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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. ... and again: If you run EN as it is designed, with a master copy on the EN cloud server, you have one copy in an absolutely safe place and it is remote, which means you have solved at least half of your backup problem as well.
  2. ... In any case, local or not, your main (working) EN database MUST be installed on drive C:, which is the main drive of your Windows PC. EN will not work from a database installed on any other drive, especially not on any external drive. For performance this C:-drive should be an SSD, not a classical HDD with a spinning disk. Most performance issues here in the forum can be related to running a large EN installation on a HDD. Then because all you have is local, you need to do backups. I personally run my backups from my Windows PC unsing a program called Acronis True Image. It is easy to set up, runs completely stable and the recovery works (I’ve tried it). Follow the 3-2-1 rule when doing backups: - Hold 3 copies of your data - 2 of them on another media (not another drive in the same machine) - 1 of them in another place (friends, relatives, bank vault) Maybe check Wikipedia about backup strategies. But do not think too much about it - run the first one right now, then start optimizing.
  3. Hi, just another opinion: I understand your cloud-aversion. However, as stated above, EN is mainly meant to run with a master copy of all notes on an EN server. It is designed to work like this, although it can be operated locally, as you intend to do. If you think again about using the cloud: It is no public cloud, but reserved by and for EN. Your data is encrypted, EN holds a copy of the key to do the OCR (optical character recognition). This is done by a machine that does not „read“ anything in the literal sense, it just makes sure that your search is working fine by automatically adding new notes to the search index. If you have thousands of notes, you should really rethink your position: The full text search for every bit and piece of text and information is why I am enthusiastic about using EN. It will find it, in a blink of a moment, even among thousands of notes, some with pdf-attachments containing hundreds of pages of content. You will need a Premium a count to use it. ...
  4. @michaeln Sorry but you do not give any information about where you were working when creating these notes. What device, which OS, webclient or an EN app etc. ? Since the apps are different in the way the store and process information, it is difficult to give an advice on such a narrow input.
  5. To check on the server, one way is to compare the number of notes per notebook. If there is a difference, sort and check for missing notes. To reinstall, first download the app Appcleaner. It is advised to use this app for all uninstalls, not only for Evernote. It allows to remove every item related to a given program when uninstalling. Doing it through the Mac own process often leaves residue of data on the system. Then make sure that you are fully synced. You can run an ENEX export of your data as well, these can stay on your Mac. The same is true for time machine backups containing the current EN installation, they will not harm the uninstall. Now make a full uninstall of EN, using Appcleaner. Make sure you manually check all elements shown in the Appcleaner window. By default, some parts are not checked, so check them manually. Execute ... When done, go to the EN website and download the current version there. The version from the Macs App Store is identical. But it will always install in a sandboxed mode. And this will cause trouble - I had it myself until I uninstalled and switched to the website download. Download, install, and enter with your account credentials. EN will „see“ that there is more data on the server than local, and will begin syncing everything from the server. Depending on your Internet connection, this may take a while. Once it is through, you will have a virgin EN installation filled with the data from the server account. This is my experience on my Mac. If you have any questions, I strongly recommend that you contact support to get an official guideline.
  6. When you are done resolving the conflicts, make sure you have synced everything to the server. The version on the EN server is the master copy, from which you can build or rebuild your devices database. Next you can rebuild the search index. For this, hold the option key on your Mac before opening the HELP menu. There will be further options now (on my MacBook Pro 3 of them), and one is meant to repair the search index. Choose it, and let it run. When it is done, recheck the search issue. Solved ? Then o.k., no further action needed. If not, sync, delete, reinstall ...
  7. That is a lot of stuff to answer, and sorry maybe goes further than my knowledge, because here we have a bunch of problems. The conflicting notes messages mean something went wrong with keeping some notes integrity. How does this happen: You are offline with one device, and change something in a note. Before this can sync, on another device either the web version or an offline version of the same note is changed as well. BANG - when everything is online again and syncing, poor EVERNOTE will not know which version is the correct one, so it writes duplicates, and an error message. Because it can not resolve the conflict, you have to look after this manually. Either keep both versions, or copy and paste what is correct, or merge both notes into one, and delete what is too much now. To be continued ...
  8. As posted above this is most likely related to the monitor config and the graphics card built into the device. Most business notebooks run only an integrated graphics solution on the CPU which will emulate a multi-monitor setup, because it does not have the horsepower to provide high resolution with high speed to all monitors at the same time. Because this depends on the hardware, the monitor setup and the drivers, you will have to test it out.
  9. When you are in the web client, at the bottom right edge of the window is a button. There you can switch between the beta and the classical editor. From your description you are in beta.
  10. No issue on my Mac either. Must have to do something with settings, startup or within Safari, or a helpful extension like Alfred.
  11. Import from SD-Card to the iPad works, but without options. It will grab all pictures that are on the SD card, ignore all the rest (no general file import), check for duplicates and push the new ones into photos. I prefer to have a chance to review the pics still on the SD card and eliminate all those that do not need to be imported. Then the photos app on the iPad lacks a lot of functions available on the Mac: Tagging, EXIF-editing, Smart Albums etc. So I prefer to get pictures to the Mac. Then I am using a program called Graphics Converter (that is much more than just a converter) to sort through, build the catalogue, get the tags and EXIFs set, and save it into a folder structure. It will even do RAW development and basic editing. Affinity is then for the few pics that need further editing.
  12. Maybe it is just a question of patience. Some betas were closed to new participants because they wanted to run it with the same bunch of people from the beginning to the end. Makes for more valid results, when you do not have new people dropping in halfway through.
  13. With Affinity Photo there is an excellent iPad-Adaptation of the Mac/Windows Program. I would advise to run it on an iPad Pro to have enough horsepower, preferably with a lot of memory. Each JPEG + RAW carries appr. 40MB ... The combination with the pencil is a dream when working on the pics. Full RAW development and editing is included, and for purchase, not as an abo. There is Affinity Designer and Publisher as well for the iPad, making for a full creative publishing workflow in iOS. The only thing I am missing is a powerful import and catalogue app for the iPad. Affinity up to now has nothing similar to Lightroom. And the Photos app is quite restricted on the iPad, compared to the Mac. Because I have a 32“ photo-calibrated high-res HDR monitor to do my picture work on my MacBook Pro, it is still more the Mac than the iPad for this. I am now hoping that with „sidecar“, it will become possible to use the iPad with pencil as a graphics tablet for the Mac. But on holiday, when you want to travel light, I have a full photo import & editing suite with me, just carrying my camera, a small SD-to-lightning-Adapter and my iPad Pro 10.5. If the Hotel WiFi is good enough, I can even sync what I download to the iPad into iCloud, making sure I do not loose pictures just in case.
  14. Thanks again for sharing. With „side-by-side“ installations I would rethink doing betas. As it is now, I can not integrate the need to have a solid, performant app and at the same time do a beta. So NO BETA until this can be done independently from the actual productive app version. P.S. This forum is full of postings where users complain about bugs, that you can’t reproduce, and then you find out they are „beta-ing“. Maybe the background color of all betas should be changed, to a light green or something.
  15. iPad- only is within reach for practically all day-to-day stuff. I am waiting for iPadOS, and the improvement of apps like EN that will be possible then. However, real editing of photos will see me using my Mac for quite a while to come.
  16. Spotlight is a Mac search, works for the whole system and has nothing to do with EN itself. You get it through the search field in the topmost menu/gadget-bar of your Mac, mostly to the right of your screen. This search is used as well by little helper apps like Alfred. With Mojave, it is a known issue that the Mac-side search will only find word in the TITLES of EN notes; not in the note text, not in the attachments and no tags. Even if you rebuild the spotlight search index, this will not improve. The internal search field of EN is available when the Program is open. It is top right inside of the program window. There you search using the internal search index of the EN app itself. This index you can rebuild by holding option, opening Help and pick the first of the additional options. Search can be a little bit off, when it depends on OCR. This is inside of pdf-documents, the yellow markers. Sometimes the OCR will think it identified a word, that in fact is something else. Can happen, especially when the font is weird, print is small or bad quality, or the scan is low resolution. This cuts both ways, it may find words that are not there, and it may not find words that are there. With good scans in typical font sizes, the OCR is reliable.
  17. There is one profile for direct scan into EN as default. I have created 2 more, one for duplex, one for simplex. It does this page detection automatically, but sometimes I scan this "environmental" paper that is tinted in a light gray. And then I get all backs scanned as pages as well, because the hue is interpreted as information. It sends it into a new note, assigns a standard notebook (@Inbox, for example), you can even have it detect Information to use as a title (when it finds "Invoice" and a date, it should create a note title "Invoice & Date". However this works randomly ...). I prefer not to use this. It will open a new EN window with the note, so you can title it, tag it and send it to the correct notebook right away. To get it OCRed, there is an option to "create a searchable pdf". If it is off, the OCR will be done by EN on the server.
  18. There is another thread in the forum. The user there had an instant un-freezing of his windows app when he emptied this directory ! Maybe this should happen automatically, and in some cases, the job gets stuck. Who has a freezing issue with his windows client should close EN, look up this path C:\Users\{username}\Evernote\Databases\Attachments, and empty it. Then restart the app. At least in some reported cases this did an unfreeze !
  19. With my use of EN, in the end I want to get that stuff into a note fast and easy. I want to do this early, and Avoid this stack of paper waiting to get processed to pile up again. The pdf must be searchable (no matter how, but with a high reliability of the OCR result), and the scanner management should be simple. Today I would go for the ix1500, because I can pick the profile right at the scanner. But taking the Ix500 for granted (it is not written off yet ...), I think the Home release has enough options to serve my scanning needs. Scanning photos is another story. If I want really good quality scans, in fact I prefer to take a picture off the picture with a real camera, in RAW format. Most older prints have some color change from age and light exposure, and to compensate for this, the electronic image as a starting point must have every information possible. If it is just a copy of a picture that I need, I run it through the ix500, high resolution to JPEG. Somehow I prefer to send these to a folder instead of right into EN. It is easier to add some EXIF information there, and maybe run it through the object and person recognition of my postprocessing SW. Only a minor part of my photos will find their way into EN.
  20. Funny bug, that picks the users he wants to irritate. Seems I did some good works in my former life that still helps my karma to keep the little beasts at bay ... By the way, most of my scanning is done with ScannerPro. A little with OfficeLens, and with the internal scanner of the EN app (not Scannable).
  21. I use 1Password, that has a master container in the web. It allows to store the one-time-codes used for override mode of 2FA-accounts. If the codes are dynamically produced by an Authenticator App, the numbers will show in the 1PW- app as well. Because I have a permanent copy of my stuff in iCloud, I would just have to get a new iPhone, and could restore any stolen or destroyed device within hours. Who does not want to put all eggs into one basket may file the override codes printed on paper in a safe place.
  22. Checked it today, I am already on ScanSnap Home. Got my new Mac after it was released, so I loaded it anyhow. Yes, it is somewhat restricted, but it works. By creating own profiles, or modify the presets, you can set up many issues that are missing in the standard settings. Resolution, compression rate, OCR or not, simplex/duplex, color settings etc. I am using it alternating with the Windows software, and am not really missing functions.
  23. Since the issue is 32bit-SW expiring in MacOS one day (maybe with Catalina), I will upgrade the OS anyhow. To me, the difference to ScanSnapManager seems to be not that massive: But maybe I am in for a surprise ...
  24. There is just one toggle in the ipad app that was up to my knowledge related to this issue. When it does, what you want, good. Else you have to live with it, or ask support.
  25. If you mean the automatic localization, this can be toggled on and off in the settings: Account (little man in the left column) - Settings - Notes - then it is the second toggle from the bottom that controls this feature.
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