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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. NO setting need to be adjusted to mimic legacy. There is no way to mimic legacy by settings - and this is the right approach by all means. It‘s a new generation of software, and it was never build to mimic an outdated, years •00 design. Learn how to use it - and forget to find outdated code in some obscure corner. It’s not there.
  2. Downsized or not. Relocated or not. Fact is it’s not working - in this very moment. It is no consolation for a user with an urgent actual problem that in the long term the strategy will lead to an improvement. There is a time for strategy - and there is a time to take action and „stop the bleeding“. Nobody expects an engineering miracle in bug hunting. But WTF stops these guys to sort out payment and account downgrade issues 24/7 ??? And THIS can be outsourced for sure !
  3. Don’t know what you are criticizing then. The scratchpad is one of the elements of the new mobile GUI.
  4. You could try these pages: https://dev.evernote.com/support/glossary.php https://dev.evernote.com
  5. Usually the Store version will update without Admin privileges.
  6. Different users share the same client and install, but run on their own database each. It depends on the root cause: If something is wrong with the install, it will carry over. If it is within the database, the new user will do ok
  7. That’s the right software, and freemacsoft is the developer.
  8. The forum is user2user, and this is a rather old thread. For feedback send an email at this address: feedback@evernote.com
  9. You seem to have a problem with a specific phone. In this case a way outdated model (released 2017) with an exceptional small screen with in todays terms low resolution (4.6" with only 720p resolution). If you were a subscriber, I would direct you to contact support. Since you are on Free, this is no option. I think you have to take it as it is, and either move to a different device, or to another notes app. Even if support would know, I doubt they would build a special routine just to accommodate an old, outgoing phone.
  10. What you describe is to duplicate notes, just to have them in different places. This is what typically happens in Tree-style file-folder-Systems. And it should be avoided, it is bad practice. There is the concept of tags in EN. The idea behind tags is that every note can be tagged with several tags at the same time - but it is always the same note, existing just one time. This way the note is updated in all "views" (created by the tags) at the same time, when it is edited. Example: You have a note related to 2 persons (Carlos, Luisa), a project (Project A) and a Place (Mystery Hotel). Instead of copying this note into a notebook for Carlos, one for Luisa, one for the Project A and one for the Mystery Hotel, you have it (for example) only once (1) in the Notebook for Project A. You then add tags for Carlos, Luisa and the Mystery Hotel. Need to add Alexandro ? Don't duplicate the note again - just add the Tag Alexandro. You can easily filter for tags, together with notebooks or other properties. You can build searches from the filters, and save them for future use.
  11. iOS version ? Client version ? There are no hidden notebooks. What may be is a corrupted local database, that does not show all content. If you open your account to the web client: Does everything show ?
  12. It should not happen that anything directed at the Teams account is created in your Personal account instead. The Personal account that comes with any Teams account is for personal use, and strictly separate from the Teams account. It has different access credentials. So first thing is to check which account was given access to the 3rd party app that creates the notes. A Space is a view on notebooks - it allows to access several notebooks. The relation of Notebooks to Spaces is build by the admin - the API and external apps have no access to it. Furthermore I get the idea that things are mixed up here. Do you really create a new NoteBOOK when a new File enters your CRM ? I could understand there is a NOTE created, but not a NoteBOOK. And if it is a NoteBOOK, sending it to a specific Space plus making it a default would take several steps. I doubt this will be supported. Even if your description leaves open questions, I would approach the workflow differently: Create a series of Import Folders, each one related to a notebook in the place where you want to send the new content. Build the automation in a way that when a File is created, it is send to the specific Import Folder that is linked to the Notebook / Space where you want it to go. The Import Folder then moves it to the connected notebook - which should be defined as a sort of Inbox for the appropriate Space, with users knowing that when a new note shows up in the notebook, it should be taken to the process. You choose the Space by selecting the right Import Folder through the rules the automation is following.
  13. Maybe read the posts above yours. Then try to piece it together why the idea got burned, long ago.
  14. Every app developer makes choice of his own. Then user like it, and use the app. Or they don't ...
  15. The thing is that with all the changed data structures, probably your database got corrupted down the track. The best way would probably be to make a fresh install: Log out, quit the app, then remove the whole install using the app AppCleaner. Then restart the Mac, get a fresh download from the EN website, open and log in. This will create a new local database from the server. Leave the app open in the background for a while, to allow it to make a full download. If a Personal subscription is balanced by the value created in a light use case is another story.
  16. Penultimate is actually another piece of outdated, unsupported code in the old ENs kingdom. EN bought it „back then“ as part of a diversification into pen writing, make a bad integration into the EN app, and left it without giving it much attention. If you ever used a modern handwriting oriented app you won’t look back. Unless you own a „Jot Script“ stylus (WTF is that ???). Personally I use GoodNotes.
  17. You can’t install it directly, as you would install an app. You need to install Homebrew first. Then you install the GitHub project through Homebrew:
  18. Maybe read that page again to which you posted the link - this time include the fine print at the bottom …
  19. I couldn’t disagree more. It now takes 1 tap from the notes view to reach any existing category: Notebooks, Tags and Shares top row, Notes and Reminders second row, Notes, Shortcuts, Tasks and Calendar bottom row, plus the Create-Options. Pretty lean and efficient, better than before since it doesn’t take any scrolling to get at any category. For users who mainly use Tags Notebooks are relatively unimportant, BTW. This interface serves all.
  20. Is it a new account, or a revived old account ? If it is a revived account It may be that the notes have not downloaded yet.
  21. There is no export from EN to any contacts book any more, to no OS. The contact data is stored in the note only. There are fields, and they can be filled and edited - but not easily moved elsewhere.
  22. Opt out is the default. If you want it, just don’t use any AI function. When you decide to use an AI function, you decide to opt in.
  23. If I start the app on the Mac offline, it takes 5 seconds. Which simply shows: The rest of the time is used to bring my content up to date, with an initial sync. Which is a) a good idea and b) requires some time to execute. Conclusion: If you can't wait 10 seconds longer, just go offline before you open the app. Or send a feature request to get the app opened and nicely showing while it syncs the latest changes. 10 seconds ...
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