept up to date, and maybe is even on its way out now (https://www.pcgamer.com/developers-fear-for-mac-gaming-as-apple-deprecates-opengl-support/). Yes, Apple does have their own new Metal system, so developers who want to get the new shiny have to learn that API now, and convert anything they've used before over to that (I don't know anything about Metal, so I have no feel for level-of-effort there; I'm still relatively new at OpenGL, and not an expert by any means).
  4. Windows Evernote users have to ability to have reminder notes to appear at the top of various note list types (snippet, card, thumbnail, but not the list views) in a separate list what can be sorted independently of the note list, or arbitrarily ordered. The Android client also has reminders available at the top of the note list as well. I use this feature a lot.
  5. Um, except this: getting to "+ - / *" is the hard part: you have to figure out how to specify cell referencing for tables (which are not necessarily regular grids, btw, because you can merge adjacent cells) so users can specify formulas. Once you get that sorted, then you need to make a parser so that constructs like "1 + 2 * 3" are handled correctly (it's 7, not 9, btw), plus parenthesis handling so you can write "(1 *2) * 3", and so on. You also need to handle the fact that now a cell can contain two values: a formula, and a result. But then hey, once you're there, adding things like abs(), sin(), max(), etc. are not not hard. Yep, I've implemented functionality like this, though not in a spreadsheet/grid context, so it isn't all guesswork. BTW: I did upvote this item, as I can see its utility, even for me. But I don't think it's as easy as some people think, so I'm not expecting it any time soon.
  6. Even for storing code snippets (which I very rarely do), the code will auto-format when it's dropped into a file in the IDE. Since I tend to work in a single large code base, anything that I use often will already be available as a class/function there. It would be nice if formatting were preserved in code blocks, though, sure. Anyways, I think that better formatting options (like predefined styles/heading/etc.) would be more generally useful than programmer-specific additions, because the latter is almost certainly a much smaller part of the Evernote user base, That might make it a lower priority than other feature, re your "traction" point.
  7. I use it for note taking, research, organization, journaling, bug information gathering (includes screen shots, stack traces, etc.), and any number of other miscellaneous reasons every day in my software development job. And indeed, I sometimes store chunks of code there, but in general I don't write code in Evernote (I write it in the IDE, where there are much nicer tools available, most importantly auto-complete, which uses the current code context), so code formatting in Evernote doesn't really have much use for me. (At a guess, I'd bet that the Evernote developer team uses Evernote similarly). But yes, as a percentage of all Evernote users, the number of programmers is low, just as the percentage of software developers is low, relative to the general population, and Evernote is a general purpose tool.
  8. You didn't say which Evernote client (Windows, Mac, etc.) you're using, which would be helpful. I can tell you that dragging a notebook onto another notebook in the Evernote Windows client will automatically create a new stack, so long as the notebook that you drag it onto is not already part of a stack DTLow is correct, though. There are no sub-notebooks in Evernote. There are stacks, which are collections of notebooks, and there are notebooks, which are collections of notes. You cannot nest stacks under stacks, or notebooks under notebooks (or stacks under notebooks, for that matter).
  9. Yes, that works in the web version. I also use the Windows application a lot, and this works in Snippet view there. I use reminders a lot, mainly for this reason. Note that this is a separate list that appears above your note list, and can be closed separately. Also note that you can order your reminders either by due date or by "custom". The latter means that you can drag reminders around the reminder list, and that order will stick. Pretty handy.
  10. The Evernote Windows client has Find & Replace option for individual notes (Ctrl+H)
  11. You must first choose the appropriate subforum to create your topic. Then, at the head of every subforum, there's a link to create a new topic, labelled "START NEW TOPIC", up at the top-right side of the forum header. For example:
  12. One more data point, for what it's worth: Dropbox's branding (and its standard icon) is blue boxes on a white background. In the notification area, it's monochrome: white boxes on a black background. It's the Wild West out there! No rules!
  13. This would be a not insubstantial architecture change to Evernote notes, entailing changes to the Evernote SDK as well, and breaking such existing search language features as "remindertime", "reminderorder", etc.. I'd guess it's going to be one reminder per note for the foreseeable future (not that I'm privy to Evernote's plans)...
  14. I'll need to check my work machine, where we have GSuite. But yeah, the fact that it's white doesn't bother me, it's the fact that it's different that seems a little strange, particularly since it appears to be a static icon, i.e., one that's not used to indicate status (guidelines here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/uxguide/winenv-notification, not that I'm a UX expert, mind).
  15. The OneDrive icon in the notification area on my machine is monochrome, as is Dropbox. There are no rules for taskbar icon color schemes; green, white, plaid, it's all pretty much the same to me, once I've adjusted (note: I'm using the 6.15.1 beta). That being said, it does seem a little weird that the taskbar icon is green and the icon in the notification area is white -- they should probably both be the same color scheme.
  16. As I understand it, the customer ticket gets closed because they don't provide a means for contacting the customer when (or if) the issue is resolved. The CS rep has done their job, in other words, so they close the CS ticket. Beyond that, there's almost certainly an internal ticket for the problem (either a new one, or an existing one -- they do get duplicate reports of problems, after all), and that's prioritized and handled internally. We don't have access to those ticket or their numbers. As far as DTLow and gazumped are concerned, they've helped hundreds, if not thousands of Evernote users use Evernote better. We could use more so-called "fanboys" like that around here. ANy volunteers?
  17. Well, given that they didn't release the 2018 calendar templates until mid-December 2017 (https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-2018-planner-templates/), I'd say no. That, plus a web search on "Evernote calendar templates 2019" didn't really turn up much of interest...
  18. Nice one -- I didn't know that. That's only if you use the "Make Table of Contents not" command, though; I usually just make my own by hand.
  19. Um, you tag them with "TOC"???? You put "TOC: " as the first part of their titles????
  20. Thought that that was a little lite-ish, as in details.
  21. @Rob Freundlich Trust me, I certainly have a cynical side, but tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the marketing folks in their realm, and I don't have the necessary expertise or data to evaluate results. For areas I where I have more knowledge, sure, I'll speak up. I do believe that the occasional branding exercise for us is actually a good thing: it's something to send out some press releases to raise attention, maybe a blog post, etc. Mostly harmless. Fortunately we don't do it all that often, we don't make a huge deal about it, because our audience is mainly technical users who need us to do certain types of geographic analysis and data manipulation. A rebrand tends to be more cosmetic in nature, nothing too deep. We're not a lifestyle brand; our users just want to solve problems in their field; more function over form. The buzzwords "Functional", "Fast", and "Cheap" are where we live. Good UI in our software is important, good iconography helps, but the branding stuff doesn't feature much in the software itself. But it's not quite the same for Evernote, not in the wider world. I think that branding matters more for them. For myself, I'm not interested in quibbling over Evernote's marketing decisions. It's been what, three years since Chris O'Neill took over, after having spent the first part of his tenure getting Evernote into a better financial place (no more venture capital) and this is the first real marketing effort. Yes, the technical side is still a work in progress -- of course I want more stability and functionality -- and there have certainly been some stumbles, but let's not get too rosy-colored about the history of the software; stumbles have littered Libin's tenure as well. Ultimately, thogh, for my money (yes, I'm a paying customer), the features that attracted me to Evernote 10 years ago still hold: a fairly simple way to collect and organize information relevant to my life and work, and have it be available wherever I am.
  22. What Evernote client are you using? Windows? Mac? Android? iOS? Web?
  23. What makes you say that they're ignoring anything? Ignoring" is not synonymous with "not implementing". The usual practice is to log everything, and evaluate based on your input, your assets (i.e humans who do the work), and your other goals, and then set priorities. It's not always perfect, but there is almost always more work than there are assets to handle it. So how the heck are they supposed to gauge what people want if they don't give feedback? You go with the input that you have. I've been using those versions all along, usually in beta. They have generally worked fine for me. Sure there are bugs, but if you think that there weren't bugs in earlier versions, then you weren't paying attention. I don't really understand what your post is all about.
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