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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Consider yourself fortunate. Over 15 years here as well and no data loss … until the new sync release. I’m being patient and am double checking things, but having data loss is a real disappointment.
  2. Well, $40/month is way above what I’m personally willing to pay for a note app, and I’ve been using it for about 15 years.
  3. That is a pretty big assumption. I can tell you it doesn't include me, and I'm sure others as well. There are many other note services out there, and likely more coming. I have a plan B ready if needed.
  4. Look for posts by @CalS. He rolled his own approach that works well for him, and has documented it here in the forum a few times. I went in a different direction. The majority of my local notebooks were work related and archival in nature, and likely not needing additional security. I was just in the habit of dumping everything work related into local notebooks. I felt it was unlikely that I would ever need to refer to much of the information but kept them just in case. I exported those notebooks and have kept the files. If I ever need to find something, my plan is to import the notebook, find what I need and then delete it again. Yes, online, but for a short time and minimal exposure I think. So far I haven't had to cross that bridge. For truly private information, I create password protected PDFs. I don't have many of those. That said, I would be happy if Evernote implemented zero knowledge encrypted notebooks. That has been a long requested feature so I'm not holding my breath.
  5. The short answer is no one here knows. We can all guess and comment and it could make for an interesting discussion, but as users, that is all we can do. Also, since it was recently purchased by Bending Spoons, what it was, and what it may become, could well be different.
  6. Are you aware that Evernote was sold to a different company earlier this year? I sincerely doubt they bought it just to close it down. They recently introduced a new sync technology that when ironed out will be a good thing but is currently resulting in a lot of support tickets. That is their priority at the moment. As far as having a plan B, it is always good to have a plan B just in case.
  7. If you find Evernote useful and important to your work you should consider signing up for a plan. You’ll avoid the login limits and maybe find some of the other benefits useful.
  8. Hmmm, that’s disappointing to hear. I was hoping this issue was limited to some interaction with tasks only.
  9. Is this only happening with notes that have tasks included? That is the only time I’ve seen this problem.
  10. I certainly hope not. Note history and tasks will be much less useful if history excludes task history. On my default task note, things to do, note history shows an entry for current and then only one other in 2023.
  11. Interesting and certainly sounds related. Also, I haven’t seen any of the task problems I had been having over the last few days, so some of the backend changes that were recently made seems to have helped my use case. In addition to my normal usage, I created a test note with several tasks timed to complete over a couple of days. During that time I edited several, changed dates and completed them on several devices. It all worked as it should. This test case previously had edits disappearing or not changing and tasks erased. Progress appears to have been made. Update: After a couple of more days I have seen the task save problem again. I've noticed that if I check off the task from the task list the update is instant. If I instead open up the task first, even to only view the content and not edit it, if I click on save in that window it will take 1-2 minutes before the save is completed and the window closes. I don't know if this is a 100% recreate but it was consistent just now. Going back to checking off the task from the task list and it was instant again. The problem seems to be when the task window is open. This was on the Mac client V10.58.8.
  12. Same here, though about a month or so ago. I wonder how they time these to appear and I’ve only seen it once. I have no desire to use Home so here’s hoping I’m still able to scan to an import folder after the end date. I only use local functions so I think this should still work even if the cloud functions stop.
  13. Yes, several. They have been ramping up their upgrade nag screens. They have stated they are trying hard to migrate users off of legacy. As they add new features to V10 that aren't supported in legacy, they have to add code to handle that. And finally, in case you were not aware, they have implemented a new sync technology that only works for V10. They are currently supporting both technologies. This is my reading of the tea leaves. I have no inside information, but as a business, I don't think it makes sense to support both.
  14. Or until legacy stops working, which appears will be sooner rather than later. The choice is yours. If v10 is untenable for you then I suggest working on a plan B.
  15. You’re not the first to wonder and suggest that 🙂. I suspect it was done to ease the burden on the backend, but I agree, there must be a more user friendly way to manage this transition.
  16. This is the result of a change to the new sync method. Older notes, when first accessed, are converted to a new format. This should only be a one time delay. Once converted should load as normal. If you haven’t yet, update to the latest version from the website. This has been improved in the latest releases.
  17. Can you provide a screen shot of where you see the version number? It sounds like you are on the older legacy version but the version number you provided does not match up. The latest version is 10.58.8.
  18. Hmmm ... this is what I see on the Mac client. Clipping from Safari. What web browser are you clipping from? And then this under note info:
  19. Still there. It should be visible in the upper right corner. Also found in the three dot menu under note info.
  20. Are you reading any of the responses?
  21. Yes, I agree, though I haven't seen it confirmed with Backuppery, and for those that are considering a 3rd party back up solution, especially one with a fee, it may be helpful to other users to get this point confirmed.
  22. I also use the Github code for backup but I don't believe any 3rd party tool, including Backuppery, will backup the new features such as tasks or backlinks. I think, currently, the only way to completely backup is from within Evernote. I've confirmed this is true for the Github method, if would be helpful for a Backuppery user to confirm or correctly my assumption.
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