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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Using 8.22 on my iPad Pro, iOS 12.4, never did beta: Tags are there on every existing note: Tags are there on every new note: Tried it without screen shot on shared notes as well, working as well. List of tags is there in the settings: Conclusion: If you run a clean installation of the EN app with an actual iOS, tabs are working fine. If with your iOS they don’t, it is probably not a case for the forum. It is an individual case to contact support. My assumption is that something went wrong when stepping back from beta to release status.
  2. No, everything working fine. Have you already tried the uninstall routine mentioned above ? When I uninstall, I uninstall the app, then switch my iOS device off and on again before reinstalling. Often it is not necessary, but it cleans out memory and sometimes saves whatever may be pending.
  3. @Casius10 Interesting observation. Which directory do you mean exactly ? Could you post a screenshot to make sure we do not start deleting stuff that won’t help us to solve the problem, or cause more damage ! Thanks in advance.
  4. @KevinG99 To dive a little deeper into this: You say your freezing went away when you deactivated „Siri & suggestions“ in the Siri settings for Evernote. Was the last option on this page „Use with Siri“ activated as well, when you had the freezing problem ? I do not have freezing, have the Siri option activated, but have „since ever“ the option „Use with Siri“ OFF.
  5. For my use it is 1Password. It offers a document type called „secure notes“. There you can save text plus pictures as attachments (maybe other files as well, have not tested it on the Mac and am currently traveling iPad only). 1PW operates as I expect it for secure storage: It opens only with PW or face / touch ID. Everything stored is encrypted right on the device. Unencrypted data is never leaving the device. It syncs only encrypted data, and the unencrypt only takes place on an authorized device. When a time-out happens, it will reopen asking again for the PW or face / touch ID. It works like this under iOS and on the Mac. It sure is build around all type of structured account / password / banking data. But the secure notes features allows as well the storage of unstructured notes.
  6. Sure you can build around the open structure of EN by using text encryption. IMHO it is better to use tools prepared for the job to do the job. On tools prepared for this, you first open a secure environment, and then start to add or modify your data inside. When you leave, encryption is done by default. And the memory will be wiped of all short term residue created by the operation. Even when you forget, and the app closes all by itself, security will be assured. With EN, you first open an non-secured app. One that will start to sync to an cloud service no matter if you had the intention to encrypt before. And an app that up to my knowledge has not internal means to wipe the uses RAM when closing, or being closed by time-out. Yes, it is possible to encrypt the Text of a note. For me, this is only the smaller part to the answer. And it will not work at all if the sync is faster than you, or you forget about security procedures out of whatever reason. For these reasons, I regard EN as being unsafe for confidential information.
  7. My wife is running current iOS on her iPhone 6, and I am running it on my iPhone 6S+. If anything, the devices got faster with the last 2 mayor releases of iOS, not slower. They really did a very good job in writing code that will run better on the old devices than the OS they were originally delivered with. Secondly, by cutting off OS upgrades, you cut yourself off from fixes to several security issues. IMHO not a good idea on a device that is per definition nearly always online. I would upgrade to the latest iOS version available, and then install the latest EN version available for this.
  8. Everybody working on a Windows PC should be warned that the security of all data depends on the security of the PC itself. Because moving data between applications may and will create temporary duplicates, and because convenience requested by the users creates even more duplicate information, there is no local security of data on a PC. This has nothing to do with EN. In general, EN is not meant to store sensitive data, like banking codes, account and password access codes etc. For such information, there are other services that will encrypt everything right on the device, and will allow the decrypted copy to only exist in a shielded enclave in the RAM, and only temporarily. Who does not understand this anyhow would probably not understand a warning telling exactly this - be it for a lack of basic knowledge or for not being interested in his own data security.
  9. Good start. And do not try to create the „perfect“ tagging system. Tags are flexible, your use of EN will develop and change over time, so stay fluid on how you tag. It is much easier to modify a tagging where each basic note exists exactly once, than to clean up a mess of duplicated and then modified documents in a tree type folder structure. This is true, even if you want to re-do your tagging of ages before.
  10. Non-employees as well, and protected species are identifiable by their avatar 🐘
  11. Theory: The upload limit got exhausted, either the daily or the monthly. We had other reports here in the forum where this seemed to have happened. I can not prove it, but it seems EN just stops saving, not pushing any message about the limit and it’s consequences. This can happen even if you do not create a lot of new stuff, when editing a lot. Edited notes will upload as if completely new, by this chewing away rapidly on the upload allowance. IMHO there should be a robust user notification before stopping to save input. I think, the single one note that exceeds the limit should always save, no matter what size. And then the client should not accept more input, except for local notebooks. This would avoid that people loose a lot of work.
  12. No problems on Windows, though with only a tenth of your notes. But we have reports here in the forum that there are installations running with a lot more than you have, and still no problem. But we have reports as well that link the performance especially under Windows to other installed apps that interact with the EN client. This sort of bug is often very hard to catch. For me, Android is no alternative to iOS. It is practically impossible to positively use Android and at the same time positively avoid Google. If you want to keep Google out of your closet, you will not be able to really use those features that convert a phone into a smart device. This is true as well if you allow Google in on your iOS device, but you can turn it off with little loss in usability. EN on iOS is running good for me, since they got that freezing-when-search-text solved. I have set all of my notebooks to offline on my iPad Pro, so I can work on it nearly as good as on my MacBook when offline (like on the train). I just miss some features like working with several notes at once or nested tags. Now I am waiting for iOS 13/iPadOS plus the revised EN Apps that will probably improve things further. And yes, another reason to stick with iOS: Even my iPhone 6S+ will get iOS 13, and I am sure it will be as performant as before, just good as new. Try this on an Android device that is 5 years old.
  13. Maybe you should throw a nickel into the vending machine. Just tried it, worked fine. Perhaps a temporary time out : And just to confirm this: Webclipper works fine with Mojave and Safari 12.1.1 On installing it probably needs to unselect "Cross site tracking" one time, get Web Clipper working, and then the Cross site tracking can be reactivated without undoing web clipper.
  14. Maybe the grayish stuff is the natural HTML background color of the website clipped. Then it should be embedded somewhere in the HTML code. I am not deep enough in this to tell where. But opening the HTML-code and look it up may discover something.
  15. From my experience, the last sentence is really important. The AppCleaner Windows is a little too small, you have to scroll down and actively select everything that belongs to the previous installation. Did a total cleaning job some time ago, and had no trouble since.
  16. As I have mentioned above, the Basic account is not for serious work. I always forget about what is Basic and what is Premium, otherwise I would not have suggested templates. Makes me feel again that I get some Bang for my Bucks ...
  17. You can create a note that has everything you want. Then you save it as a „template“. Whenever you create a new blank note, you can choose to use a template (right on top of the new note, directly under the header). Pick your template, and the new note takes is created as a copy. Because the template exists just once, you can modify it at will. Just create a note, adapt it, and save it as a new template. If I correctly remember, there is a limit of 20 individual templates per account, plus the standard templates that come with EN. So do some housekeeping.
  18. @BillAmes Hello to the forum, always nice to have some more Engineering guys around. Just do not apply engineers logic on what the marketing dptmt believes to be good customer nudging. The Basic account is not meant to be comfortable for any user with serious intentions. In the end, only the paying passengers keep the boat afloat. So it is meant to cut into the flesh here and then, just to remind that there is more comfortable attire available for a small donation. But there are more uses to Basic accounts: - Entry-level try out is one of them, like you use it - Another is to accommodate users who just enter because they got a shared notebook from somebody else. They probably do not need the Premium features to use the share. I am sharing a notebook containing my tax stuff with my accountant every year. He gets it, downloads it, digests it, and tells me when I can remove the share again. Very easy for both of us, and I do not get „1 month Evernote“ invoiced from him, because he can do his job on Basic. - A final use is probably out of scope for marketing, but I like it anyhow: You can build your database and then decide that enough is enough. Because there is no storage and no download limit, you can downgrade to a Basic account, and still use all the stuff you have (though without the full search feature, which hurts). There is no locking in if you leave for good, and as long as you keep your account, your data will be there. If you upgrade again, the features will be back even on the old stuff, and on everything you have entered while on Basic. One advise: When you download and modify a note, it will sync in total and count against your upload limit. So better avoid this with large notes. You can create another note with the new text plus a link to the original note. This will just upload a handful of bytes instead of the full content. And another one: Your upload is treated on the server all the same, whether on Basic or Premium. So there is all the nice stuff waiting for you when you upgrade. As an example: You damaged some important notes by accident. One strategy can be now to upgrade for just one month. You get Premium, go to the note history (versioning) that is now available, set the damaged notes back, maybe create copies with the content, and fall back to Basic again. Saving your notes in this situation will not cost you more than 2 trips to your local Starbucks, maybe less. Cool, isn’t it ?!
  19. I agree to what CalS says. Plus reserve some time every month or so just to clean up the tagging landscape. Get rid of rarely used tags, merge synonyms into one tag, watch out for blank spots in your tagging logic etc. It is better to do this on a desktop, because it offers other tools to do so, especially for changing a bunch of notes in one go. Just make sure you always assign the new / replacement tag before you delete the old / replaced one.
  20. No issue, and I am using less advanced I-devices. The only issue is that it may take some time until everything is safely uploaded and stored on the server. But I do rarely put large (what is large ? 10MB ? 25 MB ? 50 MB ? ) pictures into notes, so maybe I miss a part of what is needed to jump off the syncing cliff. In the few occasions I did, it worked out fine, after allowing time for the sync. How long depends on the internet connection.
  21. There seems to be no actual software any more. If you search the forum, you will find posts way back complaining about problems with the firmware, and no solution. Fujitsu has discontinued development. - If your scanner is still working, continue as it is. - If you have problems, then the only solutions seems to be to convert it into a standard ix500. To do this, get the most recent firmware from Fujitsu, and download it to the ix500/EN-edition. Somewhere in the forum was a good description step-by-step. It will stop to behave like an edition scanner, but it will work again. There is no way back, so after the new firmware got deployed, this is it. I have a standard ix500, working fine ... So before doing so, maybe invest some time into a more profound research, here in the forum and elsewhere.
  22. Sync everything from the old Mac. Go into the web client. Check whether everything is there. In the web client, take the old Mac out as device. Install EN on the new Mac, enter your account data, sync everything from the server. Because of the 2-device-limit, you have to take the old Mac out before EN will sync to the new one. The web client never counts as a "device".
  23. Maybe you are aware of this: There is an older thread about adding markup capability to EN. I am not sure whether this is an own topic, or whether it should be joined into the general markdown thread. Staying here the votes will probably split.
  24. Maybe the sync problems are related to the „no-notebook-assigned“ observation. It could be worth to check this up. The problems with following up on the notebooks (creating, syncing, sharing, deleting, and this over devices) is one reason why I switched from having many notebooks to having few, and do the majority of the information assignments by tags.
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