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Everything posted by jefito

  1. I did a quick test on this. In my tests, if you quickly drag the scroll thumb and the mouse goes off of the bottom of the scroll area (or off the top, for that matter) before you release the left mouse button, it bounces back to its original position. If you drag more slowly, it will stick at the end (top or bottom). It's not clear to me what the actual trigger is that causes it to bounce rather than stick when you're dragging slowly. I'll note that what Evernote does actually appears to be pretty common behavior for Windows applications; the first several application I tried it with (Chrome, Tortoise SVN, NotePad++, BeyondCompare, even Windows File Explorer) exhibited this as well, almost identically. Visual Studio seemed to be better at it, but I could make it show the same behavior as well. Only MS Word seemed to handle this one correctly (or in the the desired way, as the correct behavior is apparently debatable), though like all of the others that I tried, it doesn't handle a similar scenario: if you quickly drag the scroll thumb and the mouse goes off of the side of the scroll area and you then release the mouse button, the scroll thumb will bounce back to its original position. The speed of the drag does seem to make a difference in whether the scroll thumb bounces or sticks to the end. Not sure why that is; somewhere in the MouseMove, LeftButtonDown. and MouseLeave handling, there's something else happening that depends on drag speed. Not sure that is is an argument for or against here, just reporting on how other applications appear to handle the same scenario.
  2. My impression is that changes to the search language affect everything from the servers on down to the individual clients, so they don't do it that often, or lightly. If I recall correctly, the last change that they made was to add reminder-based search terms, so an age ago...
  3. Sure, but the technical standpoint is actually not a great way to approach this (and I should have perhaps emphasized that my comment was more conceptual in viewpoint). Notebooks, tags, and notes are technically a bunch of related bits sitting in some database, itself sitting in some file sectors on disks somewhere. Not very useful. That's why it's generally better to stick to the user-facing model when talking about this stuff: Evernote notebooks are conceptually containers, according to a familiar and physical analogue: a note belongs to exactly one notebook at a time. In the standard (non-business) Evernote, a note always has a notebook that it belongs to, whereas it can have zero or more tags. If you want to stretch the notion of "container", you can also say that a note is contained by each of its tags, but I'd guess that that's a less-familiar notion to most folks, due to lack of (or less) physical analogue. And were Evernote to have nested notebooks, then you could also say that a note belongs to any notebook that contains its actual notebook, but this starts to get awfully quibblesome when the Evernote model is really pretty simple. Well, as far as behaviors go, the rules for notebooks, tags, and notes are pretty straightforward. Some of the client-specific behaviors differ around working with these components can differ. And of course, how you use them is up to the user, so long as you follow the rules, and behaviors on your client(s).
  4. Stopping you right there. From a technical standpoint, Evernote's tags are simply labels, i.e., just pieces of text, that you can apply to a note. You can search your note collection for notes with specific tags or tag prefixes. Nothing vague about that. Beyond that, those tags can be organized in hierarchies, and in that sense, it's similar to GMail's "label" organization (though user interactions are different), but it's important to note that tag hierarchies organize tags, they do not organize notes. In most cases, a note with tag "A" bears no intrinsic (i.e. hierarchy-based) relationships with notes containing a parent or child of "A". Evernote tags do not model folders, at least in a very important sense: you can apply multiple tags to a note, while you typically cannot put a file into multiple folders (yes, I am excluding hard links and such esoterica). Conceptually (and related to their physical analogue), notes contain content (text, images, etc.), and always reside in exactly one notebook, and moreover can have zero or more labels applied. That's pretty much it. How you use tags in Evenote, how and why you might want to create tag hierarchies, all that's up to you. Some usages are better supported than others. But they are not like folders, except that they may be organized in hierarchies. In order to use Evernote effectively in a way that works for you, it's important to know how these pieces all fit together.
  5. The problem is that all notes must have a notebook, so it must be chosen before the note is created. You either must go to the notebook you want and create the note there, or when there is no current notebook (as with All Notes), choose the destination notebook on note creation. The notebook chooser in the first case could be better as you suggest, I'll agree.
  6. I think that the crux is this: Evernote stores its notes in ENML, a superset of XHTML (see https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php). Providing a way to input Markdown source into Evernote is pretty straightforward at best guess; it's what Marxico does. But being able to pull Evernote ENML back into Mardown, so that you can round-trip between the two is a lot harder. And unsurprisingly, Marxico doesn't do this, at last check: from the Marxico page (https://marxi.co/) : "Currently Marxico is unable to detect and merge any modifications in Evernote by user. Please go back to Marxico to edit". So versatility is a fine goal, but I'd guess that cost of implementation dominates the calculation as to whether this gets done by Evernote or not.
  7. No problem. Threw me for a while when they first instituted it (and it's only in certain forums). I think that they're trying to make it easier to gauge popularity of feature requests in forums, and depending on users to put feature requests in the dedicated forums (as opposed to forums dedicated to how-do-I? types of questions)
  8. Your post is still here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/113856-new-web-experience-beta-now-available/?do=findComment&comment=510017 This forum is sorted by vote count, and your previous post has one, so it appears higher on the page than posts with no votes. If you sort by date, you'll see them in the order that they were posted. Softing is done using the controls just under the main topic, on the right-hand side of the page. Also, you can find your previous posts by going to your forum profile page.
  9. Would it be better if they said that they weren't working on it?
  10. No, it's not necessary. Really. Much more helpful to other forum-goers keep to fewer topics, so long as they're related/identical (which is the case here). In point of fact, even the other thread isn't the first, but the correct forum search to find related issues (or web search) might not be obvious.
  11. I thought that this was the point of note conflicts in Evernote. The service notes that a note was modified in two different devices, and since it can't necessarily decide who's the winner, it marks the not as conflicted, and retains both copies. It's rare that I get them, so I don't know if this behavior is changed. I'll agree that if the previous version was lost, then it's a bug. BTW, so-called "versioning 101" isn't guaranteed to work. If you're working with a note offline, you may very well not be able to tell that there's a previously edited version on the service. You make a change, and you have a conflict. At that point, you're in a merge situation, either manual or automatic. Neither is foolproof. Hence -- or so I thought -- Evernote's note conflicts. Moreover, the scenario as presented is problematic: by the time you've made your updates locally, you're already in conflict, so a manual refresh doesn't really help: what should it do, discard your changes?
  12. The formatting toolbars that appear may depend on the version of Android that you're using. I'm using Android 6.01, and see what gazumped sees. The top toolbar gives you "Done", "Undo", "Redo" "Toggle formatting toolbar", "Attach" and "Take photo" commands'. The lower toolbar (which is what I think you're seeing) is formatting options (which it toggle-able via the top menu 'A' button). Windows options are different. You can toggle the note editing toolbar off if you want: Tools / Options / Note / Note Editing Options / "Always show note editing toolbar"
  13. As far as I know, Evernote data is encrypted between the Windows client (or those of on other OS's) and the Evernote service. Evernote doesn't send your data unencrypted over the wire. See https://evernote.com/security. That being said, Evernote data is stored unencrypted in your local cache of note data (e.g., your .exb database file). Whether that leaves your machine is a different matter; If you back it up unencrypted onto another medium, then it's a potential attack surface.
  14. Well, it's clear that they listen, but that's not the same thing as 'obey'. In the past, they just suggested people to use tags: you can go to the original request (https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96180-nesting-multiple-notebooks-creating-sub-notebooks/) and read all about it, and add your vote there if you want it. Or not. Who knows, though, maybe they will eventually. It just doesn't seem that high on their priority list, however. I doubt that very much. They haven't blocked forum commentary on it in the 10 years I've been around (see above link). And yes, in that link, there is Evernote commentary. Gosh, do you think Evernote doesn't understand multi-level hierarchies? Oh wait, they do... tags, cough, cough...
  15. I don't understand: are you needing to copy the note link, and then go and find the note to put it into?
  16. Looks like Windows to me. The Windows 6.13.2 beta version has entries for the "Copy Internal Link" command on the main menu Note item and the context menu for when you right click on a note in the note list; both of these show an associated shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+L
  17. In the Windows client, you would open the note information dialog by tapping on the Note Info icon in the note toolbar, or using the Ctrl+Shift+I keyboard shortcut. The "Created:" fiels is editable.
  18. FYI Evernote uses the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) for rendering, across all platforms, I think. Not sure how it all hangs together, but eventually you'd need some place to store collapse state: the section of the note, and collapsed/expanded. Is that part of the note (collapsible sections persist with the note), or stored locally on the device? If it's persisted with the note, then you need some way in the note format to denote that, and it needs to comport with the ENML standard (Evernote format; https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php). So, some issues to keep in mind when theorizing about how Evernote might do this...
  19. In Windows, this is File / Sign Out <user name> (Alt+F, 'o' on the keyboard). You need a password to get back in.
  20. Best guess that I have for its absence is that round-tripping markdown <--> ENML is not trivial. As far as I know, Marxico can't do it either. That's a rational decision in my book, since Markdown is important to you. for many others of us, it just isn't what we come to use Evernote for. Cheers.
  21. Um, where did you hear this? It's hard to try to help when given such vague information.
  22. I click on "Notebooks" in the left panel (the dark one), a pane opens up showing me my stacks and unstacked notebooks. I can click triangle to the left of on a stack to open it and expose its notebooks, or click on the triangle next to a notebook to expose a list of its notes: Or click on a notebook's title to open a note list pane with a note pane to the right:
  23. What I like about reminders is that they work independently of the updated date.
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